Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 243: The War for Earth is Brewing

Chapter 243: The War for Earth is Brewing

Harambe chewed on a bananarm as he watched the others speak. The fruit juices ran over his chiseled jaw, dripped to his muscular chest, then collapsed to the ground between his trunk-like legs. He finished the bananarm and reached up the tree to get another.

Are you paying attention, Harambe? the human woman with glasses asked him. Harambe nodded. Good. How do you propose we go about this?

He stared at her emptily. Though hed recently developed the Very Big Thought of Muscles, his speaking muscles remained weak.

Harambe Wants He started saying, then gave up. He shrugged. Beating his chest lightly, he pointed at himself.

Are you saying youll handle it? the woman asked him.

He nodded.

There are many points of entrance to this forest, Harambe. Even with our energy walls, one person is not enough. If it was, we could just rely on Sparman.

Leaning against a tree opposite her, Sparman gave a thumbs-up. Thank you for your trust. As much as I would love to run around this forest all day every day to prevent random weaklings from setting it on fire, I unfortunately lack the speed.

See what you did? the woman pointed to the robot while looking at Harambe. Now you got him talking.

Oh, so I can run myself dry to protect you, but I cannot complain about it. Okay. I guess my iron bones will rattle in my grave, which I will make sure is dug directly under your bed.

You have no bones. I checked.

Just because I sound full when you knock on me, doesnt mean I actually am full. WaitI am. Full of your shi

Language, Sparman. Please.

Harambe was always baffled by this. How could this woman talk back to Sparman the robot, who was so much stronger than herself? Did she not fear he would accept her challenge?

Which he never did. The disrespect he could stand was stunningbut then again, it was always like that with humans, even metal ones. They made little sense.

Maybe they broken, he realized, a sun appearing over his head. Hmm. Yes. Head muscles go strong.

So, since none of you have meaningful suggestions, let me propose a plan, the woman said. We will split the forest into four sections. Harambe, you and your brorillas will defend the northeastern part, since your home is here. The forces of the Bare Fist Brotherhood will handle the northwestern area, while Sparman will take the entire southern half. I know it is a bit much, but at least its better than defending the full length of the perimeter, as you have been doing so far.

Sparman raised a brow. I can handle more than that.

I know you can, but youve already been helping so much. Everyone needs some rest once in a while. Even D-Grade robots.

He stared at her suspiciously for a moment, then laughed. Thanks, professor. I appreciate it.

No problem.

Harambe also didnt have a problem with this arrangement. Hed always claimed that his pack could protect themselves. However, he did have a question; one he couldnt properly articulate, but he didnt need to. He looked at the professor and asked, Edgar?

The magic man was strong. He had fought the ice man in the sky over the forest, wielding powers that even Harambe himself had not possessed at the time. He was the strongest human present; therefore, he should stand at the front to defend his pack.

Edgar wont fight, the woman said, shaking her head. I know you dont understand this, but trust me when I say there is no other choice. He has already done his best.

Harambe frowned deeply. Perhaps he should visit the magic man and make sure his head was in the right place.

Hey, hoh, keep it in your pants, Sparman chimed in. Weve been through this before. Dont get violent with our allies.

Yes, Harambe replied immediately. The robot was undeniably stronger than himself; he had to obey. In fact, this robot was the strongest creature Harambe had ever seen.

Butbrother Jack? he wondered, thinking back to the man to whom hed entrusted his only son. By now, perhaps he would be strong enough to fight the robot.

Or not.

Harambe found his heart muscles clenching. He wished for Jack to be safe, because that would mean Brock, his son, was also safe. But it would also mean they were weak. Strength did not come from safety; it came from danger and battle, surviving predators and hunting prey.

Harambe had realized this recently, when lifting weights no longer made him stronger. He yearned for battle; to work out by lifting his life up and down the line of death.

That would make his muscles really shine. It was also why he was excited about his new assignment.

Enough? he asked.

If nobody has an objection, then yes, the woman replied. This meeting is dismissed.

Harambe didnt need to be told twice. He turned around and walked on his knuckles to reach the clearing where his brorillas waited for the news. After thathe would rush to the border of the forest and wait for the poor invaders.

No matter who came, he was going to beat them up.


Jack joined the Exploding Sun!? Vanderdecken exclaimed, sipping from his mug. Thats superb! I knew he had it in him!

Its a double-edged blade, the professor replied with a sigh, sitting opposite him in the Bare Fist Brotherhood headquarters. She looked like shed just returned from a walk in the forest. He will now get much strongerbut our enmity with the Animal Kingdom is cemented. Any chance of reconciliation or mercy is gone. The moment the grace period ends, they will attack and annihilate us.

Oh, dud maam. That sounds terrible! And you want me to join?

You will have to pick a side anyway, she replied. There arent many E-Grades on the planet, and you are the most famous of them, with the exception of Jack. Even the planets greatest rock star is nothing but a pawn to the Animal Kingdoms games.

Vanderdecken shuffled in his seat. And if I dont?

We will have nothing to say about it, naturally. But the Ice Peak will. Anyone not their ally is their enemy, so dont be surprised if Alexander himself shows up at your next concert.

Ill sing the hell out of him.

You can try. However, if even Edgar couldnt defeat him, what makes you think you can?

Oh, dont worry about me. Im pretty strong.

The professor sighed. I made you misunderstand. It doesnt matter if youre stronger than Alexander, because he wont come fairly. You saw what happened to Brother Taos monastery. He will scout you out and bring the appropriate amount of troops so you have no chance.

He came fairly for Edgar.

It was a calculated risk because he knew he could win.

Fair enough. Vanderdecken leaned back, passing a hand through his long dark hair. Dude I hate this. Why do I have to get involved in a war? I just want to sing.

You can always hide away. Find a remote island and sing to the waves for a year. Nobody will bother you then.

The waves cannot appreciate my music. Without my fans, I would die of boredom.

I understand. Which is why I insist you have to pick a side. And, between us and a tyrant, who will you go for?

Vanderdecken narrowed his eyes. You sound like youre trying a bit too hard.

You know my allegiance. Obviously, I am not impartial, but facts dont lie. Look at the situation of our territories. In our half of the world, we are ushering in a new era, with System-oriented development and timely support for the areas that were impacted the most. Meanwhile, the Ice Peak territory is deeply sunken into poverty. People are exploited and forced to level-up like madmen. They die in scores. Families are torn apart, children starve to death, the elderly are abandoned, and those who cannot fight are decimated by diseases and uncontrolled beast hordes. All while their ruined cities dig out their own flesh to offer soldiers for Alexanders armies.

Vanderdecken flinched. Youre painting a vivid image.

He does. I just say things as they are.

Why dont they rebel? the metal bard asked. If the situation in those areas is so terrible compared to your territories, why dont the people just rise up for themselves?

Because all power is under the Ice Peaks complete control. Plus, they have no ideainformation is so strictly regulated in that half of the world that they think everyone is suffering like they are. They dont like Petrovic, but they think we are even worse.

Cant you justlet them know? Airdrop leaflets or something?

The professor smiled sadly. Were trying, but its not that easy. The spread of information is a battlefield just like any other. Our forces contain entire organizations focused on cultural and ideological warfare.

Just like the Ice Peak, I suppose.

Yes. It is an undesirable but unavoidable aspect of war.

And I suppose you also plant your own propaganda?

We do. There is no need to lie about itnot to you. The professor shook her head. It is just part of war. Whether you want to call it informational warfare or propaganda, everyone does it. Even the good side.

So you are not the good guys here. Youre just one side of the conflict.

We are better than the Ice Peak and the Animal Kingdom. Are we saints? No. But are as virtuous as we can be? Yes. We just cannot afford to pull punches.

Vanderdecken shook his head. His eyes were conflicted. I dont know, dude Ill need to think about this, he said. It is all so ugly. Im not sure I wanna get involved.

You can make your own choice, the professor said, standing up to dismiss him. Her gray hair and white glasses caught a glint of sunlight from the window, illuminating her deeply sunken eyes. If Vanderdecken wasnt already feeling defensive, he would have felt pity for heran old lady forced to take the world on her shoulders. In the meantime, you are free to stay here or leave. Nobody will stop you. I just pray that, if the Ice Peak comes knocking, you will not make the wrong choice.

I will not ally with them, he assured her. I know they suck assand sorry for the language. Im just not sure if I want to dirty my soul by getting involved in a war that, in the end, will matter very little. Were all going to die, anyway.

Jack will return before the grace period is over, Vanderdecken, the professor said, her voice taking on a hard edge. He is out there trying to save the world. He has already gone above and beyond anything we ever thought possible. He will find a way, I know it. And when he does, the groundwork weve set with blood and tears will let us save millions, if not billions of lives. A new world will dawn, free of oppression; but not if we give up during the night.

I sure hope youre right, professor, Vanderdecken replied, standing himself. He picked up the electric guitar and slung it over his shoulder, then extended a hand. He hadnt felt so tired ina long time. In any case, thank you for your time. I will think deeply about what you said.

I hope so, Vanderdecken. Fare well.

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