Soul of Negary

Chapter 152: Vol2 Ch50: Disaster King

Chapter 152: Vol2 Ch50: Disaster King

Translator: La0o9

These mutated germs were the most excellent hunters. They climbed to the roof of buildings or a hidden corner of the street and assimilated themselves just enough into their environments. In fact, some of them could even change their colors to disguise themselves as stairs, carpets, or any other mundane things.

Being suddenly ambushed by these monsters was impossible for anyone to defend against, their only possible outcome would be to helplessly become food.

Because of this, the only countermeasure against these monsters was to discover them ahead of time.

That would not be very hard in the beginning, as the monsters weren’t used to their environments, but the longer they lived, the better they would become at hunting until they could perfectly blend into their surroundings.

The ground could be a monster, a door could be a monster, a car could be a monster, even the streetlights could be monsters.

Similar to how the monsters were able to sense [Spiritual Inception] germs due to mutating from the same source, practitioners of Spiritual Inception who were infected by the [Spiritual Inception] germs should theoretically also be able to sense these monsters.

However, in order to achieve this, they had to constantly improve their mastery of Spiritual Inception. Only by pushing their perception to its limit and even beyond would they be able to detect the existence of these monsters before they are attacked.

Following that, Negary scattered the standard Disasforce material weapons in his possession to various corners of the area. The information contained within [Spiritual Inception] germs told their hosts very clearly that if they practiced Spiritual Inception to a certain limit and they still couldn’t obtain any Disasforce material weapons, their souls would be destroyed by the Disasforce contained within the [Spiritual Inception] germs.

If they didn’t practice Spiritual Inception enough, they would easily be killed by a hidden monster, but if they strived to improve and couldn’t obtain one of very few Disasforce material weapons, they would also die from Spiritual Inception.

Faced with this dilemma, only those with true abilities would be able to exert their potential and survive. Only such people would be able to go beyond their limits and achieve the second stage of release of their [Origin].

It was fortunate that Disasforce existed in this world, as it was a different manifestation of the interference force that came from the soul, furthermore, the soul that provided this power must have already achieved the third stage of release or perhaps even higher.

Since interference force in general and Disasforce specifically were powers that were derived from the soul, it was the best possible material to help release one’s [Origin]. In a way, this was like having a senior cultivator bestowing his cultivation onto you to make you stronger, although, that analogy wasn’t quite accurate either.


Within a secret room at the 5th domain, the lid of a coffin was abruptly opened. Negary had taken over this body and awakened from inside.

As he left the secret room, Negary saw a huge amount of construction workers and machinery. After Ye Kong’s building collapse disaster, quite a few places in the 5th domain were still under reconstruction.

And since the majority of the 5th domain D.E.R division’s Disaster Team was killed by Ye Kong and couldn’t be replaced right away, it was the perfect place to play any hidden hands.

Negary’s body continued to morph and grow, turning into a large dragon with three wings, he swiftly flapped his wings and took flight.

If there were too few people at the second stage of release, it would hinder the progress of Negary’s total evolution. He needed to continue spreading his [Spiritual Inception] germs, using a large enough sample size to ensure that there were enough people who achieved the second stage of release.

Several fighter jets flew in from afar. Quite obviously, the government had understood what happened at the 7th domain and swiftly sent out fighter jets as soon as they discovered unusual movements within the 5th domain.

[Authority Holder, please cease all of your movements...] someone was declaring to Negary using a megaphone on the ground: [If you do not cease, we will be forced to open fire...]

His three wings continued to flap; the Dragon of Eternal Sin’s tail swung from side to side as the giant mouth in front of his chest opened wide. An overwhelming amount of Disasforce gathered as a sound that could not be uttered by human vocal cords resounded within the 5th domain:

〖 Jliost!! 〗

The power of [Dracotongue], just like [Respiratory Art], had gotten a lot weaker as he arrived in this world. Although it was still usable, its power had to be supported by himself instead of the entire world like in the Flame world.

As Negary continued his research, he managed to combine [Dracotongue] with Disasforce, especially the syllable [Jliost] that originally represented unstoppable power. This syllable had an amazing level of compatibility with Disasforce’s destructive nature.

The very concept of ‘unstoppable power’ manifested as shockwaves with the three-winged dragon as its center. As the shockwaves swept through the fighter jets in the air, both them and the pilots inside shattered into pieces before being thoroughly decimated.

The city below experienced a much weaker shockwave, but the hysteria could no longer be prevented. The city-wide alarms had already been ringing since a while ago, causing everyone to rush towards the established emergency bunkers in panic.

With another explosion in the air, the three-winged dragon vanished without a trace, the howling wind carried tiny particles into the bodies of every human in its range.


A middle-aged man was breathing heavily as he managed to make it into the emergency shelter before it closed. After entering, he simply followed the safety protocols and disinfected himself with the provided equipment, although he felt a small itch at his throat, he assumed it was because of the disinfectant spray.

After making it into the shelter, he cleared it throat and spat some mucus into a garbage bin before rubbing his throat. However, he only felt worse and worse as his breathing gradually became much harder, feeling a brief moment of lapsed consciousness, he dropped down to his knees.

The government employees at the shelter who had already been notified ahead of time hurriedly came forward, while wearing thick hazmat suits, they marked out a yellow line to prevent bystanders from approaching and started spraying the man with disinfectant powder. Before he managed to say a single word, the man was already knocked unconscious.

Everything he came into contact with before he arrived was directly burned, the entire shelter was disinfected once again, including everyone inside after they underwent another health check.

However, no one noticed that a small fleshy bud that was writhing in a small gap between the walls of the building had stuck itself onto a person’s shoe and started to spread.

Taking advantage of Negary Inc.’s best-selling products and the many people who craved supernatural power that volunteered to do Negary’s dirty work, they attempted to spread the [Spiritual Inception] germs in over 20 domains.

Some people successfully trigger a mass plague, others were discovered by agents of the government or the D.E.R division and disinfected just in time to prevent the mass spread of the [Spiritual Inception] germs.

Although, it was nothing but temporary prevention. Since the [Spiritual Inception] germs inherited the [Diffuse] germs’ terrifying adaptability, as long as there were enough surviving germs, they could quickly spread once again.

Negary only spread the germs in a total of three domains, which were the 7th, the 5th, as well as his headquarters of the 6th domain.

After Chang Xia led a large amount of the 6th domain’s fighting forces to the 7th domain, there weren’t many people left in their Disaster Team. Without Chang Xia being in charge and the sudden disappearance of Seven, the 6th domain D.E.R division was no match for Negary.

Soon enough, the 6th domain was turned into hell on earth as well.

Negary’s Disasforce continued to boil and grew without stopping, the mass multiplication of his [Spiritual Inception] germs allowed his Disasforce to continue growing without limit.

Soon enough, the quantitative change became a qualitative change, his Authority fluctuation successfully evolved from grade E to grade F, promoting himself to become a Disaster King. However, his Authority was still [Otherworld Invasion] and not [Super Plague].

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