Soul of Negary

Chapter 163: Vol2 Ch61: Transitive

Chapter 163: Vol2 Ch61: Transitive

Translator: La0o9

Negary was holding Lan Shan’s hand as he led her along the ruined street.

Several days ago, this place used to be a hustling and bustling district full of life and vitality, but in less than a week, the entire city had essentially become a dead zone with very few living creatures to be seen.

〖 Do you understand? All of this originated from me 〗

Negary casually admitted to all his actions. Since matters like these weren’t something he could hide even if he wanted to, it would be better to just admit them from the start.

〖 I spread the [Spiritual Inception] germs and created this cataclysm 〗Negary continued: 〖 The cataclysm changed you, making it so that you became extraordinary. Specifically you and not any other person 〗

〖 Perhaps there are connections that I do not understand related to this 〗Negary slowly explained: 〖 Our lives, our everything is under the control of this connection. I want to understand what this connection is, and control it in return, that’s why I need your help, Lan Shan, use your ability to help me 〗

〖 Increase the spread of this plague! 〗

“Un!” Lan Shan nodded without opening her mouth and only uttered a small sound from her throat as the response. Following that, her immense Disasforce began to surge, fully exercising her Authority of [Super Plague], causing the multiplication and positive mutation of all [Spiritual Inception] germs in the world to rapidly quicken.

The infected zone quickly expanded, the previous means of disinfection that were effective were now useless against the newly mutated [Spiritual Inception] germs. In a single night, the world fell under the control of germs.


The 1st domain, the center of governmental authority, a location that used to be full of the most influential people on the planet. Following the spread of the germs, this place had also become as desolate as other places, the world entered an era of self-preservation, large numbers of people filled the various emergency shelters as they lived under strict hygiene management.

Still, at the location of the Apocalypse Stone Tablet, Minister Chang had a solemn expression on his face, the same as the other faces on the screens in front of him.

[Should I say, as expected of the Lord of Aberration?] one of them chuckled: [I can’t believe he went off the course of the Apocalypse Stone Tablet so quickly]

“According to previous analysis, the great plague should have broken out over a month later, followed by the appearance of Disaster King Black Death a month after that. With the course of events being pushed ahead an entire month, all of our preparations have been messed up, even Disaster King Black Death stands on his side now” Minister Chang pushed his glasses up.

[Isn’t this exactly what we needed?] a person on another screen spoke up with a serious tone: [After all, if we followed the original progress, even gathering all 10 Disaster Kings wasn’t enough to stop the Apocalypse. We needed a variable, and the Lord of Aberration is that variable]

[The King of People that represents the virtue of the world, as well as the Lord of Aberration who represents its error and variable, only by combining their powers can we truly go against the Apocalypse]

[After so many tries, we’ve finally seen hope]

“Indeed, so many tries...”

Minister Chang pushed his glasses up again and rubbed his temples: “However, this would also be the only chance. There’s no telling if we’d be able to run into [Otherworld Invasion] again, so this truly will be our final hope”


At another location, Fang Ze’s expression turned grim. Not too long ago, he felt the Disasforce fluctuations of Disaster King Black Death and Wang Yuan overlap, which meant that Disaster King Black Death had most likely been restrained by him.

“Without Disasforce, Disaster King Black Death couldn’t win against Wang Yuan with just their Authority alone huh?” Chang Xia pushed his glasses up: “We don’t have enough information, and our communication with the outside world has also been cut”

Ever since the battle of that night, while Fang Ze managed to save his companions, their food, electronic devices as well as other things had all been destroyed, completely cutting off their communication with the outside world.

It was because of this that they didn’t know about the expanded scale of the plague, otherwise, they wouldn’t have assumed that Negary had defeated Disaster King Black Death.

“However, Black Death’s Disasforce fluctuations haven’t disappeared, which means that they’re still safe, and we still have a chance” Chang Xia rubbed his temples and spoke seriously: “We have no time to waste”

“But, what about your bodies?” Fang Ze looked over his 7 companions. Other than Seven, the other 6 had all been afflicted with various diseases through Negary’s germs; although they’d be able to rid themselves of the germs very quickly through using Disasforce, their bodies would still remain weakened for a very long time.

“Let Zhang Wei use his Authority on us. Things should be fine as long as it doesn’t worsen”

Quickly coming to a consensus, the group resumed their ‘rescuing’ journey.


Negary held Lan Shan’s hand and quickly arrived at a small gathering of survivors within the infected zone, although the situation inside was a bit unusual.

Chen Di Xi was sitting on a chair with his Disasforce weapon in hand, the Disasforce weapon drawing the eyes of every survivor here.

However, no one tried to attack him to steal it, because those who were hysterical enough to try had already been turned into a pulp of flesh and blood right next to them.

After successfully stealing this Disasforce weapon just a day ago, he sated the Biomass Gear’s hunger through regular food. Spending an entire night, he successfully erased the middle-aged man’s connection with the weapon, formed his own connection with it, and achieved the first stage of release, after which his ambition grew.

He could confirm without a doubt that among the survivors in this area, his cultivation process was first-rate, combined with the strength of his Gear, it wasn’t a stretch to say that he was truly the strongest.

Since he had strength, he immediately thought to supplement his shortcomings, and a lone individual in this apocalyptic setting had too little room for error when they didn’t have ample backline support.

“From now on, I’ll be in charge of this place, any objections?” Chen Di Xi spoke clearly and curtly, his left hand brandishing his Disasforce weapon: “You should understand, the zombies are mutating even as we speak, your survival will only become tougher as time goes by”

“Without a powerhouse to lead you, none of you have any way out. Only under my command would you be able to face various threats and gain the opportunity to obtain Disasforce weapons. You should feel it too, no matter how much you try to suppress your Spiritual Inception progress, it’s still slowly but surely inching towards your limits” Chen Di Xi smirked: “And I have the way to resolve that issue”

Reaching his hand outward, Chen Di Xi’s Biomass Gear started to morph and shift into a black substance: “I don’t have Disasforce weapons, but I have something to replace Disasforce weapons, and that is Biomass Gear”

After briefly explaining to them what Biomass Gear was, Chen Di Xi slowly continued: “After I released by [Origin], my ability became intertwined with both my Disasforce weapon and Biomass Gear, allowing me to discover the similarities between Biomass Gear and Disasforce weapons”

“The material for Biomass Gear and the [Spiritual Inception] germs are in fact two sides of the same coin, they themselves contain Disasforce, which means that they are also a kind of Disasforce material. There is only one issue: the fact that they are living beings makes it hard to turn them into your symbiotic weapon”

“However, with my ability, that is no longer an issue” Chen Di Xi explained: “My ability allows the human soul to undergo a deeper level of symbiosis with other creatures, allowing Biomass Gear to also become Disasforce weapons, the only drawback is that you will require more training to achieve the release of your [Origin]”

Under Chen Di Xi’s stick and carrot, the majority of the survivors here decided to join Chen Di Xi as his subordinates, only a few who were more ambitious decided to leave.

Standing from afar, Negary was holding Lan Shan’s hand as they watched this unfold, then asked: 〖 Do you hate him for what he did? Do you want to kill him? 〗

Lan Shan nodded, then shook her head, answering him in her tiny voice: “He’s still useful to you, my Lord”

〖 Then let us go 〗Negary gently stroked Lan Shan’s head before heading for another location.

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