Saintess Summons Skeletons

Chapter 304: Sticks and Stones

Chapter 304: Sticks and Stones

Out of everything that Sofia had expected to be doing on her first night at the academy, sitting alone at a desk in an empty classroom with a pencil and a sheet of questions wasnt what she had expected.

The paper was also heavily enchanted. Sofia could tell that much.

So far, it only said:

Question 1: What are three things a good teacher should always strive for?

Three things? The only really good teacher Ive had was Suns Oracle. But Im not quite sure his training methods are what Beligenus is looking for

I should just write common sense stuff I guess?

A1: The safety of their students. Making sure the teachings are both understood by and useful to them. To continue to learn and become a better teacher.

That should do it.

A few seconds after Sofia stopped writing, the page became blank again. And a new question came to replace the previous one.

Question 2: How many spells can one learn?

Is that some kind of trick question?

A2: As many as their body and mind can handle.


Question 3: You come across a sapient troll trying to summon a demon by drawing circles in the sand, what do you do?

Weird question but sure

A3: Explain that demons cannot be summoned.

Question 4: Two summoners have a friendly bet, they will let their summons fight without directing them. Between three clay golems swordsmen and one haunting specter, who will win?

Ah, now this one is for sure a trick question.

A4: No one.

Golems cant be possessed, as far as I know. And if their summoner can only make three swordsmen, its likely they have no elemental magic capable of damaging the specter. So that would be a draw.

Lots of hypotheticals but the question is like this to begin with

Question 5: How many Elves does it take to plant twenty eight palm trees in a manaless desert in two days?

Really? The questions were already a bit strange until now but what does THIS have to do with anything?

Nobody answered.

Well shit.

A5: Im sure Oracle Sundered Skies could do it by himself in less than two days.

The following questions were all of the same type, weird open ended scenarios that could never have a proper answer. Either because they were too vague in what they asked, did not provide proper data, or were barely legible in the first place.

Still, Sofia pushed through, trying her best to answer even the stupidest questions somewhat seriously, until the paper became blank again and stayed that way.

Im done? That sure was tiring Someone will come after Im done right?

With nothing better to do, Sofia brought out the book of skeleton to summon her favorite crow and spent the next while playing with it as well as trying to make a bone replica of its magnificent figure. Her repertoire of pets felt a bit weaker with the rat and dog both gone.

Maybe I should get a cat. Or a lizard. Actually, what about a snake? I dont know, a lot of Crowies appeal is how smart he is. What other smart small animals are there?

The ultimate book summon would be a Dragon, right? But considering all Ive learned now, getting a full Dragons skeleton seems pretty impossible. Even if I could somehow find the remains of a long dead one, going grave robbing looks like a good way to end up also in the cemetery. Unless I find a skeleton so old they have basically no living family left, but that sounds like a stretch, considering how old they can live

Well, Ill see. Who knows. Surely I can get one to donate their acenstores bones or something. I got five of Suns essences so a dead Dragon doesnt sound too far fetched

Quite the interesting conversation to hold with oneself. My advice on the matter would be to wait until the right opportunity comes, many a necromancer has fallen in their thirst for power, Beligenus chimed in from behind, as if he had always been there. Of course Sofia hadnt heard or sensed him coming at all once again.

Ahah, its not

There is no shame in seeking power. I will not chastise you, I know what your right arm is made of, it does not disturb me. Do you know, young girl, who mostly use the remains of us Dragons for the purpose of war?


That is so, yes. As such, you can be at ease with these topics, it is but a natural ramification of being the strongest species, Beligenus confirmed.

And the scarcity of such remains is a consequence of the low population, which is another natural outcome

Low population and low death rate. There must be around a hundred of us still alive currently. In a way, this is a large amount. In others, this is terribly low. That being said, there were times in the past where Dragons were numerous. Our species was once prosperous, or so the legends say. There wont be much left on the surface, but to this day, we sometimes discover relics of those times deep underground. You simply must be willing to go where no one else was.

Like, say, in the depths under a certain Leviathan?

That is a very good guess. I would say that there is a high certainty of finding countless interesting things down there, should anyone manage to reach them alive. However, the sea monster is not one to be trifled with. Now, shall we start your practical evaluation? Let us finish those formalities before the sun rises.

Fine with me.

The Headmaster led Sofia to an underground arena, pointing out the function of the different facilities they walked through. Explaining that even if she failed to become a teacher he would still gladly take her in as a student.

So the arena is right below the open training grounds Does the barrier extend to the underground too? Sofia asked as she entered the place that oddly looked a lot like the arena in which she had held her first meeting with Valeure.

Of course. Most of the underground space covered by the barrier is being used. The academy grounds are much larger under than above. There are numerous specialized training facilities and other such places. They were gradually added by the new generations of students. We even have an artificial Dungeon in there where first-years can try their skills against Gemites and get their first levels.


Natural quartz golems. They are quite cute and relatively harmless, dumb as rocks.

Interesting, I hope Ill get to see them.

You do? Well youre in luck, Beligenus held his right fist out in front of him, his long blue fingers with sharp nails unfurling, magic whirled in the palm of his hand. A massive figure appeared mid-air in the arena, it fell with great force. The landing of the creature shook the arena. It roared, and Beligenus laughed. This is your test, a level 299 Gemite. Try not to break the arena too much, and remember the subject you are meant to teach.

The wide colossus of crystal was about twelve meters tall and almost as large, with raised arms he would be able to touch the ceiling of the arena, and easily occupied a good tenth of its area. Its vaguely humanoid figure was made of an amalgam of countless quartz crystals the size of an arm all grouped around one tall core hexagonal prism that only stuck out at the top of the Gemites body like a flat head.

Pareth came out by himself, and the Headmaster did not react.

The subject I am meant to teach being summoner combat strategies, he wants me to put on a good show with all the summons. I hope he doesnt need me to kill the thing, a level 299 without the bolts and rot might be a bit much. In fact a level 299 in general is a bit much. Im pretty sure now that the Orvod I fought in the first trial wasnt quite as strong as he should have been. And I only got him because I managed to land an instant-kill skill

If I am to be honest. I would hardly consider this cute, Sofia commented as her armor formed over her body.

The big ones are not quite as lovely, that I will concede. However, they are still very much at the same intellect level.

It is really just waiting like a rock inside of the Arena. Its a wonder how it can roar and why it even did if it wasnt going to attack.

I kinda wish I had time to put on a rune or two

Well, whatever. Scepter ready, armor ready, Bookie ready. Lets go!

The second Pareths [Sanctified grounds] flared up, illuminating the floor of the arena, he and Sofia jumped in.

Opening the book of skeletons, Sofia ripped out three pages at once.

Let me show you the power of skeletons!

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