Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 76: Qiang, Cai and Su Dong In Awe At This Monster.

Chapter 76: Qiang, Cai and Su Dong In Awe At This Monster.

As the sound of tinkle bell sound echoed out, Qing Ye purple eyes widen with surprise while his entire being literally lit up with happiness before instantly glancing all around the area since the small bell sound seemed to echoed out near to where he was currently at.

Then soon, purple eyes gaze at a high class building standing a few distance away from where he was and without any hesitation, his entire body started to emit a powerful purple energy before instantly bolting with his fastest speed.

"Eh? Third Brother where are you going?"

"Your leaving just like that?"

Cai and Su Dong react instantly with surprise expression on their handsome faces and utter disbelief appear on Su Dong handsome face before a thought flash on his mind when a familiar scene appeared on his memory.

Could it be? With wide eyes, Su Dong followed along as he dash fast to where Qing Ye was running into.

Qiang couldn't help but frown a bit, because it is unusual for his younger brother to react like that, besides they are currently in some kind of mysterious space usually used for emergency in order to not be blocked when they really need to arrive quickly in a very important locations.

It was a reason why no other authority was coming after them from their brazen and dangerous racing, as for why his younger brother was able to have access on it also while not being a member in the Defense Organization, Qiang will just ignored it since he was talking about Qing Ye.

Qiang younger brother couldn't be easily understood with how he does things.

"Something wrong, Cai let's follow our younger brother."

Cai who finally managed to get his strength back, blinks his eyes before quickly running to follow their suddenly dashing Brother that has instantly change his reaction so suddenly and without notice.

As soon as the Two Qing Brothers got closer, they instantly notice the layer of barriers that have been set up in the building standing before them.

"This is impossible! We would have noticed if a barrier like this has appeared in the City!"

To only notice the barrier after standing a few distance away at the building was already an unusual and suspicious situation!

Besides, if it was someone else, they wouldn't even have noticed about this barrier because this was an extremely powerful and elaborated barrier that has been set up.

Despite how the two of them react toward their younger brother, the two of them are still powerful figure in the supernatural world, especially with a high rank in the Defense Organization!

"Wait! Brother Ye what are you trying to do?"

Suddenly Su Dong nervous voice exclaimed, causing Qiang and Cai to turn around as they finally notice their younger brother that was standing three steps away from the barrier that has been stopping them from going inside.

"Of course to meet my Baby!"

Qing Ye entire arm was suddenly wrapped with a powerful purple energy before punching at the barrier that has been blocking his way.

"Besides! Baby could be in danger right now! I need to go save him!"




With a single powerful punch, the supposedly powerful barrier started cracking instantly.

What a monster! Qiang, Cai and Su Dong has instantly thought that same time, while taking a deep breath in awe.

Deserving the secret title that they label Qing Ye with, as the Killer Machine because his entire body is a weapon itself.

Usually, everyone uses their energies to a weapon of their choice in order to fight, those who tried to use energies with their bodies was just causing damage and injuries in their body every single time they tried it.

Although it was their own energy, but all of their bodies are just too weak and couldn't handle the stress of using those pure energies, thus they needed a weapon for it.

But Qing Ye is entirely different and in another level, he doesn't need to use any weapon at all, just raw energy wrapped around his body and he can use his entire body to fight already.

That is why this person's entire existence is a taboo, luckily only a few select people knew about it since Qing Ye existence will create chaos into their world, especially those people that will definitely use him for their use.

They are just thankful enough that Qing Ye never really use his energies and has no interest in their supernatural work but now as they stare at their younger brother.

Ah this person will cause mayhem in their world now, to think that he will be interested to a blood race at that.

Qiang and Cai completely believe Su Dong words, they even experience their brother unusual reaction just minutes ago and almost died from it.

Brother even though it is a man, we could accept it, but why is it a blood race??? Don't you know how troublesome your current existence is?

The two Qing Brothers felt headache as they thought about their younger brother antics.

Qing Ye frowned when the barrier didn't break like he wanted it to, before raising his hand again to punch the barrier one more time.



Then the layer of barrier that has been meticulously place has started to disintegrate as it instantly create another crack, while a powerful energy seemed to have also hit from the other side of the barrier causing everyone to widen their eyes.

Something serious is definitely happening inside!

Soon, a glass shattering sound echoed out, and everyone's vision swiftly turn in a certain location, specially when a smooth voice shouting loudly and a beast sound echoed out after.

"Ahhhh! My face! Seriously black beast please be careful of my handsome face!"


Su Dong eyes immediately widened when he recognized the person that has been screaming while riding a huge black beast that was currently using one of his hands to block some glass shards from injuring his handsome face.

"Damn! Don't let them go!"

"What? How did the barrier suddenly got broken?"

"We don't have time for that now! Luckily we have another layer of barrier that has been set up just in case of an emergency! Go and Capture the Elder Blood Race and Kill that annoying Brat!"

Suddenly, Qiang, Cai and Su Dong instantly tense up as numerous voice echoed out later, while quickly rushing at the injured blood race in order to protect him.

He was after all, one of the elders in the blood race, they couldn't just let him die since protecting the safety of both races are part of their work. 

And the whole entire time Qing Ye was staring with wide eyes at the huge beast that has finally drop down on the ground, his entire vision gazing at the familiar small black bell that should have been used as a collar to a small black cat.

Tao Xin couldn't help but widen his sky blue eyes when he saw the familiar figure of Su Dong while identifying the identity of the other two brothers causing his body to relax a bit, at least he knows that there are some ally this time that could be of some help to fight those group of people in grey clothes.

He couldn't just let Zou Yi fight those group of people by himself, even Tao Xin know that his friend is sure has become weaker from what he remembers.

As for the other dazzling person, Tao Xin has completely ignored it, that man was after all his rival in the entertainment world, an annoying existence.

However, before he can feel relieve a painful scream loudly echoed out causing Tao Xin head to snap as he gazes at the direction that he had just fallen from while letting out a loud yell filled with worries.

"Zou Yi!"

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