Spirit Immortal

Chapter 532 The Beginning Of The End 3

Shin’s Celestial Dragon spun a few times, baring all of its sharp teeth at the dense, misty canyon. Mana continued to surge out from every single pore that Shin had, turning the region into a place solely for his pleasure. The spiritual energies of the Tree of Illusions and the Celestial River continued to intersect as if they were two apex lions vying for dominance. Due to Shin’s lack of spiritual maturity, his domain was being pushed back by the near million-year-old Tree of Illusions. However, that didn’t mean that the youth was completely disadvantaged.

Normal Spirit Users, be it a Rank 1 Spirit Practitioner or a Rank 99 Spirit Saint, would suffer under the effects of the Tree of Illusions. As they entered the Illusory Canyon, they would first feel light-headed as the Mind Elements would overrun their soul. Following that, their entire body would face numerous physiological changes, such as increased heart rates and breaking into a cold sweat. Eventually, when the Empyrean Wonder takes over, even the strongest Spirit Users would fall into the illusions that it creates.

However, Shin didn’t have that disadvantage. Being backed by the Celestial River, the Empyrean Wonder created by the essence one of history’s strongest ever Dragon, Shin’s domain was able to withstand the impairment brought forth by the Tree of Illusions. As long as he unleashed his Celestial Dragon and the Domain of Dreams, Shin would be capable of walking into the Illusory Canyon completely unhindered.

The same goes for those that accompanied him. As long as they remained inside of Shin’s domain, they could block out the Tree of Illusion’s mana and fight with a single mind. Venerate Maurice gulped, looking straight at the glorious sparkles that illuminated the skies. Every time the Spirit Venerate thought that he’d seen the peak of Shin’s abilities, the Prince would showcase a new side to his never-ending arsenal.

Ignoring the shock he’d inflicted on Venerate Maurice, Shin remarked: "Let’s go in..."

There was no telling where Junius was in the misty canyon. In fact, no one knew if Junius was even hiding near the Empyrean Wonder or not. However, for some mystical reason, Shin could somehow tell that something was waiting for him. He was instinctively drawn to the centre of the canyon as if there was a chain pulling him down. What was that force? Shin would wonder.

The Prince frowned. There was no point in mulling over the unknown. With his loaded party filled with Spirit Venerates and Tier 9 Spirit Beasts, there was no need for him to fear. Now, all he needed to do... Was to fly down head-first.

Everyone prepared themselves for the worst fight of their lives. Lady Seph had long summoned out the Iofiel Angel, merging with the Spirit to create a holy body, filled with light elements. Bingbing was in a similar state. Her childish body had morphed two ice angel’s wings, all while bits of icy dust flowed down from her hands. Zishen had partially transformed his two hands into sharp claws, while the water elements danced around the beast in complete euphoria. And finally, Venerate Heigui Xuegang had enveloped the entire group with a dense Xuanwu’s shell, protecting them from any possible harm.

The energy barrier continued to descend as per Shin’s orders. They moved gradually, enabling the elites to slowly observe their surroundings. Although they were under the protection of the Celestial Dragon, one could never be too cautious. Their pupils all dilated as their facial expressions tightened. Surrounding them was a mist so thick that one could barely see a metre ahead. The temperature was frosty cold, and the atmosphere spell-bindingly eerie. No one would dare to stay within the Illusory Canyon for months or even days at a time.

The Spirit Venerates unconsciously came closer to the young Prince, ready to protect him from any and all harm. God knows what horrors the Allfather and the Black Masks may have placed in the area. Fortunately, the group hadn’t any traps thus far. Falling deeper and deeper, the group eventually landed on the cold, moist soil.

Still within the barrier, all of the guards remained vigilant of their surroundings. The fog was ever-thick, and the Mind Elements dwarfed any spiritual or elemental energy in the atmosphere. Everyone had crunched up expressions, ready to leap into battle at a moment’s notice. Everyone... but one.

Shin loosely held onto the Spear of Aiglos, completely nonchalant to their sudden shift in the environment. It felt odd... He was in the heart of the enemy’s turf, but strangely enough, Shin felt utterly at home. Walking within the Illusory Canyon, Shin didn’t feel any fear or worry. In fact, his entire soul was soothed by the refreshing dip in temperature. Something was beckoning him forward and deep down... Shin knew what it was...

"Shin?" Lady Seph raised her brows as the young man walked confidently towards the east. The whole place was fogged off, and even the Master Explorer Maurice had no clue on how to proceed. However, Shin was behaving as if he were a fish put back in the water.

He knew where he had to go...

Shin led the group a few dozen metres through the dense fog, not stopping to sightsee or even look for danger. Deep within himself, Shin could tell... There was nothing here that could threaten him. The Celestial Dragon which was baptised by the Celestial River coiled itself around Shin, continuously pouring out vast amounts of spiritual energies into the atmosphere. Distinct vibrant colours of cerulean, azure and emerald filled the landscape, turning the murky world into one that inspired hope. The world was slowly becoming dyed in his colours, and that wasn’t the end. Bit by bit, the Celestial Dragon eroded the Tree of Illusion’s influence, eliminating any single chance for the Empyrean Wonder to take over the minds of those present.

It took about two minutes for the elite force to reach their destination. A gorgeous ravine, filled with a verdant backdrop. Thousands of floating wisps decorated the scenery, making it one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The Spirit Venerates all universally dropped their jaws at the outpour of spiritual energies. It was, by far, one of the most mana-rich areas that they had ever been in. And at the centre of it all...

A beautiful white, weeping willow tree stood tall over the entire region. There were Spirit Venerates and Tier 9 Spirit Beasts accompanying Shin. They were the cream of the crop, the strongest beings that would roam across the lands. However, in the face of the Empyrean Wonder... The elites felt... So small...

For one, the Mind-Elements that dominated the land was overwhelmingly potent. Secondly, the foreign nature of the Tree of Illusions stifled all who laid their eyes upon it. The Spirit Venerates felt like they were witnessing something otherworldly within their mortal domain. Shin, on the other hand, felt the opposite. The young Prince felt like he’d entered a place that could never bear to hurt him. He’d felt... completely at home.

However, that didn’t deter Shin from focusing on his objective. If he could see the white weeping willow tree, it made sense that he would have seen the man seated right beneath it. A gorgeous blade was stuck in the soil before the seated man. It was pristine and glowing as if it had never tasted human blood before. But Shin knew the truth. How many have perished under that dreadful blade? Ten? A hundred? A thousand? Shin didn’t know. However, he did know one thing... The adorable brown-haired youth that he’d called his best friend... Had perished under that very blade.

Shin took two steps forward, only to be stopped by Zishen’s raised palm. The Azure Dragon Lord felt repressed in the area and knew that it wouldn’t be wise for Shin to approach the man seated under the tree. It wasn’t just Zishen, the rest of the elite force also felt uneasy. Alas, Shin didn’t share the same concerns. Simply shaking his head, the young Prince pushed away Zishen’s palm and continued to walk forward.

Unable to stop Shin, the Spirit Venerates and Tier 9 Spirit Beasts all prepared for battle. The moment the man leapt out from under the tree, they would strike with all the force that they had.

Pat... Pat... Pat...

Shin’s footsteps echoed through the verdant ravine, disrupting the peaceful atmosphere that the Empyrean Wonder had worked so hard to build. Other than the time Shizen visited, the Tree of Illusions hadn’t been spotted for more than a thousand years. Generations of explorers had come and gone, all without disrupting the Tree of Illusion’s peace. Yet, in this short time frame, so many had treaded onto its soil.

Shin’s azure eyes glistened, reflecting the gorgeous lights given out by the wisps. His face was utterly expressionless, even after seeing the slumbering man opening his eyes. Seven years... It has been seven long years since that fateful day on Frie Mountain. So many things had happened since then. Shin had made new friends and connections. Seen sights that few would ever hope to see in their entire lifetimes. Experienced all the luxuries that life could offer.

However, Shin had also lost many that he’d loved. Made mistakes that he’d never wanted to repeat, and most importantly... Felt grief that one could hardly endure.

As much as Shin didn’t want to admit it, his entire life was intertwined with the man seated under the tree. Due to the man’s existence, Shin could never have a good night’s sleep. Due to the man’s actions, Shin had lost so many. It was a connection that surpassed mortal bonds and went into the supernatural. All of Shin’s happiness and all of his sufferings... They were all connected to this one man.

Looking up at the viridian-haired man who was slowly getting up, Shin was reminded of his beautiful past. A past that he’d long forgotten... No, a past that he’d wanted to forget. Those happy memories of children playing under the valley. They were oppressed by the Frie Clan, but that had only tightened their bonds. They were inseparable, even as rambunctious children. They weren’t related by blood, but Shin loved him as if he really was his brother...

But now... Here they stand...

As mortal enemies.

"Junius..." Shin muttered out the name that he’d been chasing for over seven years now.

The viridian-haired man stood silently under the Tree of Illusion’s light, looking on at the newcomers that stepped on his domain. It didn’t take an idiot to tell that he was outnumbered and outmatched. However, Junius still grabbed onto his glorious, hiltless Odachi.

A legendary-grade sword in his left and an Obsidian Black Blade on his right, Junius stared straight at Shin, flashing a wry smile.

"Shin..." Junius’ raspy voice, one that had shown signs of ageing, reverberated through the silent canyon. Shin was currently twenty-two, and Junius was closing in on twenty-seven. They weren’t children or teenagers anymore, but fully grown adults. Needless to say, they had been through so much, and their life experiences could easily fill eleven books. However, they weren’t meeting under the white weeping willow tree to reminisce about the past.

"That’s quite a force you’ve brought..." Junius glanced over Shin and immediately noticed the elite force. Three Spirit Venerates and two Tier 9 Spirit Beasts... No Brahmin could ever hope to stand against those odds. "Are you planning to capture me again?"

Junius remembered the first time he’d met Shin at the Merry Waterfall. Back then, Junius still held onto the pipe dream that Shin could be turned to the Black Masks and Shin had the naivety to believe that Junius could be captured to pay for his sins. Time has changed that...

"No, Junius..." Shin shook his head. The image of Shizen’s restful corpse flashed by his mind, forcing Shin to grimace in complete agony. He had let this cancer run amok for far too long... It was time... To end it...

"Junius..." Shin raised his Spear of Aiglos while the Celestial Dragon roared. As if on cue, Zishen morphed into his Azure Dragon form and roared in anger, spewing all sorts of dragon breath onto the valley. Lady Seph did the same, this time by buffing Zishen to the best of her ability. Heigui Xuegang created a dense barrier to protect Shin, while Bingbing flew closer to the Prince. All of that hostility was targetted to that one man...

"Junius Awter... You caused the deaths of thousands in the Land of Dreams. With your assistance, the Black Masks had been able to kill thousands more using the Payircis. Your sins are far too heavy for any normal court to bear... Therefore, in the name of Shin Iofiel, the Prince of the Lantis Republic... I sentence you... to death."


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