Soul of Negary

Chapter 196: Vol2 Ch94: Bridge

Chapter 196: Vol2 Ch94: Bridge

Every [Origin] was unique.

At least, that is how it currently was.

Even when the timeline of the world was reset, the [Origin] would only enter an unreleased state, never had there been a situation where there were two of the same [Origin] at once.

It was for this reason that the general consensus of the current universe was that the [Origin] was the true essence of an entity. When the soul was detached from the [Origin], people would generally agree that the [Origin] was the main component, after all, for individuals of a certain power level, it wasn’t difficult to make artificial souls.

“During the second cycle, we drafted many plans against the Apocalypse, one of which was the Unified Timeline Battlefront project” An Ping explained honestly: “By utilizing my [Temporal Displacement] Authority, we would summon the power of the previous cycle”

“The converged power of two, or perhaps even three cycles together would exert an explosive force enough to force the invaders into retreat”

“However, using my Authority alone to summon the power of the past is nothing but fake power, an illusion of smoke and mirror. To truly forge the bridge that connects to the previous cycles, we still need the Disaster King of [Heaven Collapse] and the power of ‘error’”

“And I’m that bridge” Chang Xia looked at his other self and quickly understood: “As well as the so-called Disaster King of [Heaven Collapse]”

The Apocalypse Stone Tablet didn’t just record the course of ‘destiny’; that was only a side product of its true function: the creation of the bridge that connected the timelines.

From a logical perspective, since this world had undergone a timeline reset for the 4th time, its previous timelines should have already disappeared.

But it was undeniable that those timelines used to exist.

And since they existed, there was a possibility to connect them, for which purpose the Apocalypse Stone Tablet was created.

Aside from the first cycle, the remaining three cycles all kept a record of that timeline’s progress, which was the Apocalypse Stone Tablet. At the time that the ‘destiny’ of the Apocalypse becomes inevitable, which was also when [Heaven Collapse] occurs, the three timelines would intersect with one another, as the course of events was always exactly the same.

Under the effects of [Temporal Displacement], the three times that this world had undergone [Heaven Collapse] would become interconnected. When the power of ‘error’ was applied at this point, the past and present would essentially ‘bug out’, causing the three timelines to overlap with one another and combine their power.

The Yue Bu earthquake of 17 years ago was planned by none other than An Ping, on one hand was to promote the birth of the [Continental Sinking] Disaster King; but on the other hand, it was done for the sake of this Unified Timeline Battlefront plan.

At the same time period in the previous timelines, a similar disaster also occurred in Yue Bu, but during the third cycle, it was Yu Guang Ming who killed Chang Xia who had gone out of control, sealing his soul inside the Apocalypse Stone Tablet.

During the fourth cycle, when Chang Xia killed Yu Guang Ming, his soul was sealed into the Apocalypse Stone Tablet, at the same time releasing Chang Xia from the previous timeline, thus creating a looping cycle.

It wasn’t until Negary’s arrival that the Unified Timeline Battlefront plan became truly feasible, by combining his ‘error’ property with An Ping’s [Temporal Displacement] Authority, Yu Guang Ming’s soul from the previous cycle was successfully led into this one.

“Under the influence of the Path of Error over this world, by using you and me as the bridge, we will completely burn through the [Temporal Displacement] and [Heaven Collapse] Authority to summon all the powers of the three cycles at once. This is our final trump card”

An Ping explained it all with a casual expression. Because he was simply this kind of person, capable of sacrificing everything for the sake of his own great ideal, including himself.

It was like this during the Yue Bu earthquake, and it was the same right now.

At the same time, Chang Xia was the same kind of person he was. Chang Xia hoped that a disaster like Yue Bu would never occur again, while An Ping hoped that the disaster of the Apocalypse would not occur at all.

“Then let us begin” Chang Xia rubbed his forehead to ease the pain. Although he felt irritated with some of An Ping’s means as well as the actions of his other ‘self’, he was, in essence, a man always ready to sacrifice himself for his cause.

I’m really sorry, Seven.

Chang Xia softly mumbled in his heart. To become the bridge that connected the timelines meant that he would need to bear the pressure from the timelines. The power of the timelines would use the bridge to overlap themselves, after which the bridge would collapse in a split second.


The outside world had become hell on earth, the power of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon couldn’t be stopped at all, anyone who was corroded just a bit by their powers would instantly mutate without fail.

First, intense flames would erupt from inside their bodies, burning them, causing their genes to change. The power of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon would thus turn them into burning dragonewts, in other words, into living devils.

This was also a type of hybrid soldier race jointly created by the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon.

Their willpower hidden within the burning flames would cause these people to instantly become loyal to the Burning Crusade as they were converted, their past memories would be removed and they would lose themselves, replaced by a set soldier personality model, becoming accomplices to invade their own world.

Only very few who displayed their excellence and potential would be allowed to keep their previous memories, fusing with the memories transferred by the Burning Crusade to form a completely new personality model. Comparatively, this was better as they still got to keep a part of themselves.

The remaining 7 Disaster Kings had their hands busy with suppressing the disasters while also keeping the enemy occupied. Meanwhile, the armies couldn’t do anything but provide support, even with their extreme high-tech weapons, the most they could do was kill any newly converted ‘devils’ among the people and themselves.

A faint projection of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon started to manifest in this world, causing the world to become even more abnormal.

Once they fully manifested themselves in this world, their power would no longer be suppressed, and everyone in the entire world would be converted into ‘devils’ in no time at all.

Losing the support of its life forms, the world’s consciousness would also be destroyed, no longer able to resist these two entities.

Fang Ze was hovering in the air, the ability to fly was something he borrowed from a survivor. As he saw the projections of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon slowly manifesting, he no longer cared about collateral damage and immediately summoned a burning red asteroid to fall from the sky, the intense temperature of that asteroid made the transparent projections of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon to become even fainter.

But this was nothing but stalling, without being able to completely close this world off, the powers of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon would constantly flow in without interruption.


Negary was heading somewhere without a care to observe the invasion of the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon, as there was no benefit to him even if he did.

Negary was currently still too weak, when it came to Mysticism, as long as Negary’s soul hadn’t reached a certain prerequisite, he wouldn’t be able to understand anything even with long-term observation.

Because of that, there was no longer any reason for him to remain in this world. If he stayed here, regardless of if the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon won or if the Disaster world won, the only thing waiting for Negary would be settling grudges after the war.

〖 Naturally, for my own benefits, it would be best that the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon are stopped 〗

Although Negary had confidence in his transmigration method, the New Deity and Progenitor Dragon were still two unpredictable variables.

If the two of them were free to act, Negary wasn’t sure that he would actually be able to transmigrate without issues.

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