Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 210: Utterly Humiliated

Chapter 210: Utterly Humiliated

After Jack disappeared into the mist, followed by Longsword, Minerva, and a few of their followers who were determined to get the fruit, everyone else was left in an excited silence. They struggled to comprehend what had happened. At the same time, however, they were brewing with excitement.

To these people, what Jack had done was the equivalent of a particularly spectacular suicide.

As whispers soon spread, debating the how and why of what just happened, only two groups of people remained somber. One was the Exploding Sun team, who were equal parts disappointed and puzzled.

The other team was the Barren High. Dorman was glaring daggers at the Sage and quickly pulled him away from the other treasure hunters, while Poppy remained behind, seemingly nonchalant but actually making sure nobody overheard.

I trusted you, Dorman whispered, but theyre all gone now. Explain. Why the hell did you give up the Dao Sprouting Pill to Jack Rust?

The Sage gave Dorman the all-knowing smile he always did. Ever since Space Ring, I have sensed something odd about Jack. He developed a strong affinity to the Dao of Life. That means hes on our side, and though my fate reading is blurry, I predict that securing his friendship will be more important in the long run than getting the pill.

But its the whole reason we came here! Dorman hissed. You needed that pill. You cant just throw it away on a whim!

I dont need it. My immortal breakthrough will come regardless. The pill would just facilitate the process, but waiting a few extra months is no big deal.

What about the Final Ring? You were supposed to challenge the Guardian after getting the eighth ring title. Now what?

Yes, well have to skip that part. But its all worth it. Most Dao Inheritances are useless to me, and the treasures here are only useful up to the D-Grade at most. If my gamble works out, Jack Rust will be much more beneficial in the long run. Plus, he benefits too, so we sow good karma.

Dorman grumbled. The greatest treasures of Trial Planet, and all you have to say is, well have to skip that part How is Jack going to escape, anyway? You said not to help him. How are you so sure?

That part of fate was easy to read. The Sage laughed. He will be pushed to his very limits but escape with the pill. He will then wander the galaxy for a few months, surviving all sorts of ordeals, and reach the middle or late D-Grade before requesting our help to deal with the Planetary Overseer. It will be a hard few months for him, but he will grow a lot.

I guess Dormans gaze suddenly darkened. His voice hid doubt. But, Sage, if you didnt need the pill Why not give it to me?

For the first time, the Sages gaze turned earnest. A bit regretful, even. Divination is all about calculation, my friend To be honest, you dont need it either. You have superb talent. Becoming an immortal is a hurdle you will surpass sooner or later, just like me.

Dorman sighed and leaned back. I trust you, Sage

As you should! In fact, I Suddenly, the Sages words cut off. His head snapped to the side, looking in the direction Jack had escaped in, and his eyes widened. How!? he asked, gasping.

Dorman tensed up. How what?

Jack found the devil! Thats How did he do that? There was no fate path leading there!

The devil? Should we

We should, and right now! There is no time to waste! We cant let it escape!

Both dashed in the direction of the mist. Lead the way, Sage! Dorman shouted. Poppy, were running!

The djinn instantly fell in step. The three darted into the mist, disappearing at a speed that left everyone else stunned. Even Priya, the Exploding Sun Lady, raised a shocked brow.

How did this happen, Sage!? Dorman asked mid-run. Blue sparks flew where his boots touched the ground.

His affinity to life must be even stronger than I anticipated! the Sage replied. As he ran, a green aura wrapped around his body, and his feet smashed against the soil like mallets. But thats How? There shouldnt be any treasures that strong in Trial Planet! Did he get one before coming to this place? But where? This was completely outside my predictions!

So even the great Sage can be stumped at times, Dorman said, laughing.

This is no laughing matter, Dorman! I lost track of fate! I dont know what will happen to Jack now. I dont know how he escaped my sight. And, worst of all, that devil will be released! We must contain it now!

The mists parted as they crossed through at top speed. The Sage led them in a straighter line back than the one theyd followed on the way in, minimizing their travel distance. They dodged all traps, save for a few they had already solved on the way in.

They made record speed. Before long, they appeared in an empty area which the mist was slowly reclaiming, with dim magic symbols etched on the ground. The corpses of Vocrich, the dryad, and Minervas hippo lay nearby, but the devil was nowhere to be seen.

This is bad, the Sage said, lines creasing his brow. He looked around, then closed his eyes. A green halo appeared around his head, a million tiny lines that squirmed around and all fit together in a chaotic pattern that made Dormans head hurt. A moment later, the Sages eyes snapped open, and he dashed in a certain direction. This way! he shouted. Dorman and Poppy followed a step behind.

The Sages eyes sharpened. Suddenly, gone was the easygoing old man, and born was the warrior. He leaped into the air, galvanizing his Dao to the fullest. The power he exuded blew away the mists, revealing an area several hundred feet in diameter. In its very midst was the devil, sitting cross-legged and meditating. The moment the Sage appeared, its eyes snapped open, full of surprise and urgency.

Leave me alone! it shouted, jumping to its feet. The Sage was already above it. He raised an open palm. The surroundings burst with life, a green aura blanketing everything. As it touched the devil, it screeched like it had been burned. It raised its arms to defend.

The Sage slapped his palm down. Die, you foul beast!

The impact shook the entire garden.


Jack was exhausted. His legs were made of lead. His mind, of slog. Dodging the incoming attacks was harder and harder. His Indomitable Will could only handle so much concentration. Even finding the right way was difficult now.

His pursuers remained on track. Longsword bounded after him, long sword in hand and swinging with abandon. Minerva had summoned a new beast to replace the hippoa boar, which wasnt too suitable for this zigzagging chase. She must have been finally running low on beasts.

Jack couldnt see her, but he imagined her. Pale-skinned and clad in black clothes, riding the boar with rage in her eyes. Because of him releasing the devil, Minerva had lost both her followers and an Elite beast. She must have been pissed.

Jack was rapidly running out of options. Running to the devils location and then back to the right path had used up much of his stamina. Already, black spots covered the edges of his vision. Even if they didnt catch up to him, he couldnt go on much longer.

He still hoped they would run out of energy first, but he wouldnt bet on it. Minervas boar was brand-new. Longsword only had to focus on running, not finding the way and dodging attacks like Jack. He also didnt have to regenerate his wounds all the fucking time.

The sparrow was still pestering Jack, slashing him open in shallow wounds. It must have been ordered to do so by Minerva. His regeneration could easily handle those, but it cost him stamina.

Jack could not outrun these people. He could not fight them either, even if he used his Life Drop. He had nowhere to hide.

Was he a goner? Did he have to hand over the pill and beg for his life?

He would never do that. At the end of the day, Jack followed the path of the fist. No matter how many people depended on him, he would rather turn and fight to the death than surrender, cripple his path, and hope for mercy.

He was almost ready to do that, actuallyturn around and fight to the death. There was no salvation in sight. He was already mentally apologizing to Brock for leaving this life early when something familiar entered the range of his perception.

It was a large boulder, standing up from the ground like a small hill. One of its sides had an opening. It was the cave theyd been sealed in shortly after entering Trial Garden. The one that couldnt be opened from the outside.

Jack latched on to this ray of hope like a drowning man would latch on a floating plank. If he rushed in and pulled the lever, they couldnt get to him. They could guard the entrance, of course, but for how long? He had the fruit now. Supposedly, it could let him breakthrough to the D-Grade. He could cultivate with it inside the cave, then come out once hed broken through and wipe the floor with all the so-called Lords.

Suddenly, he saw survival.

The problem was, hed slightly lost the way due to his exhaustion and imperfect memory. The cave was far to his right, at the edge of his perception range. If he tried to dash there, the Lords could catch up and try to stop him.

But maybe they couldnt. And Jack found comfort in the simplicity of that gamble. If he just punched them hard enough, he would make it to the cave and hopefully survive. If he wouldnt, it would be a battle to the death, anyway.

That was his language.

His feet stomped against the ground as he slid to a halt. He darted sideways. The sparrow fell on him but missed. A series of outlines instantly appeared through the mistLongsword, Minerva, and her beasts. The only other pursuer remaining alive was the ice witch, but Jack didnt see her outline.

He was ready.

Besides the Life Drop, which he decided to keep as a final resort, he went all-out instantly. The adrenaline returned energy to his body. His pores opened. His breath deepened. His mind sharpened. His clenched fists were wrought in purple aura, slapping away the mist as they began to suck in the essence of the world.

He grinned. This battle would end in a flash. One second of all-out battle.

What more could he hope for?

The moment the first shape emerged from the mist, he fired a Meteor Punch. It detonated on the boars face. Flesh and bone shards flew everywhere. The boar roared, then veered to the side and toppled over. It wasnt dead, just seriously injured. So was Jack. His hand bone was cracked down the middle, and his regeneration sucked greedily at his remaining energy to repair it.

Lady Minerva, who had been riding the beast, jumped. Her body arced through the air. Her belt shone, the boar dispersed into motes of light, and a new creature appeared next to Jack. It was a red, horse-sized octopus sitting steadily on the groundand it flared in his Dao perception harder than her other beasts had. Minerva landed on its head.

Surrender! she ordered. That pill is mine.

This octopus must be her hidden ace, he realized, but there was little time to care. The octopus slapped down with three of its tentacles. He ghost-stepped out of the way, closer to the cave entrance, then turned and shot a Meteor Punch on its body.

The explosion rocked the mist. The wind whipped Jacks face and pulled at his short hair. The shockwave flung pebbles off the ground.

The octopus made a pained sound. A bloody bruise was clearly visible in the center of its body, but it remained whole. That was fine. Jacks goal wasnt to kill it. He just wanted to unbalance it for a moment. Its tentacles could reach the cave entrance, but he had time to sneak through before it recovered.

The only problem was that Longsword stood right in front of the cave entrance. He was an intelligent man. He had seen through Jacks plan right away and placed himself in the perfect spot to thwart him.

At least, all this running had managed to exhaust the ice witch, who was nowhere to be seen.

A malicious grin played on Longswords lips as he held his sword horizontally, ready to swing. You brought this upon yourself, he said, reveling in Jacks dead-end. You deserve this.

Sure I do, Jack replied, stepping heavily before Longsword and readying a Meteor Punch, because I will survive.

He roared. His fist became a beacon of purple in a dark world. A herald of destruction. A carrier of power.

Longsword slashed. His nine-foot-long sword curved through the air like a whip, meeting Jacks fist with its very tip, where it was strongest. Steel and flesh collided. Color and sound returned to the world. A massive explosion cracked the stone and peeled the ground. Jack felt the shockwave on his chest. Longswords tattered cloak billowed so hard it left his shoulders, flying into the cave mouth behind him.

For a moment, they remained frozen in their stances, neither willing to give ground. They pushed with all their might, pouring all their energy into their strikes. Both roared; a clash of masters.

Actually, this clash was identical to their previous one, in the battle for the Top Treasure. Back then, it had been a draw, which is why Longsword tried the same thing now, investing fully in the attack. He wasnt afraid of losing the exchange, and he didnt need to win, either. If he just delayed Jack for a moment, Minervas octopus would catch up, and they would overwhelm him.

However, he missed something. When Jack grabbed the Dao Sprouting Pill, his title had been upgraded to Eighth Ring Conqueror. He had gotten an extra 5% efficacy in all his stats. This made him slightly stronger than in their previous clash.

And, in a battle between masters, every little thing matters.

Jacks fist pushed back the sword. An inch led to a mile, and he overwhelmed Longsword, who had invested fully into this strike. With a crack, his wrist snapped. His sword flew back. The remnants of the explosion smashed right into Longswords chest, shooting him backward into the rock, which didnt budge in the slightest. He took the entirety of the impact. He groaned as all air was pushed out of his lungs, plastered as he was with his back against the stone, then landed wobbly on his feet.

Jack hadnt budged. He glanced at Longswords broken wrist, then winked and said, I warned you.

He dashed into the cave. Longsword, however, wasnt done. His eyes bulged like they were about to pop out, both from humiliation and rage. He didnt even register the pain. Jack had cheated him, tricked him, and now overpowered him head-on. He was three to zero. By all accounts, he was simply superior!

And Longsword couldnt take that. He couldnt lose like this.

With a massive bellow, he overdrew on his Dao Seed. Cracks spread across it as Longsword forced his body to move before it was ready, his Dao to circulate and lash out. He grabbed his sword with his other hand and slashed out.

He just needed to delay Jack for a split-second. Outrunning this blow was impossible. Jack would have to defend, the octopus would catch up, and he would lose.

Suddenly, Jack flung something at Longsword. It was a gray orb. Longsword instantly recalled the terrifying explosion from last time. In panic, he hurriedly stopped his strike mid-way, further injuring himself, and pulled back his blade to defend.

The pebble touched his blade and harmlessly slid to the ground.

Hihihi, it snickered. It was the Ticklish Pebble.

Longsword froze. He couldnt believe this. In his entire life, he had never felt more humiliated than this moment. His entire body erupted with rage until all his previous injuries were aggravated and he spat out blood. He stomped at the pebble, but it was a magical item, and he only managed to hurt his foot.

He was so furious that he couldnt even speak properly. JACK RUST! was all he managed to scream.

Jack met his glare with a smirk from inside the cave. If Longsword had carried on with his attack, Jack would have been forced to use the Life Drop or die, trapped between two Lords.

Thank God hes an idiot.

Jack rose his hand to grab the lever and pull it down. The stone slab above the entrance crashed into the ground, sealing the cave. The last thing he saw was an octopus tentacle rushing his way a fraction of a second too late, along with a Longsword who was frothing at the mouth in anger and humiliation.

The slab crashed down, cutting off the cave from the outside world. And then, darkness.

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