Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 344: The Duel Arrives

Chapter 344: The Duel Arrives

News of Jacks duel with Cranxiao had spread. It was unknown who started the rumors, but soon, most cultivators across the Cathedral knew.

The high-rankers wouldnt care about such a thing. However, the low-rankers didnt only care, they were personally invested. Don Cranxiao had been at their throats for centuries. Though they were certain Jack would fail and die, they still had to come.

Today was not the day of the duel. It was the one-month mark, when Cranxiao had promised he would arrive to bully Jacks friend. Jack had to do something about it, so this was an opening act to the duel.

Since the previous day, a crowd of cultivators had discreetly gathered around Jacks cabin. They sat on the nearby empty fields, alone or in small groups, sipping alcohol as they waited. Conversation came and went, but it wasnt very spirited. Everyone expected Jack to be suppressed, and the villain to win.

Jack sat cross-legged outside his door. His eyes were closed, his breaths deep. He wasnt cultivating, just keeping himself at the optimal state. The crowd of cultivators watching him from a distance couldnt help but feel that something was off. Why was Jacks aura so deep? And why did his body exude such thick fighting intent?

He couldnt be planning to fight today, could he? asked a human.

A nearby feshkur, hearing that, shook his head. Its a smart move. Since hell lose anyway, why wait another two months and experience all that stress? Its better to fight now. Besides, the greater the disparity in power, the higher the chances that Cranxiao will choose not to kill him.

I dont know about that, another cultivator weighed in. Cranxiao follows the Dao of Tyranny. If he can step on a weaklings head and smash it, that will help his cultivation.

Hmm. I guess youre right. Its a shame Such a talented man, and he will fall so unjustly. If only he was smarter.

Its not about smartness. I heard he follows the Dao of the Fist. If he rolled over and let people bully him, how would he cultivate in the future?

Thats the problem with stubborn Daos. Theyre strong when youre ahead, but following them to your death is very easy

As these people conversed, Jack had obviously noticed them. He didnt care. His full attention was on the battle that lay ahead. Though he had a ninety percent confidence in victory, defeat would mean his death. He had to give it his all.

Suddenly, whispers spread through the crowd. Jack cracked open an eye, anticipating that Cranxiao had arrived, but he hadnt.

Instead, a man similar to Cranxiao had appeared on a nearby rooftop as if he was too proud to mix with the rest of the crowd. He had silver eyes and hair that fell below his shoulder, while his skin was coppery. His wide chest was bare, revealing intense musculature.

He was so similar to Cranxiao that they could have been brothers, but his face was clearly different. While Cranxiao looked like a man in his late twenties, this one seemed closer to his forties.

Of course, they were both C-Grade cultivators, so they could be thousands of years old.

This man appeared like a ghost and waited on a rooftop, arms crossed. He couldnt care less if the cabin below him belonged to somebody. The moment he showed up, the crowd burst into hushed whispers.

Thats Baron Longform!

Whats someone like him doing here?

Jack glanced at the new arrival. His aura was deep and tyrannical. He seemed unbreakable, unbendable, like the absolute overlord of everyone present. His strength was far greater than the planetary overseer Jack had fought before or even the Warden, to the degree where they werent even comparable.

Is this what a peak C-Grade feels like? he wondered.

Baron Longform looked over at Jack, and their gazes met. Jack felt like a mountain had crashed into him, like he was stared at by a wild animal. The killing intent in the other mans gaze was palpableyou had to either bow or die, there was no third option.

The man looked away, not caring in the slightest about Jack, but Jack actually kept staring.

Baron Longform I know that name.

The more he stared at this man, the more certain he felt hed seen him before. The silver hair, the bare chest, the tyrannical aura All those were familiar. But from where?

Jacks gaze fell on Baron Longforms chest, where he sported a tattoo of three parallel lines, as if wounds from a bears claws. Suddenly, Jack made the connection. His eyes widened.

This guy is alive!?

Back when hed reached the E-Grade and become the Fiend of the Iron Fist, this man had been the protagonist of Jacks Dao Vision. He was the bare-chested man who single-handedly annihilated a stronghold of immortals. Jack remembered him clearly now. He was a gedritch, a species similar to humans, from the Iron Fist Empire. He also possessed an aura skill that had been the inspiration for Jacks Brutalizing Aura.

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Hed always assumed that the people he saw in Dao Visions were long dead. That they were ancient cultivators from millions of years ago. What were the chances he would personally meet them in the boundless universe and infinite river of time?

Yet, here he was. Against all odds, Baron Longform was standing right across Jack.

As Jack stared, Longform caught his gaze again, frowning slightly. Jack finally averted his eyes, not saying anything. His face sported a wry smile.

Baron Longform had inadvertently helped him in the past. Jack owed him a favor. However, he was so similar to Cranxiao that they were probably related, so Jack chose not to speak. He simply savored the taste of this coincidence.

Could the people from my other visions be alive as well, like the A-Grade vampire woman who manipulated space? Or eventhe man who defeated a giant beast with one punch?

Excitement burned in Jack eyes. At that point, the Sages voice reached himthe old man was naturally part of the crowd.

Thats Baron Longform, he explained. Don Cranxiaos cousin, and also the third ranked outer disciple. His strength is unfathomable. He is part of the reason why Cranxiao can do whatever he wants and no high-ranker ever came to stop him.

I see. Thank you.

Even between people cultivating the same Dao, there were always differences. Don Cranxiao and Baron Longform shared the Dao of Tyranny, but Cranxiao was more like a bullyhe progressed in his cultivation by ruthlessly dominating others. As for Longform, his aura felt sharper and far more dangerous. He was not a mustache-twirling villainhe was a bona-fide tyrant.

The crowd quietened. A man stepped out from between two cabins, seeming relaxed and cheerful. His silver hair fluttered in the void, his bare chest stuck out, and his lips were smiling while his eyes were not.

Jack slowly rose to his feet.

Hey there, kid, Cranxiao said. Dont mind me, Im just here for some light exercise. Have you seen the beggar?

There is no beggar here, only a friend. However, if you want to touch him, you must get through me first.

Oho! And how exactly will you stop me?

Simple. I will kill you.

Jacks aura, which had been kept in check so far, suddenly erupted. It was deep and compact, like a giant fist slowly rolling forth, and it also contained a primal strength that felt out-of-place coming from a D-Grade. While everyone present was a C-Grade, the weakest among them felt pressured, like they were stared at by a predator. Some even took a step back.

This aura washed over the crowd and cabins like the breath of a death god.

Facing it, Cranxiao narrowed his eyes. His smile dropped. You cant be planning to fight me alone, he said. Bring out your backers. Lets see if theyre superior to mine.

The reason for Longforms presence became clear, but Jack didnt care.

I have no backers. Today, I will break you with my own two fists.

The crowd finally recovered and burst into fierce whispers. Jack was planning to fight? And not just that, but he was purposefully taunting Cranxiao? Why would he do that?

Could he be planning to win?

That was the only explanation. Yet, as people realized it, they shook their heads. To them, Jack was just too naive. Cranxiao was a talented cultivatorthough he was at the early C-Grade, his strength approached the late C-Grade. Meanwhile, Jack was only at the peak D-Grade. No matter how they saw it, winning was impossible.

On the nearby rooftop, Baron Longforms eyes narrowed. He didnt for a second believe that Jack was an idiot. What could he be planning?

Cranxio suddenly roared with laughter. His aura rolled out, matching Jacks in the void and causing sparks to fly. You have balls! he shouted. I see what youre doing. You want to play it strong so that your Dao is not too impacted when you lose. An admirable plan. Unfortunately, no matter what you do, the situation remains the same. We have agreed on a fight to the death with an Envoy as the witness. If you wish to fight me today instead of prolonging your life by two months, then I will be happy to kill you. I will smash your skull under my boot and make you one of the endless tributes to my Dao of Tyranny.

Jacks voice remained calm. If you think you can do it, go ahead and try.

Cranxiao did not attack immediately. Though he had a rough exterior, no cultivator who reached this point was an idiot. The reason hed said what he said was to ensure nobody would accuse him after the duel. He had expected Jack to retort somehow, to claim that the duel to the death would be in two months and that this was just a brawlbut he had actually accepted?

Could he really have a death wish? Or was he just stupid? At this point, unless his backer was someone like the first-ranked Min Ling or an Envoy willing to drop their honor, he would most certainly die!

Cranxiao thought and thought but found no traps. He glanced at his cousin, who nodded. Finally, an ugly, bloodthirsty grin blossomed on Cranxiaos face.

Looks like you really went crazy, he said. Fine. Let me take your life. And, as for all of you watching, pay attention! This is what happens when you mess with me. Next time, when daddy Cranxiao pays you a visit, you should be good boys and girls and let me do whatever I want!

His laughter boomed out again, an ugly, grating sound. The surrounding crowd had dark faces. Most of them had been on the receiving end of Cranxiaos fists before. Being bullied by him was like an initiation ritual in the Cathedral, a reminder that while they may have been overlords out there, they were nothing here. Even if they became strong enough to surpass him, they still couldnt touch him because of his cousins support.

The combined hatred of everyone rose like a dark bonfire, but Cranxiao only laughed harder. Though they hated him, they could do nothingthat was his Dao of Tyranny!

Here I come! he shouted, charging.

The crowd watched helplessly. Their hearts were united in Jacks favorif they could spend a hundred years of their life to make him win, they would. Unfortunately, they knew it was impossible. Jack was just too weak. Cranxiao would win yet again, he would get everything he wanted, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Tyranny would prevaillike always.

Cranxiao smashed out a punch. Though it wasnt a serious attack, it still contained enough power to injure an early C-Grade. He wanted to chase Jack around and humiliate him further.

Facing him, Jack remained calm. He did not try to dodge. His aura was like a towering mountain, a raging river. He pulled back a fist, and the world sharpened to a point. A terrifying pressure enveloped Cranxiao. Jacks fist shot forth.

The crowd looked away, unwilling to see Jacks arm mutilated.

Two fists collided. The shockwave shattered the hard stone beneath their feetand, in front of everyones incredulous gazes, Cranxiao flew back like a ragdoll.

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