Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 197: Trial Garden

Chapter 197: Trial Garden

A mist-filled garden stretched in the distance. It was surrounded by a thick metal fence long enough that Jack couldnt see its end on either side, and so tall that it resembled more castle walls than fence. In its midst, right where they were headed, stood a hundred-foot-wide opening with the words Trial Garden written on a plaque over its top.

Wow, Jack said. Thats a big garden.

Unfortunately, there was nobody to reply. Brock, Nauja, and Gan Salin had left to explore other gardens. Lady Priya had made it clear they wouldnt be allies inside the garden, so he respected that and didnt walk beside her team. Longsword treated him coldly after the latters rejection, and Bocor was a downright enemy.

Besides those, Jack knew nobody. Well, he did know a few people from the labyrinth guardian antechamber, but the Wide Swirls woman who had first approached him was missing. The rest of the group were present, but none was particularly responsive to Jacks chatting, so he lay the matter to rest.

He didnt need company, anyway. It was just pleasant to have.

Their group jogged the distance to the gardens entrance. It was even more impressive from up-close. Light mist began almost exactly at the gate, spreading inward and denying visibility.

Attention, everyone, Lady Minerva said, raising a hand. The other Lords had let her posture as a leaderwhether because of her personal strength, backing, or both. Jack didnt know. We will now enter Trial Garden, one of Trial Planets most mystical locations. You are all expected to follow our commands to the letter and without objection. In return, you take all treasures except the Dao Sprouting Pill. Anyone who disagrees should leave now. You can still find fortune in other gardens.

The crowd of cultivators glanced at each other, but no one moved. Besides the Lords and their followers, there were nine people present, the galaxys cream of the crop. Since they had come all the way here, they obviously wouldnt change their mind.

Good, Minerva said, turning to the gate. Then, we enterand may the System help us.

Jack fought down a smirk. He expected something moreinspiring. A rousing speech, perhaps.

Regardless, they entered. One by one, they walked into the mist, letting it slither around them until it swallowed them altogether.

There was a chill to this mist. It felt dangerous, somehow; almost as if insisting they should exit and pick another garden. At the same time, this mist was rife with energy. Jack could feel it pressing against his skin. Elemental bursts, flourishing life, bone-chilling death, bundles of emotions that passed over him like cold currents.

All they managed was to rile him up.

Suddenly, light flared from up ahead. Lady Minerva had lit a torch of spectral white flame with a body of rune-carved steel. Though this mist was undoubtedly magical, so was the torchlight, forcing it to recede by a few dozen feet in every direction. Their surroundings were still covered in rolling white, but there was now a bubble of visibility wide enough to fit all of them.

Much better, Lady Minerva said. Guide?

A person stepped out of the crowd. He was a man with pale blue skin, fins, and gillsa merfolk.

Merfolk, Level 123

Faction: Deep Sea Shrine (B-Grade)

Title: Seventh Ring Conqueror

Present, milady, the merfolk said in a dignified, yet oddly soothing voice. Allow me to divine the way forward.

Please do.

The merfolk walked at the front of the procession and started advancing slowly. Jack caught a glimpse of his closed eyes and constant murmuring.

Why do we need a guide? he wondered. Does this garden change every time, like the labyrinth?

He had no one to ask, so he just stayed silent and kept walking.

Trial Garden was a large place. Since they were now walking instead of jogging, it took them a while to reach the first point of interest. Nothing happened in the meantime. They were constantly surrounded by mist, so Jack had no idea what their surroundings looked like. For all he knew, they could be walking on a thin strip of land with ocean on either side, or in a perfectly empty garden.

Suddenly, however, the guide paused. A moment later, he opened his eyes and said, There is a trap ahead, Lords.

Finally, Longsword replied. Slow trot, everyone. Lets scout.

Their pace slowed to a crawl. Five minutes later, a shape emerged from the mist. It was a wall, blocking the path ahead and extending to either side farther than their light could reach. It also stretched higher than their light. In the middle of the wall, however, there was a ten-foot-wide, ten-foot-tall, and thirty-foot-long tunnel that led directly to the other side.

A formation, Lady Minerva said. Priya, I believe you have a formation master. This one is for you.

Kareena. Priya beckoned, and the silver-haired healer stepped forth.

Of course, my Lady, she replied with a light bow.

Of course, Jack had no idea what a formation was, let alone a formation master, but a few discreet inquiries later, he found out.

Formations were basically trap-puzzles. Formation masters, in turn, was just a fancy name for the people good at these puzzles. Apparently, they had to study thick tomes full of solved formations, so they could memorize their patterns and have an idea of what to do when faced with unknown ones. The greatest formation masters could solve every formation ever createdor so insisted the draconic woman who fed Jack this information.

Kareena was nowhere near a true formation master, but she was good enough for Trial Planet.

At the behest of her Lady, Kareena approached the opening and began scrutinizing it. Jack, curious to see what a formation looked like, did the same.

The tunnel wasnt as simple as it appeared. The walls were riddled with irregularly-spaced tiny holesvery suspicious for a tunnel. The floor was a series of stone squares with three-foot-long sides. These squares were arranged in nine rows of three, completely covering the floor of the tunnel.

If this was a puzzle, Jack could easily tell what was going on: they had to cross by stepping on the right squares, or they would be riddled withdarts? Indiana Jones often faced dart traps. Why would this be any different?

There were also shapes drawn on all squares. They resembled animals, but no two of them were identical. On the twenty-seven squares, Jack spotted twenty-seven distinct animals ranging from ants to octopi to lions to things he didnt quite recognize.

Why cant we just fly over? he asked. Any one of them could easily clear a thirty-foot-long jump. The ceiling was high enough, too.

Because we arent suicidal, Kareena replied. Formations are meant to be solved, not bypassed. At least, not easily. Teleporting to the other side would be fine, but trying to fly across would probably end with you dead before you even crossed the middle point.

What if Im fast enough to dodge the darts? Or durable enough that they cant pierce my skin?

Kareenas frown deepened. Im trying to work. If you have more questions, please bother someone else. She then turned back to the squares.

That wasnt a very nice thing to say. Then again, Jack had probably insulted her expertise. Whatever, he concluded.

A few minutes passed. There wasnt much for Jack to do, so he settled for watching the squares. He tried to find patternsand succeeded, too. The problem was, he found many of them.

For example, every line of squares had exactly one bipedal animal. However, every line also had exactly one quadruped animal. There were winged ones every two lines, and fish every three.

In fact, the more Jack watched, the more patterns he discovered, realizing that the point of the puzzle wasnt to find the patternit was to decide which patterns had priority. He had to admit that he had no idea how to do that. Which was a good thingbecoming a formation master would mean reading thick tomes, which would take away from his punching time. He liked his punching time.

Kareena also struggled. Half an hour later, she finally said, I think I got it. Jack couldnt tell whether she was confident or not, but he really didnt mind, either. It wasnt like hed be the one to

Perfect. How about you volunteer, Jack Rust? Longswords voice came cheerful. You seemed very interested in that formation. Maybe crossing it would give you some insights, the first step to becoming a genius formation master!

Jack was not at all intrigued by the possibility. He didnt want to be a guinea pig. I dont particularly feel like studying formations, he replied.

Nonsense. Im sure this will do you good, Longsword insisted.

Next to him, Bocor sported an ugly smile. Jack frowned and was about to respond when Priya spoke up.

As treasure hunters, taking risks like this is your responsibility. This is what you signed up for. Now, go ahead and walk the tiles. Dont worry; Kareena is a very capable formation master.

Jack wanted to cry. Priya was supposed to be his ally, and she was sending him into a trap as a guinea pig.

Then again, hed known what he was getting into. Everybody else seemed to think that this was normal, too.

Fine, he agreed. His gaze lingered on the tiles. How strong are these traps, anyway?

Most of them can threaten Kings, Longsword replied. But dont worry. Im sure youre going to be fine. It isnt like formations have one of the highest failure rates between traps.

Jack glared at him. Longsword gave him a dashing smile. What are you waiting for? Go already.

Jack cursed inwardly. Suddenly, he felt a bit cheated, and not at all ready to brave a formation. However, he was already this far. He could not step back. He just had to trust Kareena.

Start by stepping on the tiger, she instructed him. Everyone took several steps away. Jack cursed again. At least, his Indomitable Body was very resilient. Even if things went wrong, he might survive.

He stepped on the tiger. He sensed the tile give slightly under his foot. Nothing happened.

Then, the pelican, Kareena said. Jack took a breath and stepped over, tightening his body to defend against incoming darts. Again, nothing happened. The prislow next, Kareena said.

Whats a prislow? Jack asked back. There were two animals in the next row that he didnt recognizea seagull with tentacles and a worm with three heads.

...The bird with tentacles, Kareena replied, and Jack stepped on it. Nothing happened.

The rest of the twenty-seven lines went like this. Every time, Jack thought he was a goner, but Kareena had, indeed, found the right pattern. Even after he stepped on the twenty-seventh line and then out of the corridor, he remained safe and with zero darts hanging from his skin.

Phew, he said, exhaling a massive sigh of relief. The rest of the cultivators started crossing, following the same tiles he hadall cultivators of this stage had excellent memorybut Jacks attention was quickly drawn to an item resting on his side of the corridor, just next to the opening, so it wasnt visible from the other side.

It resembled a snowball hanging from a vine. He scanned it.

Snow White Globe

A fruit of the Quasi-Elemental Vine, the Snow White Globe contains intense elements of frost. Consuming it can greatly benefit ice-oriented cultivators.

Short, sweet, and simple.

You can take it, a voice said behind his ear. Jack turned to find Priya, who had been the first to cross. She was smiling. Its your just reward for braving the formation. And dont think we were bullying you before. Formations are dangerous, but this is only the first trap we meet, so one of the easiest to solve. And Kareena really is a great formation master.

Hmm. Alright, Jack replied. Now that hed crossed the corridor safely, it did seem like a good thing that he was chosen. After all, hed gotten a treasure! He quickly hung the fruit on his belt and waited for everyone to cross.

When all was said and done, the guide took to the front again, and the group continued into the mist, venturing ever deeper.

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