Single Stat System

Chapter 64: The Fooler

Chapter 64: The Fooler

Of course, it was because of the darkness Sakim had stolen previously that caused the entire surroundings to suddenly turned dark. When he used it, it was as if some kind of especial barrier had appeared and separated the darkness from the rays of the sun where it was helpless to pierce through this darkness.

This caught the two women off guard. And Sakim didn't waste this opportunity to approach the crimson-haired woman. That said, as the distance was being calculated in his mind, he managed to grab the neck of that woman extremely easily.

Sakim didn't show any mercy as he didn't give any opportunity for that crimson-haired woman to retaliate. Just after he grabbed her neck, he quickly stole her HP making her suffer her doom.

"Kristina, what happened?!" The blue-haired woman asked frantically hearing the pained voice of her friend. However, she didn't dare to take a step forward to save her friend for she was afraid that she might instead put her life in danger as well. Just how could this happen to them? How could this guy put them in such a miserable state?

"Now then, do you still think that I can't do anything to the both of you?" But instead of her friend, what answered her was a cold voice of a man. She could immediately tell that it was the voice of the Vessel of the Greed sin, Sakim.

Right after the blue-haired woman heard those words, the dark surroundings suddenly turned back to normal. However, what obstructed her view was her friend hanging on the hand of Sakim making her heart skip a beat.

The crimson-haired woman, who had her skin lushed with life before, turned dry as she had only a little strength left in her for her to barely breath. She couldn't lift a finger, her eyes had lost their shine. As if she was about to die at any moment.

"Release her!" The blue-haired woman screamed desperately with her shivering voice. But it was as if some kind of strange force was preventing her, she couldn't move even a single step forward even if she wanted to.

And contrary to that, when Sakim turned her gaze onto her, she found herself shivering in fear as she stepped back involuntarily.

"I thought you are already prepared for trying to go against me?" Sakim's cold voice came out from his lips again. After a moment, he threw the seemingly dead body of the crimson-haired woman named Kristina towards the blue-haired woman.

The blue-haired woman, on the other hand, caught her friend carefully and put her on her lap. But when she did, her tears were threatening to fall from her eyes. Her friend was too light. As if all the water in her body was removed. She was just thankful that her friend was still alive even after what she suffered.

"Drink this!" The blue-haired woman retrieved a healing potion from her inventory as she put its mouth at the mouth of her friend. However, it seemed like the level of potion she had was still too low as it didn't change any difference even when her friend drunk all of it.

Tap! Tap! Tap! As the blue-haired woman was frantically trying to save her friend, she suddenly heard footsteps coming in her direction. She shifted her gaze in that direction and to her horror, she saw Sakim coming at them.

"W-we surrender! Please don't kill us!" She was now confident that although this Vessel of the Greed sin was just low-level, it didn't change the fact that he was still too dangerous. How could they underestimate him just because they were higher in level? Surely, arrogance could blind anyone who clings onto it. She could only blame themselves for their own stupidity.

"I'm just trying to go to beginner's village, why the hell there's so many pests on the way?" Sakim muttered coldly complaining about how unreasonable the world was. "Do you think I can easily forgive you for trying to delay me to reach the beginner's village?"

"Tha-that... I will bring you there in no time. I have an Angel's Wing here. Just let us go!" The blue-haired woman pleaded.

"Angel's Wing? What is that?" Sakim halted his steps as he asked with his interest being piqued.

"It's an item that can let you teleport anywhere in Greedland," The blue-haired woman replied. But she could tell that this guy only knew a little from this world. With that, she could tell as well that just like the other vessels, this guy had also come from the other world.

Learning about it, her hope to escape from this predicament increased a little. Although she really didn't have that kind of precious item, it was enough to fool the other party and buy some time so for her comrades to arrive and save them.

"Oh? Let me see," Sakim said nonchalantly. Although he could tell that the other party was likely not telling the truth, he still reached his right hand telling the other party to give the item to him.

Seeing Sakim, the blue-haired woman retrieved an item from her inventory that resembled a white feather. Thankfully, the other party didn't use the trade function of the System, or else, it would be easier to discern that this item she had just retrieved was fake.

In any case, this item that the blue-haired woman had was called The Fooler. It had the ability to copy the appearance and description of a chosen item. Once the other party held a grasp of this item and tried to use it, its real ability would be triggered. It would restrict his movements for ten minutes and that time was more than enough for her comrades to arrived here.

The blue-haired woman smiled maliciously inwardly. Even if the other party didn't use it, as long as he held this item, she could just activate it herself and the job would be done.

With that in mind, the blue-haired woman didn't waste any time as she threw the item towards Sakim. Sakim on the other hand caught it as he stared at it while it was resting on his palm. After a moment, he looked at its description as there he saw it written in white.

[Angel's Wing]

An item that can teleport the user to the desired location within Greedland.

The blue-haired woman smiled when her scheme was done in succession. She couldn't wait any longer as she intended to activate the item already so as to restrict the movement of this monster before her.

However, just as she was about to activate it, the item suddenly disappeared on the other party's hand. Not only that, she lost control over it as if its existence had just gone into oblivion.

What happened? The blue-haired woman widened her eyes with this thought floating on her mind. But before she could get even more confused, the other party's voice resounded again.

"Oh? The Fooler? What a convenient item." Sakim muttered as he nodded his head in satisfaction seeing the description of that item that was now lying silently in his Stolen Inventory. He never expected that stealing this item would change itself into a different one. Or perhaps, it only revealed its true color after he stole it. But no matter what was the case, it was a good outcome for him.

Meanwhile, the blue-haired woman was now sweating in cold sweats. How did this guy know about the item? And how did she lose control of it? Even if he put it in his Inventory, she should still be able to control it and was able to activate it at will.

This is just impossible! It doesn't make sense at all! No matter how hard the blue-haired woman had racked her brain, she just couldn't understand what the hell was going on.

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