Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 132: Special Self-Service Scribe Shop

Chapter 132: Special Self-Service Scribe Shop

[Special Self-Service Scribe Shop]

Welcome to the Special contingency shop, you have been awarded one (1) order credit due to ERR-0682 : major SDS malfunction.

Please keep in mind that you will need to contribute the mana necessary to the items creation yourself, this can be done in multiple payments.

Contingency Items :

  • [Class Skill level up point (Lv.100)] * 3 - 1 in stock - Mana cost : 3 000 000
  • [Class Skill level up point (Lv.200)] - 1 in stock - Mana cost : 10 000 000
  • [Classless Skill Slot] - Out Of Stock
  • [Gachapon box] * 3 - 999 in stock - Mana cost : 30 000
  • [Tier 1 Scribe Upgrade] - Out Of Stock
  • [Tier 2 Scribe Upgrade] - Out Of Stock
  • [Full body recovery] - 1 in Stock - Mana cost : Missing Health + Stamina
  • [Call Moderator] - 1 in Stock -User in Scribe Only Mode, currently unavailable

Sofia stared at the newly opened menu. So these are all the error compensations? This is kind of underwhelming. But better than nothing And I have to pay for it myself. It looks like I already used most of it. Are there no tier 3 Scribes? Also, does this mean I skipped straight from Rank 0 to Rank 2? Because this sure makes it sound as if there was a Rank 0 of Scribes.

I only see two real choices here. Keeping it for later to use the recovery as a lifeline, or buying the level 200 point. It pretty much has to be the level-up point

Ten million mana is a lot. But I do have the Sun ritual, if I use it Ill regenerate mana thrice as fast during the day, that would take me to around a hundred points per second. Not bad. That would be, uh Around thirty hours of sun-powered payment, something like that. A lot less than training a skill manually. The level 100 points have their merit too because I could get three at once. But its not that good either. Level 100 is still relatively fast to reach She thought, looking at [Heal undead] that was still stuck at level 58. Anyway, its slower after that, graveyard and whip have only gained seven levels each since I upgraded them the first time.

I dont use them so often but the point still stands.

Ill take the level 200 point!

The menu closed, leaving behind a single line.

[Paid Mana: 0 / 10 000 000]

Straightforward enough.

[Paid Mana: 10 008 / 10 000 000]

Missed the mark by eight, unlucky. Ill do it like this for now, Im not even allowed to throw all my mana in there at once, that would activate the Demon form and make me lose ten levels. It doesnt look like theres a time limit so Ill be fine even if I dont use the Sun ritual.

Hmm Im still not sure if that makes up for my armor being devalued that much. But it was always not actually blessed in any way so yeah.

I guess its not a Saint or Hero so it cannot get a blessing. No, wait, the blessed part of the description was for the original [Armor of Runes] skill that normally came with the Saintess of Scripture class, no? Valeure mentioned that skill. Oh, whatever.

What else now? Everyone is still sleeping.

I dont know where this is but it has to still be the Human continent considering the furniture. We cant have gone too far in a single night. I dont think that it could be Kulis house, I know the rug were on is green but thats probably the only thing that fits her style in this room.

Curtains are closed, I cant see outside from here but it is a bright day Maybe the actual question isnt whose place this is and rather why everyone would sleep like this on the ground Or chandeliers.

The chandelier in question broke. The brass snapped and Drian the dwarf fell heavily on the floorboards.

Karin was instantly up and ready to fight in battle stance, though she softened up just as fast after assessing the situation, Karlson yawned and stretched, and Kuli had absolutely no reaction.

Crap, sleeping in a terrible place once again, Drian complained as he picked himself up and looked at the place he just fell from, Cant make this shit up. Every damned time! Now where the fuck did we end- oh. Shit. He picked up the broken brass part of the candelabra between his feet, Say, Karl, care to repair something real quick, for an old friend?

More work

Come on, I dont want to deal with Xeross nagging

Sofia sat up, still trying not to move her legs and disturb the sleeping Guildmaster, Where are we? And who is Xeros?

Durian turned toward Sofia and looked at her like she was crazy, then his expression changed to one of understanding, Oh, I forget youre not from here. Xeros is Eh. Youll understand soon, Id wager. If you want a hint, were back in Drakron.

Sofia could hear cadenced footsteps coming closer to the room.

Xeros is the Emperor, Karlson answered, still yawning, You could ask for citizenship for you and Barett, Im sure hell agree.

The Emperor? This is the palace? We stormed into the palace while drunk?!

Youre ruining all the fun Karl! Drian complained.

The door of the room swung open, and a tall man walked in, his black cloak billowing behind him, You have had enough fun, Drian, get back to work this instant!

Fucking hell! the dwarf mage cursed. Grumbling, he left the room, but not before sticking the broken chandelier part into the mans hand.

[Emperor - Lv.300+]

The darkness of his attire was punctuated with striking accents of red and gold, which shimmered with his every move. He had an imposing figure, with a regal presence commanding attention and respect. His chiseled features were stern and serious, his short black hair impeccably combed, his posture straight and towering.

The emperor looked like a man straight out of a military painting.

And yet, despite the apparent harshness of his demeanor, there was a certain elegance to his appearance, a grace, and refinement that could only be the result of meticulous attention to how he carried himself. Sofia couldnt help but observe him through her mana vision. If his level wasnt enough, the wealth of enchanted items he wore left little doubt that he was a force to be reckoned with. Everything he wore, from his unbuttoned frock coat down to each and every one of his rings and medals, all brimming with mana.

The weapon on his side looked like a simple rapier, but it was by far the object containing the most mana in the room.

In the penumbra of this small room, the man also observed the waking group of troublemakers, his gaze only stopping for a second on Sofia and another on Pareth. Taking a few steps, he stood on the carpet, towering over Sofia who was still on the ground. Bending down, he grabbed Kuli by the collar and unceremoniously slung her over his shoulder, holding her like a sack of dirty laundry. The guildmaster didnt wake up.

Looks like I worried for nothing if she can sleep through that.

Be in the throne room in an hour, the audience will resume soon. Karin is in charge of the guests. Karlson, you get back to work too, the emperor stated, turning around and leaving the room.

Sofia looked at Karlson, a bit lost. He got up, Well, you heard the man. No need to worry about a thing, despite appearances Xeros is a very accommodating ruler. For the most part.

Karin approached her husband to fix his clothes, You should fix your appearance too. Xeros might not say a thing but the court isnt so merciful, if you have any way to demonstrate power, nows the time.

Do I need to make a good first impression? I don't have anything to discuss with the Emperor, Im not even allowed to ask for help against Scripture. Well, an opportunity is an opportunity, lets see what I can get out of it.

Anything else I should worry about? Why do I care in the first place?

Karin tilted her head as she looked at Sofia, Didnt you say you wanted ownership of the territory we took from Skyreach? A strong first impression could go a long way, Xeross permission is one thing but the nobles' approval is another.

I said that?!


What the- Why would It was meant to be a secret base And it would be pretty dumb to advertise my location like that when the Church is still standing and looking for me. Still, it might be nice to get actual allies in this mess, even if I cannot let them help me fight. Ill think about a territory when I dont have a God chasing after me.

I dont exactly have the best experience with royal courts, but Im not a level one princess this time.

How did I even go from getting dead drunk with a dwarf, a goat, and two rabbits, to having an audience with the emperor? I still dont even know how I got here

But a strong first impression then? Sure.

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