Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 203 Lady Of The Night (27)

(Northern Region- New Atlantic City)

(Unnamed Alleyway)

Camilla roughly broke away from the kiss and stared at the human woman with barely concealed hunger and desire in her eyes.

She did not know why she felt this way.

She was one of the most powerful vampires in the world and yet... this human made her feel like a helpless slave to her own desires.

The female vampire furrowed her brows as she leaned in closer and took a small bite out of Mary's soft neck.

She heard her human pet groan slightly as her lips made contact with her pale skin. Camilla sucked in a mouthful of blood and resisted the urge to throw up.

No... it definitely wasn't Mary's blood that made her feel this way.

If ordinary human blood tasted like a heavenly elixir or divine nectar, then the blood of the Sun-born was similar to the unsavory taste of rotten fish.

It was both bitter and disgusting.

Camilla forced herself to swallow and felt a surge of energy as her body absorbed the nutrients inside Mary's blood.

Mary waited until her mistress stopped feeding and then reached for her mask to put it back on.

The wound on her neck had already begun to heal and soon the flesh knitted itself back together to form a thin scar.

Although her ability to regenerate was far less than that of a vampire, Mary had discovered that her injuries healed quite quickly.

"No... please... ARGHHH!!!" a horrific scream came from outside the alleyway.

"Have mercy! Have mercy!" another cry echoed through the city.

"My arm... you sick... Arghhh!" a twisted groan joined the chorus of agony.

Mary looked in the direction of the noise and saw the aristocratic vampire standing in the middle of the street while being surrounded by his bodyguards.

He was pointing at members of the crowd and the security officers nearby would drag that individual out and question them.

Mary could not make out what they were saying but in most cases the officers would begin to brutally beat the random member of the crowd using their batons.

She could not help but wince as she saw the reinforced steel batons slam against sensitive areas of the vampires' bodies.

One could hear the sounds of bones cracking as the vampires fell to the ground and twitched in pain.

The aristocratic vampire yelled something at the vampires on the ground and Mary noticed that his fingers were trembling slightly.

"What's going on?" Mary whispered softly as she stared at the scene of such brutality and random acts of cruelty.

"Well, it's quite simple," Camilla replied calmly as she heard Mary's question.

"I assume that arrogant fool is feeling humiliated that his life was in danger from a low born so he wants revenge."

"He can't remember who was in the tavern, so he is now just randomly picking out low born vampires to send a message."

"But how come some of them get away?" Mary asked curiously as she pointed at a female vampire who was being questioned by the officers and showed them something on her arm.

"Well, it would be safe to assume that those low born are part of a clan... the officers aren't looking to make any enemies with the true rulers of the city." Camilla lazily responded.

"In case you were wondering why others don't claim the same... it is a crime punishable by death to impersonate belonging to a clan or family."

"And also, don't forget to address me as 'Mistress'."

"Yes mistress," Mary softly replied as she lowered her head and gave a short bow.

Camilla's lips gently curved upwards as she ran her finger along the underside of Mary's mask.

She wanted to kiss her human pet again.

And again.

And again.

There was something seriously wrong with her. Camilla stared at the human and pictured her facial features beneath the mask that was covering her face.

Piercing green eyes, a cute nose, gorgeous eyebrows, and sharp angular features.

She turned her face away and made a mental note to herself to visit her library and do some research.

She needed to consult the few books that she had on the Sun-born to see if they had any unknown effects on vampires.

Mary did not know what her vampire mistress was thinking as she glanced at the injured vampires who were bleeding out on the cold hard ground.

The officers were clearly used to doing such tasks as they brought the low born vampires to the brink of death without killing them.

The vampires would eventually recover but regeneration did not mean immunity to pain. And judging by the screams...

They were feeling a lot of pain.

This was a barbaric class-based society.

The high-born vampires sat at the top of the hierarchy and the low born were their humble servants.

Clans and families held most of the political power and there was no democracy here.

Mary shuddered as she watched one of the officers use his baton to smash a male vampire's testicles so hard that they burst open.

Camilla glanced upwards at the sky and looked at the position of the stars. Hmm... there were only a few more hours left until dawn.

"Okay my pet... it is time to leave now," Camilla calmly ordered as she snapped her fingers and the invisible spell surrounding their bodies collapsed.

Mary nodded and followed closely behind her mistress as they wandered through the alleyway and eventually arrived at a central square.

There were dozens of stalls, shops and curious restaurants scattered around the square with bizarre and peculiar names.

'The Old Blood's Gentleman's Club', 'Madam Xanter's Fortune-telling', 'Roasted Eye Meat', 'Floran's Manic Flower Shop' were just some of the odd names.

Camilla hummed a melodic tune under her breath that Mary did not recognise.

She tried not to seem out of place as she walked with her mistress into a crowd of bloodthirsty monsters.

The central square was quite crowded with vampires walking from one stall to another either looking at the wares or buying something from the vendors.

Mary did not know what Camilla was looking for but did not say a word of complaint as her mistress walked around the entire square.

She could still feel the soft taste of the female vampire on her lips, and it was making her blush uncontrollably.

Was this all part of her mistress' game? Why would she kiss her so often?

What did it mean?

These questions kept surfacing in Mary's mind as she stole a few glances at Camilla's seductive figure.

She was not the only one watching the gorgeous female vampire, but Mary's disguised appearance made the low born vampire think twice before approaching.

In this city the only way to survive was to mind one's own business.

Camilla slowly moved around the square for around twenty minutes before her eyes locked on to a run-down shop in the corner of a street.

There was a faded old sign hanging from the building with the words 'Froggy's Old Apothecary'.

The entrance to the shop was a wooden door that was barely hanging on its hinges with several large holes in it surface.

Camilla approached the store and knocked on the door five times each in a different position seemingly at random.

The door swung open, and a gust of stale air rushed outside. The inside of the store... was nothingness.

That was the only way that Mary could describe the peculiar sight before her eyes. Beyond the door was complete darkness.

Even the light of the moon shining down on the city could not penetrate the shadows inside the store.

Mary reached into her pocket for her phone and turned on the torch function.

A bright beam of light burst out of the top of her phone, and she pointed the device at the darkness.

The light disappeared immediately as if it was being consumed by the void.

"Hmm... it seems that humanity's so-called 'technology' is still no match for magic," Camilla thoughtfully spoke.

She grabbed Mary by the arm and dragged her towards the darkness before she could even say a word of protest.

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