Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 297: Devil Deals

Chapter 297: Devil Deals

Etsin, the echidna devil that Jack had released from Trial Planet, appeared in the middle of a teleporter. Move, the guard growled at him.

Yes, yes, Etsin replied, quickly stepping away.

He was disguised, of course. Right now, he looked like an unaffiliated E-Grade human cultivator in his thirtiesan appearance hed found most people ignored. Of course, D-Grades could detect his disguise, but there was no way this tiny place would have guards of that caliber.

Etsin stepped out of the teleporter hub and into the town proper. A large sign spelled, Fair Way Continent.

Finally, he whispered to himself, sniffing the air. She must be here. I can sense her already.

Ignoring the wary looks of the other pedestrians, he turned into the alley between two buildings and assumed his real form. Gray skin, bat wings, red horns, spikes on his spine, and long, sharp ears. A drunk woman rummaging through the trash binsan F-Grade Saphira with purple eyes and sapphire hairchoked and screamed at his appearance, but the devil ignored her to teleport away.

A few jumps later, he was alone in the middle of a field. He sniffed the air and teleported again, following his nose to the location of his next victim.

Another pure soul he muttered with glee, rubbing his hands together. And at such close proximity, too! This must be my lucky century!

Space was inconsequential. The devil traveled nine miles with every jump, quickly reaching many horizons away from where hed first appeared.

Its growing stronger! he exclaimed, switching from teleportation to supersonic flight. A sharp mountain grew larger in his sight. As soon as he reached it, he clawed open the entrance of a sealed cave and barged in, finding himself immediately under assault by a Will-based attack.

Of course, he dispelled it right away.

Naughty child, he said with a snort. Kneel!

His D-Grade aura spread out, impacting the sole, mid E-Grade woman that occupied this cave and forcing her to her knees. She was a saphira, toothe prevalent species of this tiny planet. However, unlike most, her countenance was dark, and a baleful air circled her like a pack of vultures. Etsin could almost smell the grief she carried.

Good, good, he said. Overwhelmed by grief and fueled by revenge. Perfect.

D-Grade? Devil? the woman asked. Though she was completely overpowered, she did not seem to fear death. The only emotions she showed were sorrow and hatred. How did you find me? she demanded to know. Was the destruction of my friends and family not enough? Must you kill me too?

Oh, girl, I have no idea what youre talking about. Im not with the ones after you. On the contraryI am here to give you what you desire most. Power.

That last word echoed through the cave over and over, as if it had been spoken with such weight that the natural laws didnt dare silence it.

The saphira looked at him warily. You are a devil, she said. Ive heard about your kind.

Everything youve heard is true. In return for my gift, I will have your soul. But do you really care?

She held his stare. She gave in to the absurdity. No.

Excellent! I judged you well. Then, shall we? He waved his hand and a scroll appeared. When it unfurled, blood-colored letters scrolled all the way to the ground.

What are you saying? the girl asked. I dont understand.

Let me formalize my offer. What is your name?

...Vlossana, she replied with some hesitation.

Good. My name is Etsin, an echidna devil, and I can sense the darkness within you. I can sense your desire. If you accept my offer, I will gift you the power you need to exact revenge on those who wronged you. I will help you reach the D-Grade.

Her eyes widened. The D-Grade!?

Etsin fought hard to keep the sneer off his lips. To these mortals, the simple D-Grade was the apex of the apex, something they couldnt even achieve in their wildest dreams. They eyed it like children at a dangling candy, not knowing there were a thousand of them at every corner store.

Indeed, he confirmed. I can offer you that tremendous power.

And whats the catch? she asked. Do you get my soul now or after I die?

After. But there is another condition. I am willing to give you half that power right now, pushing you to the peak E-Grade. You will be able to dominate simple places like this continent.

She nodded. He could see the struggle in her eyes quickly fading. She had nothing to losethose people could never decline. And the other half? she asked.

The other half is for after you complete a favor of mine, he said with a smile. But an easy one. I just want you to kill a certain man. Thats all. I promise you will be strong enough to do it.

Her eyes narrowed in thought. Do I know that man?


Is he innocent?

Does it matter?

She held his stare for a moment. Gradually, her eyes hardened. Etsin sensed the dark desire inside her strengthening, and this time, his devilish grin appeared in all its glory.

Finally, Vlossana nodded. Im listening.


Edgar blew out a puff of smoke, looking into the stars. His heels were propped on his desk, and his back was slouched on his soft chair.

Finally, he was useful. He could help and protect the people he cared about. He could somewhat fill in the shoes that Jack Rust had left behind.

And, at the same time, he was so fucking sad.

I hate this, he muttered to himself, pressing his eyes shut to keep the tears in. Hed promised he wouldnt cry anymore. He would be strong. His friends needed him, and they were all he cared about now. Not himselfhis body was there, but his soul was long gone. Hed promised it to the devil, Etsin, in return for battle power.

What a sad life he muttered to the stars, the only confidants he dared trust. If it was any other time, any other world But no. It is what it is. Others will find the beauty I relinquished. For me, there is only war. Such is my fate.

The devil had constructed a shell around his Dao Seed of Magic, harnessing its power to fuel a more battle-oriented version of magic. That way, Edgar could fight without shattering his Daobut the more power he used, the more of his soul he surrendered. When there was nothing left, he would die and forever disappear in the devils belly.

That was the deal. Power in return for his soul.

How poetic. Life imitates art, he told himself, pushing the dark thoughts away. He didnt need them. He didnt need to think at all. Edgar the Magician was gone, and what remained was Edgar the Destroyer.

No matter how terribly this hurtit would be over soon.

And his friends would be safe.


Brock ducked under a mighty swing. An entire section of the forest behind him was shattered, but he pushed forth uncaring. The Staff of Stone arced over his back, around his shoulder, and into his palm. He brought it down.

The tip of the staff met a stone club. The ground cratered under the point of impact. Brock pushed with all his might, increasing the density of his staff and muscles to amplify his power. It was not enough. He was sent flying back into a massive, ancient tree, but he decreased his density at the last moment to rotate, land feet-first, and shoot back out.

The King of Ogres, the two-headed ruler of the forest, could not retract his club in time. Brock sailed over it, increasing his density mid-flight and pouring the Big Thought of Muscle into his arms. His biceps enlarged to tremendous dimensions. The ogre kings four eyes widened. Brocks staff cracked down, impacting one of the ogres thick skulls and fracturing the ground below for a hundred feet in every direction. Soil went flying. Dust filled the air.

The ogre moaned, stepping back with a shaking body. Brock landed on his feet. Sorry bro, he said, but I win.

He charged again. The staff became one with his body, dancing around him to the tune of the opponents death. The ogre tried to resist, but only one of his skulls remained. A few mighty swings later, Brocks staff stabbed the ogres throat, knocking him dead on his back.

The forest around them was ravaged. A dozen ogres lay dead in puddles of blood, and every ancient tree in a wide radius had been felled. Dust still clouded the perimeter, while the ground was covered in craters of various sizes.

Brock was the only one still standing. He had not brought his little bros along, because this was a battle only for himself.

Bros are important, but so is the ability to stand alone.

I win, Brock said to himself. His deep voice was emotional. He had spent six months training as hard as his body could support. He was lined with muscles now, both in body and mind, and his power had reached far beyond his previous state. Hed even achieved a fourth Big Thoughtthe Big Thought of Never Stopping.

Brock still belonged to what his little bros called the E-Grade, but he had reached the apex. Nobody in the town could fight him. Nobody on the planet. The King of Ogres had been considered invincible, but Brock had triumphed over it.

Brock estimated that he was at the same level of power as Big Brother when he fought the silver knight, as long as he didnt use the Big Green Four Arms.

He looked at his wrista motion his little bros often didand nodded. Though he wore no clock, he knew it was almost time. There were only two weeks left. He had to prepare and depart for Home.

On the way back, a monkeyish grin was plastered on Brocks face. He couldnt wait to see Big Bros reaction at how far he had reachedand he couldnt wait to see what heights Big Bro himself had attained.

He had no doubt that nothing bad could happen to Big Bro. They would meet again soon, and they would both be proud of each other, then they would travel together and have bro adventures all over the world.

Brock had worked hard and attained strength. From now on, life was his to enjoy.

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