Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 652: World’s Beautiful Man is a Cauldron XXXX

Chapter 652: World’s Beautiful Man is a Cauldron XXXX

The opportunity to stage Jiedan was beyond Wen Ying’s expectation. She went to grab the token because she could understand Feng Li’s state of mind. When he learned about his situation and his weight in the demon king’s heart, he exuded an aura of disgust with everything from his body.

He cares about the Demon King. Even though he showed that he didn’t care on the surface, and even ridiculed him repeatedly in front of the old monster, the more unwilling a person was, the more he would have such a big mood swing, so Wen Ying knew that he still cared about the Demon King. This time the old demon beast brought a message from the Demon King, asking him to take care of his younger brother. This seemed to give a signal: he always remembers this son and pays attention to his movements. He knows how outstanding he is and how powerful he is, only then would such an “important task” be entrusted to him.

So Feng Li accepted Nineteen without knowing the original reason. It seemed that he wanted to torture him in every possible way and take revenge on the Demon King. In fact, Nineteen had never been seriously injured and left hidden dangers. He only needed to feed him the elixir and rest for a few days and can be restored to its original state.

When he was hopeful, he suddenly discovered the truth from the conversation between the old monster and Nineteen. The Demon King had completely different attitudes towards his two sons. He gave the most precious thing to Nineteen, but asked him to make Nineteen’s armor, regardless of whether other people’s swords would leave deep marks on the armor.

Based on what?

He had been forced to escape to the human world and become a demon cultivator, but he still couldn’t escape the emotional burden. He still had to hold on to the last hope for the person with whom he was connected by blood, and was eventually hurt. At that moment, he hated the Demon King, hated Nineteen, hated himself.…..all the evil emotions burst out in an instant.

The seven emotions, Feng Li occupied the word “hate”.

Wen Ying followed her heart step by step and gradually realized her state of mind and hated what he hated, so she temporarily broke through the critical line and brought about the opportunity to form a pill. She helped him obtain the token and defeat the old monster, but this was just what he should have done when his hatred reached its peak. She did what he wanted.

However, this opportunity is not very good at the moment.

The little spirit snake’s whole body was covered with a layer of gleaming light, and from her slightly twisted body, he could tell that she was in pain at this moment. Before Feng Li could take any other measures, she suddenly rolled outwards and was about to fall off his hand.

He suddenly bent down and stretched out his hands to receive her, but at this moment, a blazing light burst out, his hand suddenly sank, and something rolled into his arms.

At this time, the feeling that the fingertips touched was no longer the wet and slippery skin of the little snake, but the smooth and soft skin like ice jade, with a faint warmth transmitted from the fingers.

“En.…..” A moan escaped from the throat of the woman who appeared out of thin air.

Her long hair spread down to her waist, and was as black and shiny as smooth satin, covering half of her face. You could see her frowning eyebrows, bloodshot lips, and bruises on her snow-white skin.

The woman suddenly struggled in his arms. Under the shock of his expression, she escaped from the shackles and rolled to the ground.

She forced herself to summon a robe from the Qiankun Ring, and the robe fell on her naked body. She lay on the tiled floor, moaning in pain, her curves undulating gracefully. Her dark green satin dress made her look like a snake demon who had been cultivating for thousands of years. Only a section of her snowy shoulders was exposed, which captured the soul.

Ninth level transformation?

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