Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 181: College Entrance Examination

Chapter 181: College Entrance Examination

“Su Bai, Ruoxue, this is my yearbook with my name on top. Could you please sign your names for me? Thank you.”

Liu Weiwei walked over to them with a smile and placed her yearbook in front of them.

Although they were still classmates now, she understood that they would no longer be of the same level once they stepped out of the classroom. The only thing she could do was let them leave behind their signatures so that she could look at it when feeling lonely and recall the bitter or sweet memories of her high school days.

The couple nodded. There were already more than twenty classmates waiting for them, but they did not have much impression of them and did not know what to write.

However, since they were all classmates, they could not possibly reject them, or else it would be too ruthless.

The two were probably the most envied people in the school. Unlike other couples in school, they did not break up after graduation, nor were they worried about not being able to enter the same university.

“Su Bai, this is mine. Don’t you dare to write it perfunctorily, or else I will break it off with you.”

Yang Zhou handed his yearbook to Su Bai. He actually felt very grateful toward him; if it were not for his words, he might still be a cynical dick.

Now, he was not worried about the college entrance examination and was more worried about how to remain close to the two.

“Don’t worry; I won’t,” Su Bai nodded and said.

Jiang Yang also handed his yearbook to him and asked curiously, “Why didn’t you two buy yearbooks? Even if we can’t meet again in the future, you should still leave memories behind. After all, this is the best time of our precious youth.”

“It’s all kept here.” He tapped his head. “If you guys want to sign your names for me, just take a picture and write on the other side. I’ll keep them well.”

“Okay, then. We’ll give those to you together later.” Chen Tingting smiled.

“Has Jiang Yang finally won over Sister Tingting?” Su Bai looked at the girl in shock. “Doesn’t that mean that Yang Zhou is the only solo?”

Yang Zhou was speechless.


“Could you please not pull me in?” Yang Zhou grumbled angrily.

It was too difficult for him. First, it was Su Bai, then it was Jiang Yang. Both of his best buddies had found girlfriends behind his back, and he could not bear such a big blow.

“Hahaha!” Su Bai chuckled and ignored his friend, turning around to continue signing for them.

“By the way, Boyfie, don’t you have anything you want to say to me? Aren’t you going to sign my yearbook or something?” Chen Ruoxue asked with a smile while signing the yearbooks.

“I did write something for you; do you want to see it?” He took out a photo from his notebook.

It was the photo taken when they were on the Purple Planet that his master was transforming. The background was a distant starry sky and purple tidal flats. He liked this photo very much.

On the back was a short confession letter.

“Okay, I’ll confiscate this.” She blinked coquettishly and giggled.

After spending half an hour, he returned all the yearbooks to his classmates.

He then released the Little Tyrant to help him carry things.

“I’m going home first; see you tomorrow.”

At the fork in the road, he waved to Chen Ruoxue.

“See you at school tomorrow.” She also waved.

“Roar?” Ah Bai, is your high school life over? The dino raised a claw and patted him on the shoulder.

“Yes, it’s over!” He glanced up at the blue and white sky and exhaled.

“Roar~” Don’t worry. I will accompany you all the time~

It patted him again.

“I know.”

He took out an ore to feed it. To this, the dino opened its mouth and gobbled it up happily.

When they reached home, he arranged all his books neatly on the shelf in the study.

He then released all his pets and sat in the recliner while watching the sun set in the west and listening to light music.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning. His phone alarm rang. Stretching his hand lazily, he turned off his alarm in a daze but suddenly felt a smooth and delicate hand touch him.

He was so frightened that he quickly jerked up, only to see Purple Jade sleeping next to him. He asked speechlessly, “Didn’t you say you’re not going to turn into a human?”

Originally, after it had evolved into the Limitless Beauty, he did not let it enter his room, but it would always sneak in. In the end, he could only let it compromise, such that it would stop transforming into a human.

The elf held its head with one hand and held him with the other, blinking its big purple eyes. I feel like I can surprise you even more like this.

“...It’s frightening.”

He got up from his bed exasperatedly.

“Next time, you’re not allowed to climb onto my bed at will. Girls must have their restraint and dignity. Haven’t I already arranged a room for you?” He said while putting on his clothes.

It’s meaningless without you. I just want to be with you; I have no other intentions. I just purely want to be with you. Can’t I? If I knew that this would happen, I wouldn’t evolve!

Purple Jade glanced sideways at him and howled. It had always thought that he would like it once it evolved, but the end result only disappointed it.

Ah Bai, you are obviously so intimate with Ruoxue; why can’t you be intimate with me? Don’t I deserve your love?

If it’s because of the way I look now, then I’ll transform into a cat and never change back again.

After the Limitless Beauty was done speaking, green spiritual power fluctuated on its body. Soon, it turned into a white cat which lay quietly and motionlessly on the bed.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean that. You can do whatever you want in the future; I won’t complain anymore.”

Su Bai froze in place. No matter what, his pet was still purely his buddy, and it was a problem of his ideology.

No, I saw how I put you on the spot. I think that my cat form suits me better. The cub’s gentle voice sounded in his mind, and it did not change into a human form anymore.

“I really like your appearance as the Limitless Beauty. Really.” He hugged the cub and reassured it. If he became affectionate with the humanoid version of his pet, he would inevitably think of it as a human and feel a sense of guilt.

He knew that it was his problem, not the cub’s.

“Howl!” I’m hungry. Feed me something, Ah Bai!

The cub licked his cheek, no longer harping on the matter of Limitless Beauty’s appearance.

“Alright, then. I prepared a dried fish energy medicinal cake for you.” Su Bai caressed it.

He left the room, placed the pets’ breakfast into a small basin, and put them on the coffee table.

While his pets ate, he went to shower.

After eating breakfast, he did not continue to read. Instead, he went to the yard and took care of the spiritual plants and flowers. The cub also came out after breakfast to help out. It had grown many spiritual plants much better than his.

At noon in July, the weather was already very hot. Sitting on the sofa, Su Bai enjoyed the air conditioner and drank Purple Sparrow tea.

“Let’s go. We have to set off soon.” He looked at his watch and said after drinking a few cups of tea.

“Howl! (?o?╰╯o??)” I will carry you on my back!

The cub transformed into a bigger-sized cat and looked at him with a lovely expression.

“Okay. Thank you, buddy!” Su Bai looked at it, too, and could not bear to refuse.

In fact, after seeing its appearance as a Limitless Beauty, he did not want to ride it anymore as it felt very inappropriate. However, he did not want to dispel the cub’s enthusiasm.

After keeping his pets in his contract book, he went to school with Purple Jade.

The test lasted for four days. Their theoretical knowledge would be tested in a written test on the sixth and seventh of July, and it would be their actual combat on the eighth and ninth.

“Son, you can do it! Put your mind at ease and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

At the entrance of the manor, Mother Su waited for him to come over with a bag of various foods in her hand.

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just put your mind on the test. It doesn’t matter whether your grades are good or bad. We are always proud of you.” Father Su also smiled.

“Thank you; I know.”

He took the food and said with a smile. His parents knew that he was taking the college entrance examination, which made him feel very touched.

He kept the snacks into his backpack and rode the cub away.

Soon, they arrived. From far away, he saw that Chen Ruoxue had arrived at the usual place they often went on dates.

“You’re so beautiful, so pretty and fragrant.” He took her hand, leaned closer, and said with a smile.

“Don’t look at me like that. Be careful that passersby don’t mistake you for a pervert and catch you.” Chen Ruoxue rolled her eyes.

“Haha, then they will have to beat me first.” Su Bai laughed.

The two walked toward the school together, followed by the cub and Super Big Demon.

“It’s a pity that our exam rooms are not together, and our hotel isn’t in the same place, too,” he said depressedly.

“It’s normal. Don’t get tired of living together every day when we go to college.”

Walking to the gate of the school, Chen Ruoxue let go of his hand.

Many buses were parked in the school to transport the students to the city for their examinations. The sites for the college entrance exam were all in the city, so the school in town must go to the hotel one day in advance.

Su Bai’s examination was in First Middle School, with Hou Jie as their adviser; Chen Ruoxue’s examination was in Gaoxin Middle School, and Wang Wenyi, their head teacher, was this side’s adviser.

He waved to Chen Ruoxue and walked to Hou Jie’s side.

“You came just in time. Let me give you a task; come to my office and do me a favor.” The woman patted him on the shoulder as she spoke.

“... It’s time to gather; are you sure we won’t be scolded for leaving?” Su Bai looked at her questioningly, always feeling that she was very unreliable.

“Don’t worry; I have asked Teacher Wang to take care of the things here.” Hou Jie patted him on the shoulder again.

“Alright, then. What do you need my help with?”

Su Bai nodded and followed her to the office.

“I need your help to move some things. I have already resigned and probably won’t teach anymore,” said Hou Jie with emotion.

“Ah, why?” he asked, a little surprised.

“There are many reasons, but one is that I have to find my true love, too.”

The woman reached out and hugged him from behind, smiling. “That’s why, before leaving, I’ll let my favorite student help me move things.”

“With due diligence.”

It took a long time for Su Bai to accept the fact that Hou Jie was not teaching anymore. She was a very good teacher, whether it was teaching English or pet breeding.

He was very sad for a while.

This was until he entered Hou Jie’s office.

“Wow, teacher, this place is too messy, right? Also, why do you want me to come? Isn’t it more appropriate to call Ruoxue.”

He looked at the former teacher’s room speechlessly. Not only was it messy, many clothes, especially undies and bras, were everywhere. Su Bai could not help but notice the sexy underwear.

“Ah, there are too many things messed up, and those on the ground are no longer needed. You can help tidy up and throw them into the trash can. You can also help tidy up the bed. It’s just some underwear; it’s not like you’ve never seen one before.” Hou Jie shrugged nonchalantly.

“As for why I’m looking for you, it’s because I don’t want others to see my sloppy side. I want to maintain my image as a good teacher, and you dare not say anything.”

Su Bai: “...”

He shook his head and released the cub to help him clean.

Everything was packed up quickly, including the messy underwear.

“Wow, thank you. This is for you.” The woman smiled and handed him a small alarm clock.

“Thank you.” He did not refuse, either.

“Don’t underestimate this alarm clock. It’s customized. That’s my eighteenth birthday gift and one of my favorites.” Hou Jie emphasized.

“I saw the lettering on it.” He nodded.

Su Bai helped her move the things onto her car before returning to the gathering place.

After doing a head-count, Hou Jie arranged for them to get on the bus. She drove her Audi and followed behind.

His hotel was naturally near the examination site of First Middle School. It was already night after they finished cleaning up. Su Bai did not go out for a stroll and ate dinner with the pets in the room before falling asleep, instead.

“Jade, just give me some hypnotic powder and let me fall asleep quickly. Otherwise, I’ll be a goner if I can’t wake up tomorrow.” He kissed the cub and said.

“Howl!” Don’t worry; I’ll wake you up tomorrow.

Nodding, it summoned a vine to induce him in hypnosis.

Early the next morning, Su Bai was awakened by the cub, and After having an early breakfast, he set off for the examination venue.

After a strict inspection at the entrance, he walked into the exam room and found his place.

With the sound of the bell, a shield enveloped the entire school. The first test was pet breeding, which was very simple for him.

As an experienced junior pet breeder, these questions could not trouble him.

Compared to other people racking their brains, he answered fluently and quickly completed all the questions, but he did not turn in the papers in advance as usual and gave enough respect to the college entrance examination.

The tests were followed by pharmacology, monster illustration, biological synthesis, physical chemistry, math, and Chinese.

The test of the theory part was quickly finished, and as the last test was over, he walked out of the test room calmly.

Having prepared for several months, he found the test quite ordinary.

“How was it? How many points do you think you scored?” asked Hou Jie with a smile outside the examination room.

“It should not be far from full marks.” He spread his hands and responded.

After dividing into the pet subject, the scores of the college entrance examination have been reformed, and now had a total score of 1,000 points: 500 points for theoretical knowledge and 500 points for pet combat.

“It seems like you’re very confident. Let me take you to a good place for a stroll.” Hou Jie patted him and smiled.

She had actually come here purely to wait for him. Today, another teacher was in charge of monitoring the students.

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