Single Stat System

Chapter 53: Where The Hell Is The Beginner's Village?

Chapter 53: Where The Hell Is The Beginner's Village?

Four people were walking cautiously somewhere at the Edge Of The Forest. It was as if someone was after them. Their gazes were sweeping at their surroundings all the time as if someone would suddenly sneak attack at them the moment they didn't pay any attention.

"Damn those robbers, if I become stronger, I will kill them all," Han, one of the four, broke the silence with his complaints. He was in his late teens and it seemed like he was the youngest among the four.

"It can't be helped, they saw that precious herb on us, so it would be strange if they didn't do anything to steal it." Lyn sighed deeply. She was just thankful that they managed to escape from the chase of those robbers.

The four of them then talked to each other about what they had just experienced as they walked into the woods. Until finally, the Wide Plains was on sight.

"Wait," However, as they were nearing the Wide Plains, Ruby, the one in the very front suddenly halted her steps as she raised her hand as a signal for his comrades to stop as well. With a narrowed eyes, she said, "There's someone ahead."

The other three were alarmed as they too halted their steps. With a worried voice, Han asked, "Do you think they are the robbers?"

There's a moment of pause before Ruby replied, "I think so..."

"What?!" The three widened their eyes in fright, "Then what are we standing here for? Let's hurry up and leave this place before they notice us."

Just how could this happen to them? They had already frantically run as far as they could just to escape from these robbers but in the end, they would bump into them again? Did those robbers somehow learn that they would take this route to go back to Wolf Village?

"Wait," But when the three were about to turn around and flee as soon as possible, Ruby suddenly stopped them with a lowered voice. "There's something strange."

After she said those words, she sneakily went ahead and quickly hid behind a certain tree. After which, she drew out her head to see clearly what was going on as her eyes had immediately widened in shock. Just what the hell happened here? Who was that guy?

Ruby couldn't believe what she had seen at all. Did that guy do this? Just how could this be happening? Were her eyes failing her?

The three, on the other hand, were bewildered at first when Ruby tried to stop them. And they even got more bewildered when the other party had instead gone ahead sneakily.

But when they saw Ruby acting strangely and seemed as if shocked, their bewilderment turned into curiosity. Just what really was ahead of them for Ruby to act that way?

That said, the three had also gone ahead. And just like Ruby, they too had carefully and sneakily went ahead.

So when each of them reached their distance to a certain tree and hid there, they too had sneakily drawn out their head to see what was going on. And all of them had their eyes widened in surprise upon seeing it.

"This..." Lyn let out a word but didn't know what to say. So instead, she opened her mouth again and asked, "What's going on? Did that guy do it?"

What they had seen was a certain youth, probably in his early twenties. He was standing amidst many corpses or probably, heavily injured people that couldn't move a muscle anymore.

From the looks of it, according to their costumes, these people lying on the ground were knights and robbers. And they probably fought each other to death. But what was that guy doing there? Could it be that he was actually the one who caused this?

There was a moment of pause before, Ron, the other one of the four, had finally spoken, "I don't think so."

"Why?" The other three looked at him as Ruby asked.

"Look at his clothes, he is clearly a new player." Ron replied as he added, "He's probably got lucky and found these people lying on the ground after these knights and robbers fought each other to death."

Only then did they notice that that guy standing on there was actually wearing beginner's equipment. It wouldn't hurt to assume that he really had just got lucky and found these people already lying on the ground when he arrived here.

"Look, he is making a move now," Han suddenly said. The other three had also put their attention to that youth as they wanted to know what did this guy up to.

And to what they had expected, that guy had crouched down beside a certain someone lying on the ground as he seemed like trying to dig out the equipment of that person. Surely, this guy was really here to pick up scraps. He was definitely going to collect every piece of equipment and drops on this battlefield!

"No, we can't let him take all the scraps," Ruby refused to believe that this opportunity was for that guy alone. Surely, he arrived first, but it didn't mean that he could claim all the drops here all by himself. "Let's go there and pick some scraps! If that guy doesn't want us to join, we can just silence him."

The other three nodded their heads upon hearing her suggestion. Even if that guy refused to cooperate, with his level, they could definitely shut him with ease.

Thus, the four came out from their hiding place as the other party noticed them coming out from the woods.

"Well, well, well, how lucky of you," When the four closed their distance to that guy, they immediately greeted him with a friendly smile. As if they already knew each other for already a long time now. So after a moment of pause, Han continued, "Can we join you?"

Surprisingly, that youth was actually Sakim. He merely glanced at them indifferently as he could see that from the outside, these people that just came were all smiling but he could feel that once he rejected them, they would immediately turn hostile and do everything to get what they wanted.

And Sakim knew well why were they here. They must be here to get the scraps from these people lying lifelessly in the area. What greedy bastards. Sakim was just annoyed that he could see himself from them.

Knowing about their intention, and hating to have trouble for the time being, Sakim retracted his gaze as he continued what he was doing before responding nonchalantly, "Do whatever you like."

The four were rather taken aback. They never expected that it would be this easy to get the approval of the other party.

But well, seeing his level, this guy was probably scared and was thinking that since he was incapable of stopping them anyway, he should just give up and let them pick scraps here. Surely, that must be the case.

But what the hell was with this attitude? How could this guy treat them as some kind of air? He just simply gave them a moment of glance and he was already there to do his own business. Was this guy treating them as for nothing?

Cough. Cough.

But before they could get more frustrated with this guy, they suddenly heard the knight in front of him coughing. After a moment, that certain knight spoke, "Thank you, young man,"

It appeared that this knight was actually the captain of the knights. And instead of picking the other party's equipment, Sakim helped him recover.

"Don't mind it," Sakim replied nonchalantly. Seeing that the other party had recovered his HP after feeding him with some of the healing items he had, he then continued, "Now tell me, where the hell is the beginner's village, Wolf Village?"

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