Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 38: Lifes End

Chapter 38: Lifes End

After waiting a long time, Xu Zhi was now about to take in his first gene.

He had skipped Gilgameshs gene because he did not want only brute force. Though Gilgamesh was powerful, far more powerful than the witches at their current stage, his power was not very versatile.

Magic, on the other hand, was different, and had far greater potential. He was really looking forward to its future.

In particular, the Evil Eye's unique ability to charm others would be of great use in modern society.

The Tyranis Hive Mind's mechanical voice asked him:

"Do you want to incorporate the evil eye gene?"


Xu Zhi took a deep breath and resolutely replied.

The Hive Mind affirmed:

"Incorporating. Be prepared!"

Xu Zhi hurried to bed as pain assaulted him.

He really had to thank Akinas Speedster. The Evil Eye he had evolved has become the cornerstone of a magic civilization. Xu Zhi silently crossed out Akinas Speedster's various offenses against him in his little notebook.

It took a full half hour before Xu Zhi could stand up. It was a success. His mind had become extraordinarily powerful, if somewhat unhinged.

"So this is the side effect of the Evil Eye? Such dark emotions!"

Xu Zhi steadied his mind. This was going to be problematic. His mind was filled with dark and murderous thoughts. He wanted to go wild and give in to his evil impulses.

He now understood how Circe must have felt.

His lower body burned with desire. At this moment, he really wanted to visit Donchengs red-light district, and help a female college student pay her tuition. No, any woman would do.

Xu Zhi forced himself to settle down and began to practice the meditation method the Three Witches had laid out in "A Beginner's Guide to Meditation and Magic".

He crossed his legs and sat still on the bed, breathing in deeply. He entered a meditative state and spent a long time trying to feel his mental energy, but none of his attempts were successful.

He simply didn't understand the reason for his failures and could only lament!

What should he do now?

He could not learn without a teacher.

New witches who survived the initiation ritual were taught by the three witches themselves, but he could only fumble around on his own. He didn't dare to enter the sandbox and ask the three witches, and could only helplessly laugh in bitterness.

He gritted teeth and kept trying, and after half a day, he barely managed to succeed.

After cultivating, he noticed that thanks to receiving the mental energy of countless creatures during the three extinction events, he now had frightening mental strength. He had an amazing foundation to build on and could progress very quickly.

"At this pace, in less than three days, I'll be at the level of an apprentice wizard, and can learn the simplest magic spells."

He could sense this and sighed in relief, silently rejoicing in his mind. "It wont be long before I become a real wizard, the first wizard in the real world!"

In the real world, it was impossible for ordinary people to cultivate supernatural powers. After all, they didn't have the necessary genes like Xu Zhi.

He felt that the sandbox was a great testing ground, and he would wait for others to succeed before following in their footsteps.

He did not know how powerful he would become, but the future was destined to be glorious.

"If earth does not have a cultivation system or supernatural powers, then Ill just have to create them in my sandbox." Xu Zhi calmly smiled.

He organized his thoughts and reviewed his plans. "Next, I'll take the opportunity to introduce a few more supernatural species, and perfect the magic civilization."

Akinas Speedsters Evil Eye alone had led to such surprising developments, then what would happen if even more supernatural species appeared?

He was really looking forward to it!

The next morning, at six o'clock, Xu Zhi took another look at the large sandbox. Another fifty years had passed, and so much had happened in that time, Xu Zhi didnt know what to say.

The Kingdom of Babylon, year 146.

The two great guardian goddesses of Babylon found traces of Circes evil cult in the depths of the Balchik Mountains. They mobilized the entire nation against Circe in an attempt to eradicate the cult. The two sides were greatly weakened after the war.

The Kingdom of Babylon, year 154.

Cassandra's ecstatic voice came out of the Babylonian palace, echoing over mountains and rivers.

"This is it! This is it! So this is the amazing process of fusion and equal exchange! This is Truth! One element is subordinate to another, one element is the bane of another, and one element dominates another."

Cassandra, the Witch of Spring, was in charge of medical research and livestock. She led the court witches of Baylon in developing many medicinal theories, and had finally realized the early basis of Alchemy.

She developed a "Witch Factor Compatibility Potion" which could significantly reduce the repulsion between Evil Eye and human genes. Thanks to that, witches began to appear in great numbers, and the Kingdom of Babylon completely entered the era of witches.

The Kingdom of Babylon, year 167.

The two witches learned of Circe's whereabouts and headed out to kill her, but they did not succeed and had to retreat.

In the same year, they began to show symptoms of old age. This shocked them to their core.

The Kingdom of Babylon, year 171.

Cassandra studied the ancient epic of Genesis and successfully recreated the potion of longevity developed by Gilgamesh.

The Kingdom of Babylon, year 198.

The two witches were two hundred and thirteen years old. Their youth had been eroded by the passage of time, and their end drew near.

Within the magnificent royal palace of Babylon.

A black carriage, drawn by two fierce and majestic Arrahs, came to a stop in a huge stone plaza. Dim golden sunlight fell on the two women descending from the carriage. They held staves of ancient wood in their hands, and looked as young and beautiful as ever.

Magic has preserved their youthful appearance, but it could not lengthen their lifespan.

The kingdom of Babylon had built this stone plaza, along with a temple and a statue, to honor the great god of wisdom Hermes. The magnificent statue depicted an imposing man with no face. A black three-eyed raven stood on his shoulder, looking into the distance.

This was the great god Mercury, who had gifted the people of Babylon with knowledge of the Three Great Disciplines of Meditation, Magic, and Alchemy.

"Oh great god of wisdom, Mercury, we have come to see you again."

The two legendary witches who had opened up a new era stopped before the temple. Their eyes were wet with tears.

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