Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 194: Garden Ring

Chapter 194: Garden Ring

Garden Ring was a peaceful place. A welcome change after the forest, the dinosaurs, the village, space bubbles, and the labyrinth.

Grasslands stretched as far the eye could see, interspersed with the occasional small tree or bush. Grass blades swayed in the wind, dancing to its silent tune, and the faraway fences resembled farms.

Of course, that was only from afar.

Garden Ring was a grassland dotted by gardens. The cave ceiling here was only five miles high, with the now-familiar sun mushrooms growing in regular intervals, and the Ring itself was a sphere so small in radius that its curvature was clearly visible in the distance.

There was no danger to the grassland or the gardens. Garden Ring was the reward for everyone who had made it this far. The grassland was meant to let the cultivators relax and cultivate in peace, while the gardens held rewards that one could claim either freely or by passing certain testsbut nothing dangerous.

Each garden held its own, unique rewards. They were surrounded by tall wooden fences and filled with light mist, not letting the cultivators peek in, but they had gates with the gardens name clearly visible. The closest one to where Jack appeared after teleporting was named Herb Garden. The next was Beast Garden. According to Gan Salin, there was also a Dao Garden, a Body Garden, a Mind Garden, a Soul Garden, a Magic Garden, a Weapons Garden, a Tools Garden, a Spirit Garden, and a Knowledge Garden. The last and most precious of them was Trial Garden.

Twelve gardens in total, each tens of square miles in size. Together, they occupied half of Garden Ring.

Besides the gardens and the grassland, there were two unique locations. One was where Jacks group appeared after teleporting; a stone circle on the ground with a pedestal in the middle. That pedestal served as both the entrance and the exit of Garden Ring, teleporting everyone outside when they touched it again.

The second unique location was a closed door that stood a hundred feet away from the stone circle. It was twice as tall as Jack, with a bare wooden surface. Behind it, however, lay nothing. It was just a door standing on the grassland by itself.

Whats that? Jack asked after looking around.

The ninth ring, Salin replied from the side. All of them had teleported together this time. The Final Ring.

And its justthere? No labyrinth to cross? No trials to pass?

Salin laughed. The Final Ring is easy to access. However, it is impossible to conquer.

Oh? Jack raised a brow. Right then, System screens popped up.

Congratulations! Title Sixth Ring Conqueror upgraded to Seventh Ring Conqueror!

Efficacy of all stats: +30% +35%

Garden Ring Quest:

  • Lay claim to the current Top Treasure: Dao Sprouting Pill.

Oh, Jack repeated. No need to reach the next ring this time.

There is no point. As I said, the Final Ring is right there.

Right. And conquering it is impossible?

Salin nodded. The Final Ring is the smallest of all. Just one room. One battle. Achieve victory, and you will make history in the galaxy Too bad its impossible, he added quickly, spotting Jacks interested look. Youll see. Someone will face it soon enough.

Jack looked around. They werent alone on the stone circle. Everyone had teleported. He could see the three Lords, each standing with their two followers. He also saw several other teams of cultivators talking amongst each other in hushed or excited tones. Only the Sages team was missingeither something had happened to them in the labyrinth, or they just hadnt made it in time to face the labyrinths guardian.

Everyone present was sneaking glances at the Final Door.

What is going on? Jack asked.

This time, it was Nauja who explained. Delvers have a tradition for this ring. When they arrive, one of them will cross the Final Door and face the Final Guardian.

Really? So they just sacrifice someone?

There is no danger to their lives. The Final Guardian doesnt kill anyone, as long as theyre respectful.

I see. Jack looked at the three Lords, wondering which one of them would step forth.

Not them, Salin intervened. The Final Guardian may not kill the challenger, but getting publicly beaten up is still humiliating. The Lords wont stain their reputation. Traditionally, it is always one of their followers who

Trial Planet has been a hell of a ride! A voice boomed out among the cultivators. Bocors. He stepped out of the pack, walking directly to the Final Door. My strength may be insufficient to conquer this planet, but I will never be satisfied unless I give it a shot. Let I, Bocor Aximar of the Animal Kingdom, face the Final Guardian and bring glory to my faction.

Of course its him, Nauja whispered, rolling her eyes. Like hed lose a chance to humiliate himself.

Humiliation is temporary, but power is forever, Jack replied. Even if he cant win, fighting that guardian could be a beneficial experience.

Salin shrugged. Eh. There is a difference between a fight and a stomp.

Is it really that strong?

I told you, its impossible even for the Lords. For Bocor Well, youll see.

As Bocor approached the door, everyone looked over. He stood before it. His horns reached slightly over its halfway mark, and even his wide shoulders seemed small compared to this doors width.

Bocor put his hands against the double door and pushed. It opened soundlessly. The terrain behind it wasnt the grasslands. Instead, a throne room was revealed, similar to the labyrinth guardians but far grander. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, lit candles were stuck to iron columns, and a warm red carpet stretched from the entrance to the end of the room, where a man sat on a golden throne.

As Bocor stepped into the room, the man slowly opened his eyes. He looked like an old human, what with his white beard and wrinkled skin. However, there was an edge to him. His beard was sharp and trimmed, his eyes piercing. He donned a set of iron armor, like a medieval knights, complete with a red cape, a helmet that only left his face exposed, and a red cape that stretched behind him and over the top of the golden throne.

Another challenger, he muttered as he stood. His eyes were fixed on Bocor, but more with criticism than interest. Another unworthy child. Why must you remind me of our descendants weakness?

Greetings, elder, Bocor said, bowing low. I am here to receive your teachings.

All you will receive is a good beating.

Salin leaned to Jacks ear and whispered, The Final Guardian is always like that, even when Lords challenge him. Do you see now why they dont want to face him?

Jack didnt reply. Even though he was looking at the Final Guardian through the door, it felt odd, like there was a very thin gauze between him and the room. Though the door remained open, Salin had made it clear that only one person could enter at a timeand, as Jack snuck a look around the door, he still only saw grassland.

Is it a wormhole? he wondered.

Additionally, he couldnt scan the Final Guardianor Bocor, now that he was inside the throne room.

Brock must have felt equally baffled. As everyone had crowded around the door to watch, he raised a hand and gently prodded the opening. Something stopped him, an invisible wall. Intervening in this battle really was impossible.

Suddenly, the Final Guardian hefted his mace. His cape billowed in an unseen wind. The chandeliers rocked on the ceiling, and the candle flames flickered. An invisible force spread throughout the throne room, suffusing it so hard that a hint even leaked out of the Final Door, showering the world in its might.

Jack held his breath. That was the power of the D-Grade. The Final Guardian was an immortal.

And they were supposed to beat him in single combat!?

In the span of a single moment, the guardian had gone from a strict old man to an unsurpassable existence. He towered at the far end of the room like a king. Across from him, Bocors legs were shaking. It took all he had just to keep his shield up. The pressure he was facing was undoubtedly far greater than what Jack sensed.

You challenge me, but you cannot even withstand my presence? the guardian said, his voice dripping with disappointment. Begone, child. Go play with your friends in Garden Ring. Go waste the treasures we left behind.

Holding up his shield was all Bocor could do. Jack watched with rapt attention, straining his eyes to catch every movement.

It didnt matter. The Final Guardian stepped before Bocor so fast that it resemble teleportation. Jack only saw afterimages.

The steel mace sailed into the shield. It looked effortless. The guardian was clearly holding back.

And yet, Bocors feet left the ground, his shield dented inward until it met his ribs, and then he went flying back through the door, above the crowd, into the grassland beyond. He rolled for a while before stopping. His tower shield sported a massive dent. So did the front of his plate armor, like he was a tin can struck by a train.

He wasnt dead, but his pained bellows struck home how fierce the guardians attack had been. That was the power of an immortal.

Jack looked back at the Final Door. It slammed shut, with only the guardians dismissive expression as a parting gift.

The healers rushed at Bocor, fixing the damage before it killed him. Jack, meanwhile, turned to Gan Salin.

What the hell was that? he asked. Do we really have to beat an immortal in single combat?

If you want the Ninth Ring Conqueror title, yes. But its impossible. The Final Guardian is at the D-Grade, and we cannot become immortals while inside Trial Planet, as the laws of this place actively prevent breakthroughs. Facing him is impossible.

But then, why have this trial in the first place? There has to be a way.

Salin shook his head. There is nothing. The factions have been cracking their heads over this for a million year. They have searched everything there is to search but come up with nothing. The only way to beat the guardian is to become strong enough to fight a D-Grade in the E-Grade.

Is that even possible?

Of course not.

Are you sure?

Salin hesitated. Look. Lords have strong Titles, three fused Dao Roots, and perfect Dao Seeds. Despite all that, they can only survive for a few seconds against the Final Guardian. Even those legendary existences with four fused Dao Rootsonly a handful of whom have appeared in the galaxys historywere unable to beat the guardian. I really dont see how anyone could be stronger than them in the E-Grade. So yes, its impossible.

...Thats just cheating.

Hey, dont blame me. I just repeat what Ive been told. Salin shrugged again, then smiled. I know what youre thinking. If you want to face the guardian, you can go at it. He wont kill you. Just keep in mind that everyone gets a single opportunity to challenge him. If I were you, Id save it for when youre about to leave Trial Planet, when youre at your strongest. Who knows? By then, you might be good enough to earn something off this experience.

Jack looked up. I guess

Bocor was healed by now. He was currently punching the inside of his armor to straighten it, while his dented shield was strapped to his back again. Everyone else had turned their eyes away from the Final Door and were chatting in groups. Even the Lords were huddled up, pointing in a certain direction.

Jack threw the Final Door a last glance before turning to Salin again. What are they talking about? he asked, motioning with his head at the Lords.

The Trial Garden, Salin replied. Remember the Garden Ring Quest? It mentioned a Top Treasure. There is only one of those at any given moment, and it is hidden in Trial Garden. The Lords and their followers will head there soon.

Hmm. Wait. Can they all get the treasure at the same time?

Salin winked. Thats the cool part. No, they cant. They will work together to get past the dangers of Trial Garden, then backstab each other towards the end to get the treasure for themselves. Its pretty exciting.

Really? They seem pretty friendly to me.

The Lords were currently discussing spiritedly with each other, like old friends hatching a plan.

They are, for now, Salin replied. But they all know theyll be killing each other soon. This is just Lords being Lords.

Hah. I guess.

Jacks thoughts, however, refused to leave this be. The three Lords would be fighting each other to gain the Top Treasure of Garden Ring and the title of Eighth Ring Conqueror.

Those sounded like nice things. He wanted them, too. After all, to defeat the Planetary Overseer of Earth in one year, he had to fight for every scrap of power he could possibly get.

Could he participate in their battle? Or would he die instantly?

Salin, he asked, how exactly does this work?


The hunt for the Top Treasure.

Oh. The Lords and their followers will go to Trial Garden. Its a big thing filled with traps and other dangersthe only dangerous place of Trial Garden. It also contains better treasures than the other gardens, even excluding the Top Treasure. But its trials are difficult. The Lords will work together until the end, when they will fight each other in a big brawl. Other people can join them too, helping the Lords get past the traps in the hopes of getting their scrapsthe other treasures of Trial Garden.

Hmm Jack still stared at the three Lords, who seemed to have come to an agreement. And everyone else?

Everyone else will be touring the other eleven gardens of Garden Ring. There is no danger, and everyone has a good chance of getting some treasures. They arent as precious as the ones in Trial Garden, but theyre much saferunless another cultivator kills you, of course, but you know how that goes. It happens to the best of us.

Right. So, I can either play it safe and get slightly inferior treasures, or risk Trial Garden for a chance to get better ones.

Pretty much.

Then, why didnt you lead with that? It isnt even a choice.

Salin laughed. I suspected as much. In any case, Im not coming. My current strength is just too weakif I came along, I would just have to ride on your shoulders again, and I dont want that. Plus, your sagely friend said my fortune was deeper than Space Ring, and it wasnt in Labyrinth Ring, so it has to be somewhere around here. I will search and find it!

He was all smiles. Reaching this deep in Trial Planet was a dream come true for him, especially after the Animal Kingdom hadnt even given him an entrance token.

Ill stay outside, too, Nauja added. Barbarians are no free-loaders. I will stay here, where I can hunt for treasures with my own strength.

Jack nodded at them. For the record, I dont see any of you as free-loaders, he replied, but didnt try to persuade them into coming. He could see their point. In their place, he might have done the same.

After all, the best growth came not from having the most precious resources, but by fighting for yourself with no one to rely on.

Very well, he continued. Then, I guess its just me and Bro

Brock, however, shook his head. No, he said.

Jack looked on in shock. No?


The brorilla then embarked on a miming journey as he described his intentions to Jack. Jack watched with narrowed eyes.

Are you saying you want to stay out here and gather resources? he tried.


That you understand you are the little bro, so you would rather help out here than burden me in Trial Garden?


You are not a burden, Brock.

Brock shook his head. He pointed to his bicep, then mimed it being small.

You may not be strong enough yet, Jack told him, but you will be, soon. Dont underestimate yourself.

Brock frowned in disapproval. He mimed some more things.

Oh, Jack said. There is no need to worry because you know exactly what youre doing? That bravery is not the same as stupidity, which would be the case if you came to Trial Garden? That you want to chase your own fortune?

Brock nodded.

Jack scratched his head. I see. Okay then, bro. I understand. Sorry for doubting you.

No problem, Brock replied with a monkey grin.

Jack wanted to say many more things. If he was in Trial Garden and Brock was alone outside, he wouldnt be able to protect him. What if another cultivator attacked him? What if something bad happened?

But he understood. If he always protected Brock, the brorilla would never grow. Sometimes, you had to let others walk by themselves, even at the risk of falling. That was the true path to growth.

Very well, he said again, extending a handshake to Brock. Then, Ill see you on the way out.

Yes, bro.

Brock shook Jacks hand. They exchanged a glance. He waved goodbye to the other two, as well. Then, Jack turned and walked toward the group that was gathering around the Lords.

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