Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 211: The second specialization! And oh god, oh no, Sofia, what in the world are you doing?!

Chapter 211: The second specialization! And oh god, oh no, Sofia, what in the world are you doing?!

[Fast reading] reached level 56

[Fast reading] reached level 57

[Fast reading] reached level 58

[Way of the Fool] reached level 22

Sofia had long lost all track of the time spent learning the language when she managed to reach a level sufficient to read the system notifications in Draconic. She had focused only on reading comprehension, completely disregarding all mentions of politeness, pronunciation and such things. Now she could read most things with sufficient confidence that even if she didnt understand a word, she could guess and not land too far from its actual meaning. And she still had the book as a support when something really blocked her.

She now understood the real name of her new passive skill, which was [Breath of the Outcast] but since she found out the Scribe would let her write whatever she wanted over the Draconic text in her status, she renamed it [Erredian Rot].

And with the biggest hurdle dealt with, she could finally get on to what she thought was the most exciting and nerve-wrecking part of the level up process, the specialization. Zerei had told them that it wasnt uncommon to enter up to fifty levels of debt for the elite few Avians who had this opportunity. Specializations were too important and rare to cheap out on. Sofia was ready to go all out, and she knew Alith would too if she managed to get a point, so they might end up in a lot of debt. They were both fine with that.

Im ready to roll a hundred times if I need to, give me the good stuff!

[Path of the Sleepless :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has met many people who rarely sleep
  • Has sometimes spent more than a week straight without sleeping
  • Has an item which alleviates sleepiness
  • Has had thoughts that sleep was a waste of time

Description : The sleepless rarely sleep. The longer they stay awake, the sturdier they get.

Stat growth change : Health growth *2]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : none)]

Not bad but also not good Also health growth going from five to ten per level is pitiful.

And it doesnt show the level debt I got from the Demon form here. It makes it easier to keep track of the number of tries Im using I guess. Cant forget Im already twenty levels deep into debt Well, twenty one.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Beacon of Light :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has guided a child toward their destined path
  • Has numerous light related skills
  • Has a constant wish to improve the fighting capabilities of their comrades
  • Does not easily succumb to despair

Description : The Beacon of light is a selfless helper, while no longer being able to fully benefit from their own Sanctity, it will be shared to guide all the worthy toward the light. A clear direction toward a brighter tomorrow!

Stat growth change : Health, Stamina, and Mana growth*1.5]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 1 level)]

Lowering the effects of sanctity for myself to let the skeletons have it? Thats the total opposite of what I need

Also what about guiding a child? When? Where? I did that?

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Squanderer :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has admitted to luxurious tastes
  • Has a habit of spending large amounts of money
  • Has very little regard for gold coins
  • Has not picked a coin because they were too lazy to bend over and get it
  • Has used gold as a ritual catalyst
  • Has destroyed valuable items
  • Has valuable items that they have not used nor sold

Description : The Squanderer has no qualms spending money. Spend that gold! Spend it and gain unparalleled defense, for a premium cost.

Stat growth change : Stamina growth*3]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 2 levels)]

Somehow I feel a bit insulted. I should have stopped translating when I first read the name

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Predator :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has hunted monsters much stronger than themselves
  • Has survived an encounter with an Apex predator in their own territory
  • Has eaten many kinds of monster meat
  • Has fought using claws
  • Has ambushed a prey
  • Has an arch-nemesis

Description : The path of the Predator needs not be a solitary one, but it is bloody. The predator has no need for defenses, they hone their claws instead and turn all defensive magic into deadly spells.

Stat growth change : Strength, Agility, and Speed growth*3]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 3 levels)]

Three stats get triple growth, but no more defense? Just no

Should I just translate the stat growth part first and skip all the ones which do not give mana?

No, that would be a waste of my levels. You never know what could be strong. Thats the whole reason I also translate the requirements, I can never know when something crazy will show up in there. Stuff like fighting a God. It doesnt take me too long to go through but its exhausting.

Anyway, nothing I would consider taking so far. Hopefully I dont really have to spend a hundred levels

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Breathless :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has no need to breathe
  • Has entered places without air
  • Is unable to use Draconic Breath
  • Is breathtaking

Description : The Breathless is one who has lost their strongest weapon, they have turned to weaker forms of magic instead. They are able to do a great many things, but they will never master any. They will take your breath away.

Stat growth change : Mana growth*2]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 4 levels)]

For Dragons who cant use Draconic Breath? It doesnt really sound great, but maybe. At least it has the stat growth I want.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Impervious Dead :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has lost more than 100 000 Health
  • Had died many times
  • Is alive

Description : The Impervious Dead is one which has stubbornly refused Deaths embrace until it became one with it. The Impervious dead is the sturdiest kind of Undead, capable of high damage negation and fast regeneration, but they suffer some side effects.

Stat growth change : Health growth*10, all other stat growth divided by 5]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 5 levels)]

Big no for this. Become an undead, really? It honestly sounds like a kind of Zombie, even worse! No thank you. And Im not even going to talk about the stats

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Naked one:

Unlocking requirements :

  • Was born with no scales
  • Has worn multiple layers of armor
  • Enjoy being unclothed when alone
  • Has

Sofia frowned and stopped translating this one.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Punisher :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has punished bad children
  • Has punished themselves
  • Has punished sinners
  • Has punished a prince or princess
  • Has punished a King or Queen
  • Has punished an Emperor or Empress
  • Has plans to punish a higher being
  • Has witnessed punishing beyond their comprehension

Description : The Punisher revels in pain. Whatever they take, they shall give back.

Stand not in the Punishers path, or you shall become his bloodbath.

Stat growth change : Health growth fixed to 100 000 per level, Mana growth fixed to 50 per level; other stats may no longer grow in any way]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 7 levels)]

A hundred thousand per level? And with unlocking requirements like these? Its not what Im looking for at all, and its a bit extreme But Ill keep that in mind. I could make it work, maybe.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Planesgrasper :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has traveled through four planes of existence or more
  • Has interacted with beings from all planes
  • Has a grasping ability
  • Is a Saint or Apostle

Description : The Planesgrasper is the firm hand that separates all realms of existence.

In their dominion, all space magic and planar travel is condemned.

You cannot leave.

Stat growth change : All stat growths +50 per level]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 8 levels)]

I dont know what to say about this one. Its obviously good. But maybe Ive been blinded by the stat growth of Punisher, this just doesnt make an impression. And the name is ugly.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Celestial :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has interacted with Celestial Gods
  • Has Skills with Celestial components
  • Has used rituals with Celestial components
  • Has wings
  • Has flown higher than the atmosphere
  • Has witnessed the glory of space

Description : The Celestial is one with the skies.

A Celestials defenses are stronger the higher they fly.

Stat growth change : Mana and Speed growth *2]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 9 levels)]

This one is fine, the stat growth changes are good. But the effects sound a bit Lacking? Why is the description so short? And does that mean this specialization does nothing but give more stats when Im on the ground?

Not a definite no but Im unimpressed. Next.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

Sofia sighed as soon as she translated the title, but she kept reading anyway.

Come on, be serious, Im paying with my levels here

[Path of the Roastmaster :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has honed their roasting skills
  • Has roasted themselves
  • Has roasted their friends
  • Has roasted their enemies
  • Has roasted many things which werent even edible
  • Has been roasted to death and back
  • Has roasted for the pleasure of roasting

Description : You are the Roastmater, the king of meat, your dedication to the crafts needs no explanation. Go, and experience all the meat, eat it all, roast it all, and become ever stronger!

Stat growth change : Gain incremental additional stats when eating a type of roasted meat for the first time (at most thrice per level)]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 10 levels)]

This Strangely enough It could actually be good. How many different animals and monsters with flesh are there in the world? Depending on how the bonus stats grow, it could end up being an ungodly amount of stats But this also requires leveling up so its not like I can actually grow ever stronger. Well, Im not willing to try and find out how good or bad it could be.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Mountain :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has entered a mountain
  • Has attacked a mountain
  • Has been attacked by a mountain
  • Has created artificial mountains
  • Has survived attacks which could split a mountain
  • Is tall

Description : Become the Mountain. Slow and steady, you will outgrow your opponents.

The mountain does not falter, the mountain does not break, the mountain does not fall.

Stat growth change : Health and Stamina growth *2]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 11 levels)]

Strong but unsuited for me, an extra five health and stamina per level is not going to get me anywhere

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Nameless Horror :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has a name that must not be spoken
  • Has struck fear and horror into thousands
  • Is no longer completely of their birth race

Description : Do not speak of the unspeakable.

Stat growth change : All stat growths *2]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 12 levels)]

Fear and horror?

Oh, the 96th floor army At first glance this is good. But its uncertain what it does, and Im not certain this is the best choice to stay an accepted member of society.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Egg :

Not translating this one.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[Path of the Ruler of Thunder :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has a crown worthy of a ruler
  • Has flown through a thunderstorm
  • Has held lightning with their bare hands
  • Has proved themselves as a faithful user of lightning magic
  • Has wings
  • Has more Mana than a thousand times their level
  • Has proved their valor against another Draconid
  • Has killed higher level users of at least four different elements

Description : The Ruler of Thunder wields lightning like a second skin. Their sheer indomitable might weakens all other elements. In their kingdom of clouds, they are undefeated.

Stat growth change : Mana growth *3]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 14 levels)]

Hey, finally. After fourteen attempts. Finally a good one! You mean I can cast Angels bolts without worrying about roasting myself, gain thrice as much mana every level AND weaken all other elemental magic? Yes. Yes please. This is almost too good to be true.

Sofia stared at the specialization she had just translated.

But she didnt pick it. It was there now, she could always come back. But at that moment, she felt greed. She recognized what it was, and it scared her that she would so easily succumb to it. But she couldnt fight it. So what if she lost a few more levels, she thought. The next one could be much better yet!

And so, she went again.

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

But now she was much less careful about reading it all. Focusing on the key points only.

[Path of the Impostor :

Stat growth change : None]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 15 levels)]

This was all she checked for this one.

[Path of the Cave dweller]

[Path of the Castellan]

[Path of the Savior]

[Path of the Fading light]

Why is it always health growth

[Path of the Priest]

[Path of the Gravekeeper]

This one has such a good name but the description is the worst one yet I would sooner pick Nameless horror than whatever this shit is.

Sofia kept going, but her reason was starting to get the best of her, this was a lot of levels.

Just a few more

[Path of the Escapist]

[Path of the Skin flayer]

[Path of the Walking Sanctuary :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has provided shelter to ones in need
  • Has protected and been protected
  • Has survived the attack of an hostile extra-systemic being
  • Has survived the attack of an operator
  • Has survived the attack of an hostile God
  • Has survived the influence of a Lord

Description : The Walking Sanctuary attains beauty through simplicity. They will survive, and through a voluntary sharing of fate, all who enter the Sanctuary may help uphold its splendor.

Everywhere is home. Everywhere is warm. Everywhere is safe.

May the Sanctuary never fade away.

Stat growth change : Health growth *4; Mana growth *3; Stamina growth *2]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 24 levels)]

No way I actually found something as good as the Ruler of Thunder again.

This is gonna be a dilemma

This I think Im stuck.

Sofia spent several hours trying to come to a decision. On one side, what seemed like an incredible one-of-a-kind defensive upgrade, on the other, the promise of harmless angel bolts and defenses against all other kinds of magic. Both with incredible stat growth and unlocking requirements that were hard to replicate.

She tried her best to choose, but they felt so similar in their potential, for the first time ever, Sofia was at a complete loss over what to do. Until she gave up.

Theres only one way to settle this.

Whats a few levels?

I will keep going until I get something better than both of these. Levels are nothing, Pareth can get them for me. If theres ever a third specialization, it will come when higher level opponents than me are harder to find and to fight. Right now, monsters over level 200 are still plentiful. And I have never been stronger

Zerei said the Avians rolled up to fifty

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

[You have chosen to pay

Sofias luck with her results was terrible. She reached fifty levels of debt but nothing was as good as Ruler of Thunder and Walking Sanctuary.

More than once she wanted to stop, but she was too deep down the hole to climb back up.

She gave herself no limit, she would get something exceptional.

Something powerful enough to end Scripture.

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 112 levels)]

[You have chosen to pay for a new path]

It felt like she had been going forever, but she was still not giving up. Each lost level hurt a bit more, but she still felt it was justified, it was an investment.

The next path which appeared gave her pause. The name was special, but the stranger part was the unlocking requirements which she didnt understand at all, to the point that she questioned whether or not all of her translations until now were actually correct.

[Path of the Heat Death :

Unlocking requirements :

  • Has witnessed a core
  • Has witnessed a collapse
  • Has witnessed a mending
  • Has been exposed to the four principles
  • Can survive the absolute zero
  • Can survive the eternal silence
  • Can survive the void

Description : Where fate ends.

All will fade, such is destiny. All but you.

Stat growth change : All stat growths *4]

[You may accept this path or choose another one (current debt : 113 levels)]

All stats times four!

The description is more than a bit ominous but If I dont stop now I never will.

Survive the end of fate Did I even translate that well? What does Heat Death mean? Getting cooked? The name feels like it doesnt fit everything else.

With the two demon form uses, that makes it 133 levels of debt. This better be reaaaaaaaaally worth it. But I think, if only for the stat growth multipliers, it should be.

I really went overboard this time. Is this the furthest anyone has pushed the specialization debt, I wonder?

Well, I will only have to go from level 200 to 201 a hundred and thirty three times. Its not that bad. And Alith can help too, or she can force me to drop her skill if she doesnt want to wait


[Congratulations, you have unlocked the specialized skill : Heat Death!]

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