Spirit Ruin, Sword Coffin, Blind Swordsman

Chapter 22 Shame of the Sect

Chapter 22 Shame of the Sect

On the early morning of the second day, a loud and piercing bell rang, abruptly rousing Li Guanqi from his sleep.

As he got up, he found his master waiting outside the door.

The old man spoke solemnly in a hushed tone, Hurry up and head to the Heavenly Sword Peak main square!

Li Guanqi, still drowsy, quickly got ready and followed his master down the mountain. He noticed that all the temples disciples were rushing towards Heavenly Sword Peak.

Curious, Li Guanqi asked, Master, whats happening? What caused the bell to ring earlier?

The old man explained with a serious expression, That bell is the Great Xia Sword Sects alarm bell. It rarely rings.

Once it does, all disciples within the sect must swiftly go to Heavenly Sword Peak.

It seems a disciple has violated the sects rules!

Li Guanqi was shocked. What kind of violation could warrant such a massive response?

However, he didnt dare to ask further questions. Many disciples they encountered on the way respectfully greeted the old man, and they all warmly smiled at the young man. Li Guanqi also responded politely, returning their greetings and addressing them as senior brothers and senior sisters.

Seeing that this was taking too much time, Li Nanting rushed Li Guanqi towards Heavenly Sword Peak. When they arrived, the square was already crowded with many disciples from the sect. Some of the leading disciples appeared to be around twenty-four or twenty-five years old, exuding a powerful aura.

Although Li Guanqi, who had only just reached the Qi Refinement realm, couldnt sense it before, he could now vaguely feel the strong aura emanating from these disciples.

Li Guanqi was greatly astonished, thinking, Could it be that these people are all senior brothers and senior sisters who have already reached the Foundation Establishment stage? Theyre so formidable!

Apart from the new disciples, there were at least thousands of people standing in the square. These new disciples wore expressions of confusion, while those who had been in the sect for several years had a solemn look on their faces.

Suddenly, the Sect Master, Lu Kangnian, appeared in the sky, and behind him, there was a figure suspended in the air by four yellow earth shackles. The prisoner appeared to be a young man of about seventeen or eighteen, with a sinister look in his eyes as he stared at Lu Kangnian.

At this moment, Lu Kangnians face was extremely grim. With a single downward motion of his hand, the square fell into complete silence. Everyone felt a heavy weight pressing down on their hearts!

Li Guanqi noticed that almost all the elders he had seen during his initiation were standing at the back. In the front were some elders who had never shown themselves before. Among them, a middle-aged man had an extremely dark expression, and from his attire, it seemed he was the Peak Master of the Heavenly Metal Peak.

Suddenly, Lu Kangnian, with a cold expression, shouted, Tuo Kui, kneel down!

The Peak Masters face twitched, but without a word of complaint, he knelt before a junior disciple. Then, Lu Kangnian produced a spiked black whip from nowhere. With a flick of his wrist, the long whip turned into a black shadow and lashed onto the mans back!


The sound was crisp and clear, and Tuo Kuis white robe immediately tore open. Blood stained his entire back within moments.

Snap, snap, snap!!

The whip was raised high and continued to strike the mans body. Throughout the ordeal, the man remained silent, enduring it in silence. The man kneeling on the ground turned pale, and beads of sweat the size of beans dripped onto the stone slabs.

Everyones hearts trembled, as no one knew what had happened. They were all shocked by the anger of the Sect Master.

Lu Kangnian finally put down the whip, his eyes somewhat bloodshot as he stared down at the man with a torn and bleeding back.

Tuo Kui, you are something! I made you the peak master of Tianjin Peak, and this is how you taught your disciples?

What a disciple you have raised!

To think we had sect disciples with such arrogance!

If that womans eighty year old grandmother hadnt walked for twelve days to reach the foot of the Great Xia Sword Sect

I still cant believe how imposing your Heavenly Metal Peak disciples dared to act down at the foot of the mountain!

I never knew that our Great Xia Sword Sect would have such despicable scoundrels!

Tuo Kui, kneeling on the ground, remained silent, for he knew that his disciple had committed an unforgivable offense.

Just as everyone was still a bit bewildered, the young man who had been bound in the sky let out a fierce roar.

I took an interest in that hags granddaughter! Its her good fortune!

Why should I be punished? Besides, I gave her a hundred taels of silver thread! She was the one who took advantage of it!

Lu Kangnian reached out and grabbed the young man by the neck, firmly holding him.

His resolute face came close to the young man as he angrily rebuked, Do you still think youre not at fault at this point?

For someone like you to be a disciple of our immortal sect!

The young mans face turned red from being choked, but his wide-open eyes told everyone that he didnt submit.

Lu Kangnian suddenly slapped the young mans abdomen with his right hand!


A visible whirlwind dissipated at the mans abdomen.

Cough! Ah!!!!

The young man spat out a mouthful of blood from his mouth. A genius who had reached the Foundation Establishment stage at the age of twenty was now crippled!

The disciples below fell silent, even their breathing became cautious.

Lu Kangnian, consumed by anger, released the binding spell, and the young man instantly fell to the ground.

Lu Kangnian roared, That girl was supposed to get married in three days.

She had already told you about it and pleaded desperately.

But you forcibly!!! You even injured that old woman.

The girl felt so ashamed to face her future husband that she hung herself after you left!

Disciples of an immortal sect?

My Great Xia Sword Sect is ashamed!!!



A long sword suddenly appeared in Lu Kangnians hand, raised high! At this moment, the young man finally felt fear. Being crippled was one thing, but it was clear that Lu Kangnian intended to kill him!

The young man, who had been writhing in pain on the ground, suddenly got up. Crawling to kneel in front of Lu Kangnian, he began frantically kowtowing, banging his head against the ground as hard as he could. In no time, blood oozed from his forehead.

Bang, bang, bang!

The young man kept repeating, Master! Master, I know I was wrong!

I know I was wrong! I will apologize to the girls grandmother and compensate her with gold and silver.

I will leave the Great Xia Sword Sect and serve their family as a laborer!


I was wrong, I truly know I was wrong! Spare me, please spare me

Bang, bang!

I really know I was wrong. Look, if I die, that old woman will be all alone. She wont have anyone to care for her.

Dont kill me, please, spare me

The world fell silent, with only the sound of the young man begging on his knees and the muffled thumping of his head.

At this moment, even the newly admitted disciples understood the situation. But now, everyone also knew about the old woman down below. Many thought that the young mans repentant attitude was sincere. Suddenly, Li Nanting turned to his junior beside him and asked in a deep voice, How do you think this disciple should be dealt with?

Li Guanqi, without changing his expression, coldly replied, He must be killed!

Sure enough!

Lu Kangnian, burning with rage, remained unmoved. He swiftly struck with his sword. Blood sprayed three feet high, and after the cold light passed, the young mans screams abruptly ceased.

Lu Kangnian, undeterred by the blood splatters on his face, swept his sharp gaze over the crowd.

I dont want anyone to violate the sects rules again. If youre uncertain, study them thoroughly in your identity jade slip! Engrave them in your heart!

Tuo Kui, as the Peak Master of Heavenly Metal Peak, has failed in teaching! Immediately strip him of his position as Peak Master!

Meng Linhai will take over!

When a disciple makes a mistake, the master cant escape blame!

You will personally take the corpse of this sinner and give an account to that old woman!

Tuo Kui, rising from his kneeling position, had a pale, shaky face. He showed no intention of refuting the Sect Masters words.

He bowed and said, Tuo Kui obeys.

Lu Kangnian waved his sleeves, snorted, and disappeared from everyones sight.

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