Soul of Negary

Chapter 215: Vol3 Ch15: The Night Watchers

Chapter 215: Vol3 Ch15: The Night Watchers

Walking through the night streets of Lohr, Negary was wearing an owl mask over his face. After his acting performance, he joined the Night Watchers with the reason that he wanted to avenge his elder brother.

Furthermore, he was quickly put out to the field.

As the Night Watchers were mostly made up of scums, it would be a mistake to think that there would be veterans who’d lead newbies into missions. From the very moment that one received the appropriate supplies and supernatural items, they would have already become an official Night Watcher.

There were no commanders or team leaders among the Night Watchers, aside from very few missions that would require Night Watchers to work together, they would generally work alone.

Of course, anyone was free to team up with others, provided that they actually found someone that they could trust with their life.

On the other hand, Night Watchers were afforded a great deal of freedom, with only three rules in total:

Firstly, there was a quota of 10 supernatural creatures hunted each month. Night Watchers could also choose to accept missions from the church to make up this number, but if they committed any mistakes during such missions, they would be rebuked once and get their earned quota deducted.

Secondly, Night Watchers aren’t allowed to reveal their identities during the day, only by night are they allowed to go out and hunt.

Thirdly, without extraordinary circumstances, Night Watchers are forbidden to enter civilian houses on their own.

And the noose that ensured every Night Watcher would follow these rules were the Marks of Vow that were carved on them when they first joined the Night Watchers.

The Mark of Vow was a kind of divine technique that was branded into a Night Watcher’s skull. Once this power was stimulated, the Night Watcher would be subjected to constant torture by the power of the divine technique, causing them to feel a literal splitting headache that persisted without killing them. This was pain that could cause anyone to wish for death, known as the Corroding Bone Punishment.

However, as Negary’s body was made entirely out of germs, he had the capability to expel all the germs that contained the Mark of Vow out of his body whenever necessary.

It really must be said, joining the Night Watchers was an extremely simple process, all you needed to do was accept the Mark of Vow, and the church wouldn’t care what kind of person you are.

From the Night Watcher headquarters, Negary received various items, including a uniform, one weapon, a handbook that introduced various monsters, as well as basic tools and equipment.

The weapon and uniforms weren’t anything special, but the handbook of monsters was.

Lohr was the house of numerous strange and supernatural creatures, including but not limited to Earthbound Devils, Fur-eater Men, Grudgeful Spirits, as well as various kinds of corpse eaters.

However, the most common type of monsters were those created from the blood of evil.

The so-called blood of evil was a unique bloodline. Once matured enough, it would cause the person to mutate as they came into contact with the ominous moonlight, the process of which would cause them to lose their rationality.

The blood of evil would transform into a Core, which as the name suggested, would become the true body, while the original body would transform into various shapes and sizes like mud, beasts, as well as indescribable ominous creatures.

If the Core was taken away, the monster would die, when moonlight fades and the sun rises, the monster bodies would return to their original forms, but they would remain as nothing but a corpse.

The job of Night Watchers was to injure the Core that was created from the blood of evil and the ominous moonlight, then use their unique tool called the Silk Cage to capture it.

〖 Silk Cage... 〗Negary glanced down at the jet-black balls of fur hanging at his waist.

These things were most likely created from the hair of some sort of creature. By chanting an incantation while deploying them towards an incapacitated monster, the Silk Cages would bind their Core and capture it.

The Silk Cages were only the most basic type of tools, there was also a small bone fragment-like item called a Flint, which contained power that could be infused into weapons through an incantation, granting the weapon a period of time in which it could deal more than just physical damage.

But that was it. A newcomer might not be able to even chant an incantation properly before they were sent out to hunt monsters, which was why the rate of death for Night Watchers were always high.

〖 The source of the Night Watchers’ supernatural powers all originates from the church itself, without their tools, they would become significantly weaker. This fact itself is another noose that hangs on the Night Watchers’ necks 〗Negary continued walking through the sewers as he pondered the matter of the Night Watchers.

〖 Of course, there are also certain tools that can stimulate permanent mutations on a Night Watcher’s body that allows them to gain permanent power; but these mutations contained defects that were purposefully left there, which creates side effects that can only be either dispeled or eased by the church; which was the third noose 〗

〖 These three nooses bound the Night Watchers so tightly that they have no choice but to be dogs for the church 〗

Negary was a bit disappointed. The main reason why he joined the Night Watchers in the first place was to gain the Mysticism knowledge they possessed, but he didn’t consider that the Night Watchers themselves didn’t possess the knowledge; they were essentially the users of the products created from the knowledge he sought.

〖 In that case, the only value that the Night Watchers possess are themselves 〗observing the skull that was carved with the Mark of Vow in his hand, Negary pondered his tactics.

〖 A normal person would naturally die without their skull, but through some machinations, I can use the [Black Crow] germs to replace their skulls, thus undoing the first noose 〗Negary’s thoughts were turning: 〖 Then comes the second noose that are the tools that give them their supernatural powers 〗

〖 If there are no issues on this side, that can be resolved as well 〗landing on top of a certain roof, one of Negary’s arms detached from his torso, turning into liquid that seeped into the house below.

Negary could sense the Mark of Vow constantly exuding a certain energy fluctuation, almost like a tracking device. Most likely, the church possessed a ‘receiver’ device that could pick up this fluctuation and determine where the corresponding Mark of Vow was.

It was because of this that the church allowed the Night Watchers so much freedom to roam around at night without fear of them committing any crimes.

On the other hand, this would also become an alibi that took suspicions away from Green.

Indeed, the soul currently residing within this body was an Attendant soul that was created based on Green’s Soul Mask.

Since he had determined the many shortcomings of being a Night Watcher, it would be enough for Negary to retreat from it right now and only leave a hidden card.

As the liquid seeped into the building, it started to morph and eventually took the form of a miniature Dragon of Eternal Sin.

Lan Shan was already here waiting for him, as this was the Farnate manor.

Seeing Negary’s arrival, Lan Shan was extremely delighted, as the very meaning of her existence itself had become Negary, she had been feeling extremely uncomfortable for the past while, from not being by Negary’s side.

〖 I had to leave Lan Shan within this body in order to preserve an [Origin] that can carry me through transmigration, but that is no longer necessary 〗

Negary gently asked Lan Shan as he observed her: 〖 Are you willing to join me as one? 〗

“It is my honor” Lan Shan answered without hesitation.

And Negary was naturally the same, the sharp edge of his wings swiftly flapped and cut off Lan Shan’s head. As she died, Lan Shan’s [Origin] left her and entered reincarnation while her soul remained, taken in by Negary, perfectly preserved like Killer J and Noah were.

As her blood flowed all over, Chloe’s headless body collapsed. Negary’s body once again turned into a liquid that seeped through the keyhole.

There was surely a reason for the will of the world to transfer him into this body, but so what? There was no reason for Negary to act according to the other party’s arrangements.

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