Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 208: Draconic influence

Chapter 208: Draconic influence

Available Passive Skills :

  • [ with suffering] : all those who touch it except the necromancer with long-lasting [Agony].
  • [Runic ] : You are one with the runes of
  • [Greater holy ] : Activate to surround the Saint with a greater holy aura which
  • [ miasma] : of weakening miasma.


Greater holy is a nice keyword to get, and miasma is not bad too, I think. Wasnt miasma supposed to be the Basilisks airborne poison? That should be pretty strong. These things are the whole reason boats cant go further south than the first trial tower, according to the pirate crew.

So what do I do? Already there are many good combinations compared to the active skills! Its going to be hard to choose for the opposite reasons Well, Ive dealt with worse.

These are my passive skills right now :

Passive Skills (5 / 8)

[Blessing of the Deep] - (2/4)

[Vakariazrehafin of Sorrow]

[Exalted Exoskeleton]

[Venerable physique of the primeval void] - Doors of the Light forging realm

[Bone dominus] - Level 2

I have three free slots. I should get more passive keywords at 210 and 230. But unless I get slots from the level 250 trial, if I follow the current pattern, my next passive slot is at 300 That is a while. And before that, I should also get more passive keywords at 250 and 270, while the ones from 290 will be skipped until I complete the level 300 trial as they usually do.

In total, I will likely get eight more keywords before I get a new slot

Of my current passives Im never getting rid of any of them, realistically, even if they werent locked for the most part. What this is all telling me is that Ill soon have too many keywords and not enough slots.

This only leaves two choices, either I make skills with three or more keywords and try to use them all, or I selectively wait and pick the best sounding combinations while allowing myself a lot of freedom of choice. That makes the second option sound better, but its actually only slowing my growth.

I dont know

My only certitude right now is that I cant afford to make two passives right now with these four words, or Ill be locked out of using the ones I get later.

So of all possible combinations, [Greater holy with suffering] could be decent; since its a combination of two keywords, only the effects are more predictable, and for once, the descriptions say a lot. Im fairly confident that this would be an aura that applies [Agony]. Could be worth taking.

[Runic miasma], on the other hand, the skill name itself paints a nice picture, but the descriptions dont match really well. You are one with the runes of weakening miasma.

Maybe. But not very inspiring.

[Runic with suffering] is still a big no.

And I guess that leaves [Greater holy miasma] which I could see that working. Holy aura of miasma?

Of the three word combinations The order of Greater holy and Runic doesnt seem like it would change the meaning either way, and about the same for the two end keywords. So it would really be about whether to pick two fronts or two backs.

Which makes the best-sounding choices be [Greater holy Runic miasma]; [Runic miasma with suffering], and [Greater holy with suffering miasma].

I would say [Runic miasma with suffering] doesnt have the same potential the two other ones have. Feels like a waste of the Runic keyword. Though, I have to say, miasma and with suffering are both parts of skills that apply negative status effects, so they go well together. [Greater holy with suffering miasma] might just be what I need then, and I keep the Runic keyword for something more appropriate later.

But miasma with suffering or with suffering miasma? Suffering miasma kind of makes it sound like its the miasma that does the suffering, no? Lets go for [Greater holy miasma with suffering] then. Im counting on you, Sir Scribe!

Sofia had a suspicion that maybe sticking Greater holy and negative status effects together might not result in a strengthened effect like she hoped. But at the same time, maybe it would, and there was precedent with Holy skeleton and Holy wings of undeath not having adverse effects despite the very opposite base words. Either way, she couldnt accept leaving the trial without a single new skill, especially when she had three level 200 skill-up tickets.

You have acquired the Passive skill : with suffering

You have acquired the Passive skill : miasma

You have acquired the Passive skill : Greater Holy

The skill appeared all messed up in her status. Oh, looks like the Scribe didnt have a ready answer for this one. By reflex, she still tried to access the skills information which returned two small messages in Draconic.

That first one I can already tell is the usual ERROR, so if I follow the logic, the other one is something like Please wait, if I remember correctly.

Sofia decided to take a look at the book on Draconic that Sen had left her to wait for the skill to update. Fast reading was of no help this time. She had to slowly try to understand the principles of the Draconic language. Just understanding the basic principle of their special alphabet took her three hours.

That was three pages. Great. Theres what, eight hundred more? Maybe I should have picked the [Emerald cypher] after all

The skill had been ready for a while, but Sofia was too focused on her studies to notice. She got worried when she saw the skill name written in Draconic but thanked the scribe when the description was actually readable.

[???] : When activated, the light of your holy spells spreads The Erredian Rot.

Upkeep : 10 000 mana per second

Sofia stared at the description for a while.

That was the most concise of all her three keyword skills yet. No details, no nothing, just an ominous line about rot and a gigantic mana cost.

Seriously, that's the same cost as a basic angels bolt

Its not too bad, still. I can keep that going for thirty seconds which is a lot, all things considered. But this Erredian Rot sounds scary. Which Is good? Do I need to worry about hitting myself with it? I dont suppose I can get more details about what this rot is meant to be.

Could I at least get a list of exactly which skills this works with, like is the solar light from the spine holy light?

[Please wait.]

[List of known skills and wild magic capable of producing holy light:

Eclipse Skeleton

Spine of the Black Sun

Heal Undead

Exalted Exoskeleton

Venerable physique of the primeval void


The Book of Skeletons]

Sofia was surprised that she actually got what she asked for, and not in Draconic either, which was a relief.

So most of my skills. [Heal undead] and [Exalted Exoskeleton] arent surprising, but everything else?

So Pareth and the books summons like the Paladins and the Priest should be able to apply it? If so, that's incredibly strong. Though, [Heal Undead] might be the most efficient way to spread it yet.

[Heal Undead] : Invokes a pillar of Holy healing light. Only heals the undead.

Max range and radius of 71 meter (1*Skill Level).

Heal the undead for 81 (10 + Skill level) Health + (5% of the healed undeads maximum health) per second while the light is channeled.

The light pillars upkeep is 100 mana per second plus 1 mana per 2 Health points restored.

Does not work in restricted spaces.

As long as its not healing anything, its only 100 mana per second no matter the size. If I get it to level 200 or 249, thats a really big area that showers everything with holy light I wanted to get rid of it because the mana cost is too high to heal Pareth since he had so much health. Just using it for half a second during the fight against Victory almost halved the mana I had left. But now if it can also spread a strong status effect

I might not be getting rid of it quite yet!

Its also nice that the spine works but thats just a footnote at this point. But I dont understand at all how VPPV and [Sanctity] produce holy light? Either the system messed up or Im missing some serious details about some of my skills. Probably the second option.

Also no Angels Bolt. So Angelic light isnt Holy light. Im not too surprised but its interesting to know for sure. Since Sofia understood that Angels were affiliated with the system and that Holy light meant that it pertained to the Gods, it was logical that they were different. Unless the system was some kind of God, but from this, it seemed it wasnt.

With one skill category figured out, Sofia spent more time agonizing over what to do with her active skills, but she couldnt decide in the end and opted to wait. Instead, she focused on the classless skills. She had three slots to fill, potentially four if she dropped [Sprint] again, and a specialization point waiting to be used.

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