Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 215: Old monsters

Chapter 215: Old monsters

It was still the middle of the night, Sofia and Alith had just left the city.

So we go straight up?

That's how she took me there last time. Oh, right, wait, I should put on the brooch she gave me. Alright, grab my hands.

Dont you think its dangerous to keep the crown?

I dont believe she would try to steal something for us, but I could see her try to buy it. Supposedly the system makes sure nobody else can take it though, so theres no reason to be worried about that.

Sofia deployed her wings, she could tweak their form now, so she made them as large as she could to get more traction. The effort required on her end was the same no matter their size anyway.

Sofia and Alith shot up through the night sky, piercing multiple thin layers of clouds. The mana and the breathable air were quite thin where they were headed, but this was no longer an issue for their improved body.

It did not take long for them to reach Valeures floating ruins of a house. It was softly lit by countless small blue wisps of light, and the small foxes normally running around during the day were all sleeping in packs.

Sofia landed at the exact same spot Valeure had helped her land the first time.

Alith was more than a bit impressed by the flying abode, Is it really fine for us to just enter like that?

It was her who said I could come back so it should. Its not like were a danger to her anyway, I dont believe we could do anything reprehensible here and still manage to escape even if we gave it our best effort.

Right Well, were just here to ask for help. It is still the middle of the night though.

What does night even mean to us at this point? I could probably go months without sleep now. And you dont even need to sleep at all.

Not wrong, Sofia. Not wrong

Alith had more to say but their chatter stopped when the many floating blue lights moved in unison, lining the borders of seemingly random parts of the floating ruins to form a glowing path.

See, Alith? No need to worry about a thing, she already knows, were lucky that shes here.

Hmm. Lets follow the light then.

The light path led the duo to one of the rare roofed parts of the ruins, a large room with closed shut stone doors.

Let me open up to the guests, a muffled calm and deep voice sounded through the door.

Sofia and Alith took a few steps back so the doors would have enough space to open outwards. They did so on their own a second later, after being filled with mana.

Sofia had found the voice strangely familiar. She understood why as soon as she got a glimpse of the people behind the door.

[Saint - Lv. 449]

[Hero - Lv. 299 (412)]


Three persons stood in the cozy carpeted salon that might as well be a bunker considering the amount of ritual circles adorning its walls.

The first one was the eternally bored Valeure, floating in the air as usual.

The second was a tall and muscular bald black man in orange clothes

And the third was a skeleton wearing a long black skirt hiding his legs and a soft looking black cape draped over his shoulders.

Valeure, Orvod and a skeleton so powerful I cannot see his level. Where are we, the gathering of world destroying monsters? Is it too late to jump off?

This has to be the TLDR guy, right?

Again, it was Orvod who spoke, Well, come in.

I totally killed his descendant. I- Uh. At least I saved the magisteriums daughter, right? Right? Ahah

A gust of wind pushed Sofia and Alith inside, there was nothing they could do to resist it, it didnt do any damage so Sofia couldnt even try to dispel it. The doors closed behind them.

The skeleton had moved faster than Sofia could comprehend, he was closely observing her and Alith as they tried to find their balance. Two most interesting new Rankers, arent they? This one is even wearing the crown with two of my gems. Great picks, number one. Are you interested in joining the Red Carpet?

The skeletons voice wasnt anything physical, it moved directly through mana, imprinting itself into everyones thoughts.

Two of YOUR gems?! Sofia thought it so loudly that it escaped her mouth.

You didnt think they came out of nowhere, did you? They sadly arent worth much without the crown however, but they are my precious creations. Your friends storage ring is one too.

Alith instantly entered the fray, Are you an Admin?

Lords, no., the skeleton rebutted, sounding indignant, he took some distance, Id rather die. My four best gems ended up there, trading, its all there is to it.

Are you done Richie? Valeure asked, sounding as lethargic as Sofia remembered.

Maybe? I dont know. My instincts tell me there is a lot to learn here. Arent you curious too? You never told me anything about them, always hogging all the fun, eh. This one is some kind of undead I never encountered, even! But they must have business with you, so please, do get on with it.

Thank you. Welcome back, Sofia. And you are Alith, correct? I am Valeure, Saintess of Wind, and this is my home. You are welcome here too. Congratulations to both of you on your trial. Only a few more and you will be like us What brings you here this time?

Alith and Sofia nodded at the introductions, then Alith looked at Sofia.

I get it, its my job from here, well, I have all the items so

Thank you for your hospitality. I hope we are not interrupting anything

We were just done discussing some urgent matters, your timing is quite lucky, do not worry about it.

Alright, thank you. We came seeking your help on a certain matter in particular, though it seems that I, in fact, have things to discuss with everyone present here today

Oh oh? Everyone present? I am quite curious, is it about the gems?

It is not, actually.

I see, I see, very well.

Orvod spoke up, his deep voice calm like a spring river, What may be your dealings with this old monk?

Does he not know? What do I say, I killed you in the first trial and also killed your son/ grandson, who knows? It sounds dumb to say it but it might be worse to say nothing Valeure saw my murder history and Armand Anzan Ovohen is literally the first line!

What are the chances that he isnt related to Orvod Maurya Ovohen from the same church, of the same kingdom?

I dont think hes related to Scripture anymore though, or I would be very dead right now Unless he plans to kill me when I leave, but then no matter what I say now, it wont really matter Might as well say it then.

Uh I apologize. I believe I may have killed someone from your family.

I know, he answered without flinching. Worry not about that. I thank you for saving Perenia, he continued, performing an uncomfortably formal ninety degree bow, I apologize for the actions of my extended family. May you find it in your heart to forgive them. I had long before distanced myself from Skyreachs Church.

Crisis averted?!

All in the past now Speaking of which, this is not my first time meeting you.

Might as well get that out of the way now, and the more interesting things I have to say the more likely Valeure is to help.

I do not remember ever interacting with you, Saintess.

Yes, yes. Of course, I meant, how do I say this? Does the name Aurelia Grandcourt?

Ah, so you have met a remnant of my past during your first trial I assume. Aurelia

Can I know what happened to her?

She died young, along with almost everyone present in the capital at the time.

The Alphageid uh

For the first time, Orvod seemed slightly surprised. This is buried history. Did your trial expose you to this disaster? What was Vakeragon thinking

Well, this is great, it will save us a lot of explaining, will it not? See, we old bunch are on somewhat of a war against these tentacular otherworlders known as the Phageid. This was the subject of this meeting too. You three are still too weak to need to worry about it, but should you keep growing, we would gladly welcome you into our ranks as more than just commercial associates.

Us three? Sofia asked.

You heard what I said, necromancer. There is no hiding a skeleton from the oldest lich around. I do not know where you are hiding it, but I can feel its presence clearly, tied to your soul, present in this very room.

Valeure was intrigued by the telepathic skeletons affirmations, Necromancer? Did she train wild casting necromancy on the side? I assumed it was a specialization

No, this should be a part of her class.

She is Scriptures Saintess, Richie. What do you mean a part of her class?

Not my story to tell, she would be agreeable to trade this information to you, I bet. I will not be scamming a young girl out of your money, Valy.

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