Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 221: Lucky connections

Chapter 221: Lucky connections

See, told you Id get the pills we need.

Health, Agility, and Speed No Strength this time.

Three out of four isnt bad, these all give 5000 points, imagine how much itll be when you eat ten of them. Your health is gonna jump from twenty to seventy thousand!

Somehow, I doubt were going to be able to eat that many. Supposedly Im already at the maximum amount of stats I can handle until I get a few more level-ups. Thats what Sen said. With these giving so much, I feel like the number we can eat will be lower this time.

You know what, Sofia, you have a point. Guess we can only try and find out. Im eating these for now. You should open your boxes too.

Yeah For someone lucky, though, you didnt open a single box above C rank.

I got exactly what I wanted, if thats not lucky then I dont know what is. I dont even understand why the stat pills are C rank rewards when theyre so good.

My turn then, I dont even know what I would want out of this at this point. Another illustrated bestiary would be nice, the Slime one was very instructive.

[Congratulations! D rank draw! You won : Jade skin pill(30min)*1]

Oh, you got this one too, right?

Yeah, I dont know if Ill bother making more though, if the recipe is simple, I guess? Dont really care for the effects.

Well. Nineteen more.

[Congratulations! D rank draw! You won : Jade skin pill(30min)*1]

Again? Alright

[Congratulations ! E rank draw! You won : Fluffy bath towel*1]

Sure, whatever.

[Congratulations ! E rank draw! You won : Colorful mug*1]

[Congratulations ! D rank draw! You won : Odor suppressant pill(30min)*1]

Thats a new one, Sofia remarked, showing Alith the small pill.

Is it really useful? Not like we stink. Well, its yours so I cant eat it anyway. Interesting to know it exists.

Yeah I hope my next boxes will be a bit better.

[Congratulations ! C rank draw! You won : Processing pill (+5000)*1]

Wait, Processing?

A stat weve never heard of?

Maybe? You know how I got into a huge debt for my specialization, and how it gave the name of the hidden stats, right?

You never mentioned Processing.

Because it wasnt there.

[Processing pill] : Consume to gain 5000 maximum processing.

Item level : 200.

Grade : Flawless.

I dont have an option for an advanced analysis.

Id say eat it and figure out the difference but considering you have to avoid gaining stats right now, I dont know. Maybe that Nicet guy will know more?

Maybe. Speaking of which, we should hurry a bit.

Sofia opened another box.

[Congratulations ! C rank draw! You won : Processing pill (+5000)*1]

Same again

[Congratulations ! E rank draw! You won : Royal Rug*1]

[Congratulations ! E rank draw! You won : 50 meters of sturdy string rope*1]

Sofia opened the boxes a bit faster, grabbing the content and putting it on the side. When the box disappeared, she reached for the next one.

There was no message when she opened it, and nothing inside the box. It also didnt disappear. Sofia stared at the box, then at Alith.

Something wrong?

Sofia answered nothing and just turned the box to show Alith the non-existent contents.

Oh. Did you get a defective product?

Just then, a new system notification appeared.

[Congratulations ! F rank draw! You won : Empty wooden box*1]

Guess not. This is the product Im really getting scammed right now...

The next can only be better at least.

[Congratulations ! B rank draw! You won : Bestiary illustrated series (Shades)*1]

See, thats actually good! Just keep opening them, we need to go soon. Alith encouraged her.

Its nice, yeah, but somehow, it still feels bad, I wonder why. Is it because the book on slimes Alith got was hundreds of pages thick while this one is so thin I can almost see through it? There must not be many types of shades Nine more boxes. Surely I can get at least one A rank?

[Congratulations ! E rank draw! You won : Fertile dirt bag*1]

[Congratulations ! E rank draw! You won : Strong magnet*1]

I got a block of steel.

And a bag of dirt. You sure there wasnt a Saintess luck classless skill that you could have picked? You look like you need it right now.

Sofia sighed and reached for the next box in the pile, she had already gotten so much from the trial anyway, it was greedy to expect more. If nothing else, she already won 10 000 points worth of stats, which was not bad, even if she didnt understand what the stat did.

[Congratulations ! C rank draw! You won : Processing pill (+5000)*1]

Third of those

[Congratulations ! D rank draw! You won : Weightlessness pill(30sec)*1]

[Congratulations ! E rank draw! You won : Wooden Flute*1]

[Congratulations ! A rank draw! You won : Scroll of assisted inspiration*1]

[Congratulations ! E rank draw! You won : Commander jacket*1]

[Congratulations ! E rank draw! You won : Plate of sterile sterile fruits*1]

[Congratulations ! C rank draw! You won : Gold coin pile (+5000)*1]

So, you got a blank scroll, a long jacket with sewn sleeves that you cant put your arms into, a pile of gold, and a bunch of fruits?

Seems so. Its interesting that you can get gold instead of stat pills. But going by value, I suppose you could say anything coming from rank B or higher boxes is worth over five thousand gold?

I dont know, the book on Shades you got probably wouldnt sell even for a few hundred and it was a B rank

Well, better than nothing, also the scroll was A rank, cant be bad, lets look.

[Scroll of assisted inspiration] : Infuse it with mana after writing your current issue on it; the system will provide you inspiration to resolve the problem. One-time use.

Item level : 100.

Grade : Flawless.

Good potential, depending on how much the inspiration helps, Sofia commented.

I wonder what would happen if you write that your issue is that you need to destroy Scripture.

Maybe Ill do just that But I guess Ill hold onto it for now. Its honestly not bad, although honestly, this wasnt the luckiest part of this whole thing.

What was, then? The gold?

No. Its that none of this was written in Draconic

Oh right, youve got to deal with that now. Well, thats one more thing done, lets go eat, Sofia, Im starving!

You still dont actually need to eat, dont you?

This is this, and thats that.

The duo ate with Nicet and used that time to get to know the snakeman a bit more. His skills were more focused on utility than battle, but he could defend himself well, as could anyone capable of reaching this level. He was actually leveling mostly because he kept going to dangerous places for his research. He was an educated mage from an academy and had worked multiple jobs before being recruited into the research team of Red Carpet by Orvod, who needed Space Mages to study the spatial anomalies happening in Sovuln after the Tide.

It turned out Orvod had moved to Sovuln and built himself a nice place on a mountain until the Tide ruined everything. He had been the only one strong enough to fight back at the time, but still had to escape when faced with the endless swarm of monsters. Since then, he had been trying to slow the Ebb down until he found a way to contain it within a barrier. Now he wanted to reclaim the kingdom, but few other strong people were interested in the dangerous expedition, and now the Phageid were keeping everyone too busy to care about Sovuln. It was like Valeure had explained before, too late to save anyone anymore and a pain to deal with, so interest in recovering the land was low.

Nicet had been working with Orvod for seven years. So to say, if someone was going to explore Sovuln, Nicet was one of the best guides one could hope for. After Nicets winded storytelling of the events, the group went over the exact plan of action. They decided on how they would approach Sovuln, considering it was better to avoid going through Skyreach altogether. Nicet also explained the details of the anti Ebb suit which was some kind of full-body skin-tight stretchy piece of cloth that supposedly had a slightly repellant property towards the Ebbs spores. It also came with a full helmet with glass at the front and several enchantments on it that aimed to let air and sound through.

The helmet isnt mandatory, really, but if one of those pink tentacles happens to hit you in the face, youll be very glad youre wearing it. The issue is you cannot really wear a real helmet over it, Nicet finished his explanation as he took off the suits helmet he had put on as an example.

Sofia observed the enchanted helmet thing, it was a bit ugly and looked uncomfortable, but protection was protection. Thats not really an issue for either of us.

Say Dopple, can you eat this? Will it keep all the properties? Alith asked, looking down. Nicet had a look of confusion written all over his face. It only worsened when Alith actually got an answer.

Please, be serious. I can eat an enchanted masterpiece and keep all the properties, you think I wouldnt be able to replicate the effect of such a simple fabric?

If you say so. Sorry Nicet, Ill be cutting this up.

Nicet seemed to have many questions as he watched Alith cut the suit he had just made and feed it to the black piece of fabric covering her chest. He looked at Sofia for help or explanations, but she just smiled and shrugged.

Mutant mushroom immunity acquired. Its at times like these that Dopple is really useful.

Nicet looked at Sofia, then at the suit he had just given her.

What does he want? Oh, dont worry, Im not going to feed mine to a talking shirt.

I have seen very weird things happen while I worked in Sovuln. But I must admit, this was still disturbing. This trip is going to be interesting, I can already tell.

Alith chuckled. She crossed her arms behind her head and leaned back in her seat, Youve seen nothing yet, just wait until the tall one starts throwing lightning.

Lightning? Didnt she say she was a Saint with abilities mainly related to necromancy?


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