Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 258: Hellish Training

Chapter 258: Hellish Training

Your gamble was devious, Shol said as he and Jack entered the cabin. His mood was impossible to read; he could have been furious, relieved, or both.

I didnt see much choice, Jack replied calmly.

So you took things upon yourself and bet the masters success on your strength.

I have confidence in winning.

Of course you have. Especially with all the support you will now undoubtedly get.

Jack gave him a straight look; not challenging, but not yielding, either. Yes.

Shol sighed. You really turned things on their head, Jack. I have no idea what Master is thinking right now.

What about you?

What about me?

What are you thinking?

That youre an arrogant, thoughtless individual who took advantage of the situation for his own benefit.

Am I really? What was the alternative? You fighting Qian in front of Elder Mahadaji, or me getting a beating from Qian and throwing away Master Hualis face?

The alternative was to let the people who have lived a hundred times longer than you figure it out.

I didnt see them coming up with anything. I didnt see you suggesting something better.

Shol glared at him. Master Huali is infinitely smarter than you, Jack. If there was such a simple solution, she would have found it in a split-second.

Would she? She may be extremely smart and experienced, but she does not understand my strength and potential as much as I do. I believe the solution I proposed works, and that is only because I am confident in my chances. She could have been considering the same thing. And dont forget; I asked for permission before I spoke. If she wasnt out of options, she wouldnt have let me.

You are hasty and selfish.

I am just not a fool. I found a solution that benefits me and lets Master Huali escape the corner shed been pushed into. What else did you expect me to do? Wait on the sidelines until she was eventually forced to go back on her promise again?

Shols eyes reddened. You will not insult my master.

I am not insulting anyone, just stating the facts. Would you have acted differently in my shoes? If the future of the Exploding Sun was at stake, would you leave it up to fate, or would you find a win-win solution that also helps your benefactor?

Shol considered it for a moment. Despite his anger, he hadnt lost himself. Jack, meanwhile, remained calm and confident, waiting for the other mans response.

In the end, Shol could only sigh. Whats done is done, he said. Master Huali will handle this issue as she sees fit. For now, all we can do is prepare for the battle in six months as best as we can. There is no time to lose. If we want you to have even the slightest chance of victory, we must start preparing immediately.

Is Qian really that strong? Jack asked. I just have to survive for three strikes, right? How difficult could that be?

Shols eyes widened a fraction. You know that he is stronger than me, right?

I do.

Good. Watch.

Without warning, a terrifying aura spread from Shols body. His monk robes fluttered in the wind, the cabins furniture was tossed to the walls, and all the stacks of paper were scattered. Booms filled the air.

Jack was suffocating. Shol had become a mountain of a man, an unsurpassable existence, a sun about to implode. His form was made of dancing flames, and his eyes shone red like burning iron. Everything elsethe cabin, the chairs, the world outsidehad vanished from Jacks perception.

When Shol clenched his fist, it felt like a stars death rattle, the final clenching before its core exploded in a massive supernova. Jack felt like a normal man tied on train tracks, watching his rapidly approaching death. Surviving this cataclysmic force was impossible. He was completely powerless. Even the Life Drop could not save him.

In the next moment, the sensation was gone. Jack was left sweating with his eyes wide, gazing upon the form of a hardened, battle-ready monk with a tight smile. Do you see now? Shol asked.

Jack gulped. I do And you say Qian is even stronger?

He is. Do you understand now what a hundred levels mean?


Jack may have been impressed, but he was not overwhelmed. He already knew that his current strength was nowhere near enough. However, he had six monthsand, five months ago, he had only been a biologist working on his PhD.

That was enough time to work miracles.

I can get the levels, he said. My plan had always been to reach the C-Grade in a year. Technically, Im still on schedule. Even if things go badly, I should be able to take three hits from a peak D-Grade, right?

There was never a schedule, Jack. I have said it before and I will say it again. You cannot reach the C-Grade in a year. It is impossible. Even reaching the late D-Grade is a stretchand Qian is not your average peak D-Grade, either. His strength is already approaching the C-Grade.

Really!? Hes that talented? I was the only E-Grade to ever beat a D-Grade, right?

The chasm between the E and D Grades is especially wide. It is a qualitative transformation. Between the D and C Grades, the difference is slightly easier to bridgebut even then, its quite impossible. Even Qian is only approaching the strength of the C-Gradenot reaching it.

I see. Jack fell into deep thought. A moment later, he spoke up again. So, what do we do?

What do we do? Obviously, we level you up, thats what we do!

I have a plan for that, actually. Remember how I told you that I was planning to adventure in the Animal Kingdom?

Shol narrowed his eyes. Yes.

Well, I still do, because thats the only way to level up quickly enough. However, I have an even better idea: I will go to Hell.

Hell!? Shol shouted. To rescue that starship captain, right? Impossible. Youll die there.

Maybe I wont. Think about it. Its an entire planet, right? If somebody comes after me, I can certainly find somewhere to hide. Plus, you mentioned that the Animal Kingdoms inner disciples also live there. Where else would I find so many immortals? I need them to level up. Its the perfect training ground for me.

Youre spouting bullshit. How could it be so easy? Even if you somehow manage to sneak into Hell, its not like their immortals will stretch their necks for you. The moment you start acting up, theyll find you and send peak D-Grades after you.

I can handle peak D-Grades.

No, you cant.

Right now, I cant. But they wont send out their big guns right away. I will hide and sneak around, nabbing a few immortals here and there, leveling up in the process. By the time they catch up, I will have gotten a ton of levels. Even if I cant fight a peak D-Grade, I should be able to escape.

Shol grumbled. Its not that simplebut are you even sure you want to do this? Youre basically suggesting a massacre.

Jack snorted. The Animal Kingdom is my enemy, and those inner disciples are its soldiers. They are hunting prisoners for sport. I have no qualms hunting them back.

Shol did not reply immediately. He seemed to be considering the issue very seriously. Assuming you can succeed, he finally said, that will be an extremely fast way to level up indeed Perhaps the only way to reach the level you need in time. Sneaking into Hell is possible. We can make it happen. And, even if they realize what youre doing in there, they wont send C-Grades after you Their pride wont let theam, as that would be implying that their D-Grades are incapable of handling you.

However, there are two problems. One, they have D-Grades on the level of me or Qian. If things escalate to that level, they will easily annihilate you. And, two Hell is a prison planet. Getting in is easy, but getting out is hard. How will you escape afterward?

I I dont know. I dont think I can plan for that beforehand. However, I am confident that I will find a way when the time comes. It is a risk I must take.

Shol fell silent again. Normally, I would advise against thisbut you need to reach my level in six months. It should take you centuries. I dont think there is any other wayand, since you had the audacity to bet our masters name on your success, its appropriate to bet your life, too.

Jack smiled. Well said, brother Shol.

Shol was now fully onboard with the idea. We must plan carefully, he warned. Maximizing your chances is essential. The Exploding Sun will provide you with all sorts of treasures, though you will have to leave the faction to not implicate us. Besides that, we have some spies in the Animal Kingdommaybe they could be of help.

Right! Jacks eyes shone. Those would all be very helpful.

But the issue remains that their peak D-Grades will eventually slaughter you. Unless Shol mumbled something. Fine. There is no other choice. Ill join you.

You will what!?

Are you deaf? I said Ill join you.


No buts. You already made my job redundant by betting this entire reputation war on your duel. To help our master, the best I can do is protect you. I will not steal your levels; I will just be there to advise you and help you deal with trouble if too much of it appears at once.

Wait Are you certain?

Absolutely. Do I look like a coward to you?

No, but

Then, its decided. Your plan is approved. We will sneak into Hell, where we will power level you by having you hunt the Animal Kingdom inner disciples. With some luck, we will survive long enough for you to reach at least the late D-Grade, at which point we will try to escape. With our combined powers, I believe we will find a way. We will both leave the Exploding Sun, too, so they cannot accuse the faction of anything. We will act as rogue cultivators.

Jack was touched. What he had suggested was almost a suicide mission, and hed only done so because he was desperate to get stronger quicklybut now, Shol was willing to risk himself and tag along? True, he was doing it for his master, not for Jack, but still

Thank you, brother Shol, Jack replied, but Shol waved the gratitude away.

No need to thank me. Im not doing this for you. If you have time to be grateful, spend it preparing yourself. The day is still young. I will go talk with Master and prepare some things. You also go deal with any loose ends you have here. We depart tomorrow.

Jack couldnt believe this was already happening. Things were unraveling so fastbut he liked that. Will do! he replied, puffing his chest out. I will visit Brock as well. I need to see how hes doing, and whether he can join us or not.

Probably not, Shol replied, but yes, do pay a visit. Hes your spiritual companion. You two are as close as can be.

Of course.

If you have nothing else to do, I suggest also visiting the library to choose the other two items you can borrow, then spend the rest of the time meditating. Your strength is about to explodeconsolidation is crucial.

Yes, brother.

Then, lets

Jack did not hear the rest of the sentence. A voice suddenly rang inside his headMaster Hualis.

Jack, she said, her voice not betraying any emotion, come to my manor at once. I need to show you something.

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