Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 234 Lady Of The Night (58)

(Northern Region- Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Castle Eden)

Mary stood outside on a balcony and watched as the snow slowly fell down from the sky. The forest had turned into a winter wonderland.

The green trees were no more since their leaves had long fallen away during the long autumn season.

White snow piled up on the ground and one could see wolves in the distance searching for prey in the harsh cold climate.

Winter had arrived.

The young woman stretched out her hand and watched as a single snowflake slowly drifted downwards and landed on her palm.

She felt at peace.

There was an odd stillness to winter. As if time itself was frozen along with everything around her body.

A frozen world.

Mary let out a small sigh and could see a white cloud appear in front of her lips. Today was actually a special day.

It was Christmas.

A day for giving.

Camilla was still asleep, and it wouldn't be too long until she woke up. Mary fidgeted nervously and her eyes glanced at a package in the corner of the balcony.

It was rectangular in shape and had been neatly wrapped up using pieces of brown paper that she had found in a study.

A present.

Honestly Mary didn't know if Camilla celebrated Christmas or special occasions but wanted to do something special to celebrate their first year together.

"It really has been a year huh..." Mary muttered quietly to herself as she gazed off into the distance with numerous thoughts on her mind.

She had to admit that her relationship with Camilla had gotten stronger as time went on.

Her vampire mistress was still strict, but she could clearly tell that there was a fiery warmth beneath her cold exterior.

Their relationship was still a bit awkward since Mary wasn't sure how to act around the beautiful female vampire but if there was one aspect that was very healthy it was... the physical part.

Their sex life was very frequent.

In fact, Mary was secretly grateful that she was a Sun- Born because she was fairly certain that an ordinary human would have probably died of exhaustion after one week.

It was like Camilla was addicted to her body.

There was not a single day that Mary did not wake up covered in hickeys, bite marks and smeared with pussy juices.

A bright red blush began to spread across the young woman's cheeks as she remembered the events of last night.

Camilla wanted to try something different and had blindfolded her during their lovemaking session.

Somehow it felt even hotter being unable to see and yet having to feel spine tingling sensations when Camilla touched her body.

Mary's lips curved upwards as she walked towards the balcony's edge and leaned over. She could feel the wind brushing against her long black hair.

Despite the low temperatures, Mary did not feel cold even though she was wearing a simple black pants and a white shirt.

Maybe it had something to do with the energy flowing through her body.

The young woman glanced at her exposed arms and saw the familiar sight of golden markings.

About two months ago the markings on her body that sometimes appeared when she accessed her power had become permanent.

Mary wasn't sure how she felt about these new 'tattoos' but Camilla seemed to like them so she didn't feel too upset.

She stayed out on the balcony for a few more minutes and then headed back inside to the relative warmth of the castle.

Mary picked up the package on the way inside and could feel her heart rapidly beating in her chest as she nervously imagined Camilla opening her present.

Would she like it?

Obviously, she could not go out into the town and do Christmas shopping, so Mary was forced to get creative and make her own gift.

Truthfully her artistic skills... weren't the best.

Well... it was the thought that count... right?

Mary fidgeted with her fingers as she walked up multiple flights of stairs towards the master bedroom.

The paintings on the wall seemed to stare at her as she walked by as if judging her nervous gait.

"Deep breaths... deep breaths..." Mary softly whispered to herself as she saw the familiar wooden door come into view.

If you had told her half a year ago that she would be giving a Christmas gift to her vampire lover... err... or was it better to refer to Camilla as her girlfriend?

They hadn't really put any label on their relationship.

Mary just knew that Camilla loved her and quite frankly... that was enough.

Maybe at first, she had planned to use her affections as a way to plan her escape but now... Mary knew that she had fallen for the gorgeous vampire.

She was a big idiot. A lovestruck idiot.

The young woman steeled herself and then knocked on the door twice. She opened the door without waiting for a reply and saw Camilla sitting up on the bed.

"Hi beautiful," Camilla softly teased as she lowered the blanket wrapped around her body to reveal a naked figure.

Her large full breasts came into view with pink nipples that were an angry red colour. Her pale skin, crimson red lips and beautiful facial features took Mary's breath away.

Even though she had seen this sight many times before... there was something about Camilla's beauty that always made her heart skip a beat.

Mary approached the bed while holding the package behind her back like a guilty child trying to hide their misdeeds.

"Merry... merry Christmas!" Mary stammered nervously as she showed Camilla the package in her hand.

"Christmas?" Camilla slowly muttered with a confused expression on her face.

"Yeah... it's Christmas... I thought that... um... you would like a gift..." Mary quietly whispered as she gave the present to her mistress.

"Thank you," Camilla replied happily as she grabbed Mary and pulled her in for a tight hug.

She took a moment to savour her lover's soft body and feel the warmth of her skin before pulling away.

"Can I open it?" Camilla asked with a smile on her lips.

Mary nodded once since she did not trust herself to speak without messing up her words.

The female vampire carefully tore off the packaging with careful movements. She did not want to damage Mary's gift even by accident.

The brown paper was slowly unwrapped, and the contents of the gift came into view. Camilla froze as she saw what was inside.

It was a painting.

Two feminine figures with blurry features were in the middle of the frame surrounded by a field of flowers.

A bright golden sun occupied the top half of the painting and its warm rays of light shone down on both women.

"This..." Camilla voice trailed off as she looked at the painting and felt strange emotions rising up in her chest.

Mary's fingers curled up into a tight fist as she summoned up all the courage in her heart. She opened her mouth and said what she wanted to say,

"I painted it thinking of us... I know you can't see the sun but... I hope to one day be your sun and bring you warmth."

"I know that you will outlive me, so I hope that... I hope that you can keep these gifts as a reminder of the time we spent together."

Camilla gently placed the painting on the top of her dresser table and then turned to face her lover.

"Mary..." Camilla softly spoke as she touched the young woman's face and lovingly caressed her cheek.

"Even without this... I would never forget you."

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