Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 642: World’s Beautiful Man is a Cauldron XXX

Chapter 642: World’s Beautiful Man is a Cauldron XXX

When she was young, she was often ostracized and bullied because of her lack of background and poor spiritual skills. Once, Taoist Master Qingxuan passed by and waved a gust of wind with his raised hand, pushing aside the disciples who were struggling and kicking her. That was the first time she realized the charm of the immortals, and she truly began to yearn for this immortal world, and began her days of hard training. It was also during this process that she gradually understood the rules of the jungle of immortality, fought her way through it, and reached the foundation-building stage with bumps and bumps along the way.

She has taken pills now, but Taoist Qingxuan is still someone she looks up to and longs for.

The Taoist Qingxuan they mentioned was not in their own cave, but in a small cave very close to his cave.

The small cave mansion is not as tidy and quiet as his cave mansion. It is decorated in the style of a daughter’s home, but there are few interesting things. There are various books piled on the dressing table, including jade slips recording information, etc. things. Formation flags are scattered on the bed, and an alchemy furnace is placed next to it. It can be seen that the owner of the cave is not only practicing hard, but also gaining in miscellaneous studies. He was just lazy, and didn’t put things where they should be, but laid them all around.

If he wanted to tidy it up, it was just a matter of waving his sleeves, but he didn’t.

Taoist Qingxuan couldn’t help but sigh slightly when he saw such a scene. His temperament was as cold as the snow on the mountains, his brows and eyes were full of coldness, and there was no trace of emotion in his dark eyes. If it weren’t for this sigh, no one would know his inner thoughts.

For him, the most important thing in this life is cultivation, and besides that, it is the Yuxiao Sect that nurtures him. Because he had no distractions, he was able to refine the Nascent Soul within a hundred years. It was at the request of his master that he accepted the “Son of Destiny” as his disciple, and he had the right to repay his master.

Therefore Wen Ying is his only apprentice.

This apprentice is very talented. If others learn the way of assisting, their cultivation will be delayed, but she will not. Her temperament is greedy for pleasure, so Qingxuan asked her to learn formations and make alchemy just to temper her temperament.

His white jade-like gentle and slender fingers opened the top of the cultivation book, and rubbed the pages with his fingertips. There were his marks on it, and then hers were added. Unlike his handwriting that penetrated the back of the paper, the girl’s words flowed smoothly. Two more points of spontaneity. Most of her annotations were written very carefully, with highlighted questions and different opinions between her and his. Next to his words, her small words were placed next to each other, but there were also playful words from time to time.

The two annotations were written by infusing spiritual energy, and the operating rules will be generated according to the inherent meaning of the annotations. When he injects spiritual energy again, a ball of icy blue light and a ball of thunder and lightning will fight each other until one side loses.

If she wins, she will draw a little man next to her with his nose turned up to the sky, feeling very proud.

If he wins, she will draw two villains, one in a pink skirt crying, and one in a blue and white robe with a cold face, touching the villain’s head.

Taoist Qingxuan looked at these words and paintings, and his eyes gained a little more warmth.

No matter how cold-hearted he was, he can’t help but be moved by watching a person grow up from a dough-like little person and especially someone he put his heart and soul into.

Just as he was immersed in the book, a ray of light came out of the book, a dazzling white light. Taoist Qingxuan fingertips suddenly moved, and an attack spell was in his hand. Just waiting for the last word of his formula to fall, the white light would disappear.

Suddenly, he stopped moving.

After the light dispersed, a young girl appeared. She was dressed in white, with peach petals falling on her shoulders. She was rubbing her eyes sleepily, “Master?”

He was stunned for a long time, “You’re back. Where did you go after falling off the cliff? Your natal lamp went out for no reason. If you were seriously injured, let the Master take a look.…..”

“What are you talking about, Master? I’ve been here all the time.”

Taoist Qingxuan looked slightly startled. It was at this moment that he suddenly noticed that her figure was just a shadow. This is not Wen Ying’s true body, but just a piece of her consciousness.

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