Speed Is King

Chapter 41

Rex, Ellie, the tiger and wolves all hit the Mutated Demonic Serpent like little sledgehammers, their claws and teeth dealing numerous but minor damage.

SSSSAAAAAAA! The Mutated Demonic Serpent released her strange keen once more at the wolves and tiger on her body.

Immediately, all of them except for Winter fainted from her sonic attack.

Winter was barely able to hang onto the Mutated Demonic Serpent’s body with the last shred of strength remaining in her body. After receiving two attacks from two legendary beasts, she was almost at the end of her life.

Seeing Winter’s critical condition, Wu Kong immediately leapt off his Giant Armored Mammoth and quickly made his way to help her.

“I’ll save Winter! Take down the snake!” Wu Kong shouted.

“ROARRR!!” Brock roared in absolute fury when he saw his “best friend” fall to such a dire state. He sped up to his full speed and thundered towards the Mutated Demonic Serpent.

Brock and the Giant Armored Mammoth reached the Mutated Demonic Serpent, which was about to follow through on its attack on Winter, almost at the same time.

Wu Kong had deftly aimed for one of its tusks to pierce the snake before leaping off, and he very nearly succeeded in doing it and ending the battle right there and then.

Unfortunately he caught the snake just as it was darting forward to bite Winter, and the mammoth’s tusk failed to dismember the snake. However, the mammoth’s massive and ridiculously heavy body was all the attack it needed.

B A A A A M M ! ! !


The mammoth smashed onto the snake like a cargo train at top speed.

The Mutated Demonic Snake got several of its bones broken as it was pushed back heavily by the Giant Armored Mammoth.

SSSAAAAA!!! It hissed in pain. But its ordeal was just beginning.

Before it could do anything, a blur of black fur and claws rushed by the mammoth and smashed into its body as well.


Brock hit the Mutated Demonic Snake and made a smaller, but still deadly impact with his relatively smaller body.

The Mutated Demonic Serpent released its keen at Brock in anger and forced Brock to stagger back slightly as it took the brunt of the snake’s sonic attack.

Seeing the Mutated Demonic Serpent distracted by Brock, the Giant Armored Mammoth immediately attacked once more!


The Giant Armored Mammoth trumpeted in fury as it dashed forward and raised both its front legs to stomp on the Mutated Demonic Snake!

The Mutated Demonic Snake reacted with impossibly blinding speed as it took the split second while the Giant Armored Mammoth was out of position to unleash a devastating strike!


It’s body shot upwards and its massive maw clamped down on the Giant Armored Mammoth’s neck, pumping copious amounts of deadly poison into its bloodstream. The Giant Armored Mammoth was doomed!

But the snake’s massive size and powerful strike also worked towards its disadvantage that day.

The momentum of its attack brought its giant body directly beneath the Giant Armored Mammoth’s feet.



The Giant Armored Mammoth weighed nearly a hundred tons. It was tough to say which one was more deadly. The snake’s poison or the mammoth’s heavy weight.

Either way, both did their gruesome work to perfection.

The snake twitched uncontrollably for a few seconds and then it died.

The mammoth was able to unleash a final victorious KRAAAAA!!! before succumbing to the snake’s poison and collapsing on top of the snake.


If the snake was only pretending to die before, it was really and totally dead after the mammoth fell on top of it.

And with that, two out of the five legendary beasts were dead.

However, Wu Kong’s trump card was also gone.

Thankfully though, Wu Kong got to Winter in time to give her the Beast Full Restore potion which Elliot had passed to him earlier. Within seconds, Winter recovered to her full strength!

“We must buy Master more time to deal with the two-headed cat! We must attack that lump of rock!” Wu Kong grimly announced to Brock and Winter as it pointed at the Mutated Gojira.

“Not a problem. It’s just a big lizard.” Brock growled. He stood up on his rear legs and rose to an impressive ten meters, almost as tall as the Mutated Gojira.

ROAAARRR!!! It let out a loud roar of challenge before falling back on four legs to charge at his enemy at full speed!

Ahead of him, Winter had already began her own charge.

Wu Kong stood atop Winter’s head, his heart slowly falling into despair as he racked his brains for a method to win the fight quickly so he could go back and reinforce Elliot. But so far, he got nothing. The Mutated Gojira looked like it would be a tough foe to beat. IF they could even beat it in the first place.


An energy beam shot out of the Mutated Gojira’s mouth once more as it tried to hit the fast-approaching Winter. However, Winter was already hit once by it, and she wasn’t the type of wolf who would fall to the same trick twice.

She was holding back on her top speed during her charge. When she saw the Mutated Gojira’s mouth open and the blue glow beginning to shine brightly, Winter had immediately shifted gears and dashed to her right!


The blue energy beam hit the ground where she was a mere millisecond ago. The Mutated Gojira turned its head to cause the blue energy beam to chase after Winter.

But she had anticipated that move as well, and sped up once more as she continued to escape to her right!

Her tricky speed play caused the Mutated Gojira’s attack to miss her completely, and also to allow Brock an unobstructed approach to the “big lizard”.

Brock wasn’t a bear with many tricks. His charge earlier worked pretty well against the Mutated Demon Serpent, and so he charged at the Mutated Gojira as well.

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