Second Marriage: My Strongest Bodyguard

Chapter 225 - Persuade Husband

Bryana left the room to go to the dining room while Dean chose to go to the study because David, the confidant who was in charge of his company, came to discuss important issues about the company.

as he crossed the living room, Dean looked indifferent when he realized Stevan was sitting on the sofa. He chose to continue walking towards the workspace while Bryana went straight to her father.

"Dad, forgive my husband's attitude," said Bryana, sitting on the sofa right next to Stevan. She smiled seeing her healthy father because the last time she saw him was still in a coma. She hugged the middle-aged man for a moment then let go.

"It's okay, Sweetheart. your husband deserves to be like that because it's my fault," Stevan said with a warm smile.

Bryana breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "How are you, Dad, do you still have chest pains?"

"No, I'm feeling very well," Stevan replied then glanced at Bryana's big belly. "If you don't mind, I want to spend the rest of my life here with my grandchildren. Corporate affairs, let Raymond and relatives in London handle it," he continued steadily.

"Oh God, are you serious dad?" Bryana asked with sparkling eyes.

"Yes," Stevan answered, then heaved a heavy breath because the pain hadn't completely healed yet. "I'm tired of taking care of the company. Now it's time for you to enjoy the evening with my grandchildren, with you and your husband."

"I completely agree with your decision. And regarding my husband, I will try to make sure that you are not entirely guilty of what happened in the past," said Bryana.

"There's something else you should know too, but I'll talk to your husband about it later. Please persuade him to talk to me this afternoon in the workspace," Stevan called out pleadingly. his wrinkled face, as if to show that he was tired of dealing with existing problems and wanted to end them immediately, explained all the causes of his hostility towards Gustave and who Bryana's real mother was.

Bryana sighed, felt a strange tingle in her heart, remembering the past fact was enough to make her heart hurt. She was afraid and worried that the facts her father would reveal later would also cause wounds in her heart or Dean's heart.

"Whatever the facts are, I hope this doesn't make things worse. Because Dean and I just got back together and we feel at peace," she said angrily.

"No, What I said won't change Dean's attitude towards you. He came back of his own accord, because he loves you, so don't worry too much. He's yours," Stevan exclaimed with a reassuring look.

Bryana sighed and thought of Raymond who had said that he and Clarissa were cousins. "Sometimes, I regret that I never met Clarissa, and now I'm her husband's wife. I feel like the world is so small and God's plan is perfect."

"Between you and Clarissa, I also feel very guilty for never introducing you, but all because of his father who closed off from our family," Stevan said regretfully and recalled when James said he had accidentally shot Clarissa and her mother to death, even though the main target was Gustave. "I also continue to feel guilty, because Clarissa is part of our family too."

Bryana sighed and felt dizzy with the facts. "I will continue to be filled with curiosity and miss the cousin I never met. And now that I am the wife of her husband, taking care of her daughter, I take her place, as if God had ordained me as a result of the mess that daddy made until she died. But I don't regret this, but... I don't know. This dark past made me meet and love Dean."

"We don't know what God's plan is. I was surprised when Dean proposed to you. At that time, I realized that he was Clarissa's husband, I had seen him when he was crying in front of Clarissa's grave when I came secretly to attend the funeral procession because Clarissa's mother was your mother's sister." Stefan said nervously, looking at Bryana who was almost a reflection of his wife's face.

"He was very loving. Even after Clarissa died, he couldn't love another woman before he met me. I felt like I was pretty sure he was a good man and worthy of being Calvin's father, and as it turned out... Clarissa is my cousin I've never met." Bryana took a deep breath, then stood up. "Speaking of this. I can't stop thinking why there's such a coincidence."

"I didn't mean to make you think too much, Sweetheart," Stevan said, looking up at Bryana who was starting to look sad again.

"I know, and this is my destiny. I also can't be away from my husband, he has made up his mind to forget the past, and hopefully, he can forgive dad," Bryana said with an uncomfortable look. "I have to breakfast now."

Stevan just nodded and let Bryana walk into the dining room. he let out a shaky breath and leaned back against the sofa, massaging his dizzy forehead. His head was always filled with shadows of the dark past where killings happened due to Gustave's greed, and he didn't want that to happen again.


At noon, Bryana felt bored because Dean had returned to focus on working in the workspace. She approached her husband because David had left.

"Are you just going to spend the whole day here?" Bryana asked as she walked over to Dean who was still staring at the laptop.

"I just want to fulfill my responsibilities as a husband who has to work hard. I've been away for so long, that the company is a bit unstable. I have to be responsible for bringing things back to the way they were before," Dean said as he continued to stare at the laptop.

Bryana closed the laptop but not too tightly, then sat on Dean's lap sideways. "Everything will be fine. I'll help you later."

"That's not necessary, honey. I don't want to make you think too much," Dean exclaimed, wrapping his arm around Bryana's belly.

"Do you love me?" Bryan asked.

"Of course," Dean replied with a frown to ask back, "why are you suddenly doubting my love?"

"I just wanted to make sure," Bryana explained casually.

"You should understand, I can't help but love you!" exclaimed Dean with disapproval.

"If you love me, I want you to accept my father as your father-in-law back. I know he's made a lot of mistakes, but he's my father, the grandfather of our baby," Bryana exclaimed while guiding Dean's hand to touch her belly.

Dean took a deep breath. "Don't talk about it."

Bryana touched Dean's smooth jaw, looking him in the eye intensely. "Honey, don't keep acting like this. Didn't you promise me comfort? And what makes me comfortable is the harmony of our family."

"I know, but I'm still pissed." Dean turned his face away.

"And I will also be annoyed when I see my husband not greeting my father. he's old, admits his mistakes, and wants to explain things to us, there's nothing wrong with listening to him," Bryana said as she got up from Dean's lap.

"What else will he explain?" asked Dean with a straight look.

"I don't know," Briana said, shrugging her shoulders. She turned to walk towards the sofa saying, "if you want to continue being curt at him, go ahead. But at least give him a chance to have a heart-to-heart talk with us."

dean was silent for a moment, remembering Niko's advice that Bryana would be unhappy if she turned against her father. He got up and walked over to his wife saying,

"Okay, I'll listen to his explanation.

"Really?" Bryan looked enthusiastic. She stood up and glared at Dean.

Dean nodded with a warm smile, then took Bryana's hands. "I'm doing this for you, to make you happy. And... I realized I have to step up for a better future. Even looking at your father's face, it still hurts me again."

Bryana was moved because Dean was willing to give her father a chance, for the sake of his love. She hugged her husband tightly. "I'm sure, once you hear what dad explained, you won't hate him anymore."

"Hopefully so.." Dean stroked Bryana's hair, occasionally kissing her forehead affectionately.

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