Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 323: Planet Poaching

Chapter 323: Planet Poaching

Jack sat in a chair of the Sages starship, right above the ravaged surface of the moon. Everything hurt, including his mind, but he had won. That was all that mattered.

Nice ship, he said, panting.

Do you like it? Its the same one I got in the Integration Auction.


Of course! Well, I did make some upgrades. Like this.

The ship jumped through space and reappeared in orbit around Earth. Jack chuckled. They had already checked Galicias body and ensured she was dead. Good job.

Before we go down, however, said the Sage, there is someone I want you to meet.

Space shimmered inside the starship, and a man walked out. He had long dark hair, red eyes, and wore flowing black robes. Yet, despite his intimidating appearance, his feet were in flip-flops, and his face a held a playful smirk on the verge of breaking into a smile. He instantly struck Jack as a likable guy.

Immediately after that, however, Jacks eyes went wide as saucers, because he had scanned this person.

???, Level ??? (B-Grade)

Faction: -

Title: Planet Devourer


Hey, said the man.

Jack jumped to his feet, grimacing as a thousand little pains made themselves known. Hello, he said. Im Jack. Jack Rust.

Oh, I know. I watched your battle; very impressive. The man reached out a hand, which Jack shook. My name is Jonas. Nice to meet you.


Jack was stunned. This was a B-Grade. A legendary existence. Actually, it was the first B-Grade he ever met in person, and he seemed soapproachable.

Allow me, the Sage intervened with a wry smile. This is Jonas Evergreen, Head Envoy of the Black Hole Church, though most people refer to him as the Heavenly Spoon Sovereign. And, just so were clear, Head Envoy means that hes the strongest B-Grade disciple of the entire Black Hole Church. Presently, that makes him one of the strongest people in this galaxy, if not the strongest.

Jack fought back the urge to gulp. Instead, he raised a brow. If youre trying to impress me, you succeeded, he said.

I like him, said the sovereign, then turned to Jack. There is no need for respectful salutes, kowtowing, and the like. I have seen your potential; if nothing goes wrong, then one day you could become an Envoy, too.

Thatsgreat? Thank you for the praise, Sovereign. Then, since this guy seemed cool, Jack took the courage to add, If you dont mind me asking, what does your title refer to?

Oh, this thing. Its my weapon. He reached into his robes and removed a tiny silver spoon. There was nothing special about it. Jack could use it to stir his tea.

I see, he replied, not daring to ask anything more. Thank you.

The sovereign came to oversee the resolution of our agreement, the Sage said. He prevented the Hand of God and Animal Kingdom from interfering in your battle, and he will also handle the poaching of this planet. The seven C-Grades that helped us escape Hell were his subordinates.

Jack nodded. Thank you for everything, sovereign, he said, this time meaning it from his heart.

It was little trouble. I didnt even have to fight, the sovereign replied, shrugging it off. Now, since we dont have much time, how about you go find your people and prepare them for what is about to happen? We can chat more after your planet is safe.

Your planet is safe. Those words rang in Jacks mind again and again. He struggled to believe them. His body was still flooded by adrenaline from the battle, and his mind remained there.

Had it finally happened? Had he finally saved Earth?

It felt like a dream.

If I may, he asked quickly, what exactly is about to happen?

We will transfer your planet outside System space. It will remain in this galaxy, and there will be ways for you to teleport in and out of System space, but the planet itself will be almost impossible to track. You will also maintain access to the System, but its a faulty thing that wont be able to trace you, so dont worry about it. Now, if some cultivator happens to stumble upon your planet, you can only blame your bad luck.

Do you mean that the Animal Kingdom will no longer be able to touch us?

The sovereign raised an amused brow. And here I thought you were smart. Yes, thats exactly what I mean.

Relief overtook Jack. Thank you, Sovereign, he said again, bowing slightly. The sovereign laughed.

Go, he said. You have thirty minutes.

Jack didnt linger anymore. With a final grateful glance at the B-Grade sovereignand a questioning one at the Sagehe teleported away, reaching the Integration Starship on the planets surface.

Hey guys, he said as he appeared near the alliances leadership, scaring everyone shitless. Long time no see.

Stunned silence followed. Then, suddenly: Jack!

The professor, Edgar, Vivi, Gan Salin, and Nauja all jumped at him. Jack laughed. He hadnt seen most of them in a year.

Im so glad youre okay, the professor said, hugging him tightly with tears in her eyes. Im so glad

I missed you! Edgar shouted, also hugging Jack. Its so good to have you back. This was a damn hard year!

But you pulled right through, Edgar. Im proud of you. Waitis that Vlossana?

The saphira stood away, gazing at him warily, but his attention was immediately drawn to Gan Salin and Nauja, who both pounced at him. Well fought! Nauja shouted with excitement. You almost had me worried there for a second.

I knew you would succeed! Salin exclaimed. I kept telling her, but she wouldnt believe me.

What? You said nothing like that! You even suggested running away to cut our losses!

Same thing.

Jack laughed. Its nice to see you, guys. I hope you enjoyed the outer planet. Brock told me all about it.

It was fine. Adventuring with you was more fun, though, Salin replied. Whens the next one, really?

Oh yeah. Speaking of that, the Black Hole Church will teleport our entire planet outside System space in a few minutes. I dont think it will be too rough, but uh, you might want to grab on to something.

Another round of stunned silence followed. What?

So Jack briefly explained to them the whole Church deal hed made, leaving out the sensitive parts. After all, there were many people listening.

Youll still have access to the System, he assured them. But well also be safe. Earth will belong to us and us alone.

Can we trust this Black Hole Church? the professor asked. They sound a bit sketchy.

Everyone is a bit sketchy, but these guys have only helped me in our interactions so far. I believe they are our best chance.

She nodded. Alright. I trust you.

Now, can someone tell me what Vlossana is doing here and why she looks like she pissed the bed?

Its not just her, a deep voice rumbled.

Jack turned around, finding Shol, Dordok, and Brock there, as well as Bomn and Vashter. The Trampling Ram was parked right behind them. His eyes widened, and he laughed out loud. You guys are safe! he exclaimed. Im so glad. Sorry for the trouble.

Dordok shrugged. It is what it is.

Brock, did you win as well? Waitdid you reach the D-Grade!?

The brorilla just smiled proudly.

Bro! Jack exclaimed. Thats awesome! Im so proud of you! I cant wait to hear everything about your battle!

I say, Brock replied.

Giving Brock a fist-bump, Jack then turned to the others. Are you coming with us? he asked. Or will you keep traveling?

They looked between each other. I will go, Shol said. This was fun, and I am very proud of the excellent disciple you grew up to be, but my responsibilities lie with Master Huali and the Exploding Sun. I must return to them, at least in secret, and figure out my next steps.

Jack nodded. He briefly wondered what was going on with the Grand Elder selection of the Exploding Sun, but it didnt matter too much. His connection to it wasnt that strong. He could only hope that Master Huali was fine from the aftermath of his actions.

I will check on the Sun when things calm down a bit, he promised.

We will go, too, said Bomn. The ship that docks grows rust. If we stopped traveling, our lives would be quite empty.

You could always find a home here, the professor suggested, but the minotaur shook his big head.

Thank you, but the open space calls to us. Maybe when we grow old.

What about you, Dordok? Jack asked, noticing that Bomn was the one who spoke for the Trampling Ram.

The cyclops smiled sadly. We already discussed this with Bomn. A ship cannot hold two captains. While he would be glad to have me back, I believe it is time for me to take a break, at least temporarily. I will come with Earth, if youll have me.

Of course! the professor hurried to say. You are very welcome.

All good bros fit, Brock added wisely.

Now, about Vlossana, Edgar said, then took Jack aside and explained the entire thing.

I see, Jack replied sadly. Ill speak with her in a moment, but if she is healed as you say, she can come with us. She will need a safe place to recover.

Edgar nodded.

As for you, Jack continued, even though your soul is cracked and you cannot cultivate anymore, it isnt the end of the world. The Earth will know peace for a long time. It will be the perfect place for someone of your powers.

Edgar smiled widely. Thats exactly what I hope, he replied warmly. I plan to create a wizard academy. I think it will be great.

I think so too, Jack replied, smiling back. And, you know, I will not stop adventuring. I still have a long way to go. If I find a treasure that can repair your soul, or at least help you reach the D-Grade, Ill certainly get it for you. After all, it was me who released that devil from his prison.

Thats perfect. Thank you, Jack.

No problem.

At that point, Vivi walked closer. I also want to talk to you about something, she said, lookingbashful?

Sure, Jack replied, and Edgar walked away. What is it?

Are you satisfied with how the professor and I led the alliance in your absence?

Satisfied? Of course. I was never the leader, anyway; just a punching guy. And occasionally a spanking one.

She rolled her eyes. Well, this is not what I wanted to tell you. Are you ready?

Ready for what?

She smiled. I am pregnant with your child. It happened eleven months ago, but I delayed the pregnancy through Dao medicine.

Jack froze. What? he said, his mind reeling. No amount of life or death battles could have prepared him for this.

Vivi laughed. I said, youre going to be a father!

Jack remained stunned for a good while. Then, suddenly, his mouth split into a wide grin, and he laughed to the sky. Alright! he shouted proudly. A father!

This brought a whole slew of complications to the table. For starters, he didnt even know Vivi that well. How would they handle a child? Would they be together or not? However, he was confident that everything would work out. Though Jack would need to leave Earth again soonfor now, they had some time.

Plus, he was the strongest man on Earth, goddammit. If he wasnt ready to become a father, no one was!

The future was bright!


The Sage stood on the prow of his tiny starship, admiring the blue and green planet underneath. The Heavenly Spoon Sovereign stood by his side as an equal.

We are ready, said the sovereign. My subordinates have prepared the nine corners. If you have nothing to add, we can begin the teleportation.

The Sage looked over Earth. It was a cozy little planetfull of weak people with kind intentions. He liked most of them.

Thinking back to his days as a homeless beggar, he smirked and shook his head. Then, in a moment of curiosity, he once again attempted to delve into Jack Rusts future. He saw great wars. Hints of the Old Gods and the Immortals. The Animal Kingdom would come after him with everything they had, and the Hand of God would stop at nothing to get him. They may have been blocked for now, but the real battle was only getting started.

He also saw Jack in the headquarters of the Black Hole Churchthe Cathedralwhere he would soon train, if everything went well.

I wonder he asked himself, how far will he reach?

Yet, the future came out blank. Even his divination powers could not see that deep. He would have to find out the mortal way, by living it out. But isnt that the best way? he asked himself, then smiled wryly. He really, really looked forward to the future. It would be so exciting.

Im ready, he told the sovereign. Please start.

And here I thought you would reminisce forever. The sovereign laughed. Then, he took out his tiny silver spoon. It shone with dark green light. Similar light erupted in columns based on nine equidistant places on the planet, each column many miles wide and reaching the top of Earths atmosphere. A tremendously large, dark green spoon appeared below Earth, cupping the entire planet in its groove. Then, with a smooth motion, the sovereign scooped it all up.

Go, he muttered through gritted teeth. The starship blinked away. And with it, Earth and the moon also disappeared, gone forever from the solar system that had housed them for billions of years.

It was the end of an era and the start of a new one: the era of Jack Rust.

Meanwhile, not even the Sage knew that Jack had inadvertently set several important events into motion. Like a butterfly effect, the echoes of his actions spread across the universe, compiling into a domino of coincidences that affected even the highest of forces.

A council of Gods gathered around a star. It is time, rumbled a planet-sized form oozing darkness.

Three robots, completely identical if not for the numbers drawn on their faceless heads, stood up at the same time. We have enough, they all said together.

A great war was starting. And Jack Rust, despite not knowing it yet, would be in its midst.

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