Stealing the Yuri Protagonist Harem

Chapter 51: Hmm, More Barefooted Bai Xiaoyao Please

Chapter 51: Hmm, More Barefooted Bai Xiaoyao Please

At this moment, Luo Wusheng was walking on the street towards the Demon Artifact Pavilion.

Since yesterday, more people had come to know him, the Holy Saint of the Demon Sect. And it was evident that they now held a genuine admiration and awe for him.

In such a short period, he had completely turned the situation in the Demon Artifact Pavilion around and even dealt a devastating blow to the Taoist Artifact Pavilion, surpassing everyone's expectations.

Especially yesterday, they personally witnessed the extraordinary mortal weapon crafted by the Holy Saint of the Demon Sect.

On the Trial Martial Arena, he was simply unstoppable.

No Qi Refining cultivator could react to his terrifying speed, and no one could resist the horrifying special effects of those weapons, each more terrifying than the last.

Didn't you see how even the pinnacle Qi Refining cultivator wielding the legendary mortal weapon, "Heavenly Manifestation" Taoist Marked Weapon, was defeated miserably?

In other words, at least in the realm of mortal weapons, no refining sect could compete with the Demon Artifact Pavilion anymore.

This time, the reputation of Luo Wusheng, the Holy Saint of the Demon Sect, had truly resounded throughout the royal city.

However, his heart was filled with bitterness at this moment.

(This won't do If everyone recognizes me, how can I avoid attracting attention when going to the Red Blossom Pavilion? Am I really going to ruin my image?)

Thinking about how last night he had secretly arranged for Bai Xiaoyao gift and had planned to slip away to the Red Blossom Pavilion, but every passerby on the road would subconsciously look at him and respectfully bow, he couldn't casually go to the Red Blossom Pavilion without drawing attention like the first time.

He even almost got recognized this time as the white-clad swordsman who went to the Red Blossom Pavilion on the evening of the first day the Demon Artifact Pavilion was closed.

Luo Wusheng felt the malice of the world.

Although his fame had reached a point where ordinary townsfolk wouldn't dare to approach him casually, there were still hundreds of pairs of sharp eyes.

At this point, even he couldn't make a discreet exit in front of so many eyes.

After all, if he made such a suspicious move in front of everyone, who knew what wild speculations these gossiping masses would come up with?

Those were hundreds of uncontrollable mouths.

So he could only reluctantly turn back towards the Demon Artifact Pavilion.

Feeling bored, he walked on the street, reminiscing about the peerless beauty he saw last night.

(My Junior sister really deserves her reputation as one of the Demon Sect most beautiful girls, .. Even her small feet are extraordinarily exquisite)

In his previous life, he often heard the saying that a woman's feet were her second face, but he had never seen feet like his junior sister's, which resembled the highest craftsmanship in the world.

When Bai Xiaoyao took off her shoes and socks, he was truly stunned.

First, he wasn't a foot fetishist, but when he saw that wonderful sight, something had awakened deep inside him.

Hmm, more barefoot Bai Xiaoyao, please.

It just goes to show that the Creator God is never fair. After endowing Bai Xiaoyao with unparalleled talent, he also bestowed upon her rare beauty that was hard to find in the world. Every inch of her body was flawless, even her feet were meticulously crafted, providing an upgrade to Luo Wusheng's already broad-minded XP.

Perhaps this is what it means to be the protagonist of the world.

(Unfortunately, I still care too much about my image)

Luo Wusheng sighed in his heart.

While Bai Xiaoyao was unconscious, Luo Wusheng successfully used his Demon Sect refining techniques to transform the properties of certain special materials and create a special pair of black stockings. But when he actually held that delicate item in his hands, he realized that he had been too naive in his thinking.

Would any decent person really give a girl something like this directly? Isn't it obvious what his intentions would be?

He fell silent at that moment.

Although his initial plan was to see how alluring Bai XIaoyao looked in the black stockings and use it to charge his weapon, he had overlooked an important point.

This world was different from the other world in his memories, where even regular women tended to dress more conservatively. Even Bai Xiaoyao had never shown much exposure.

And obviously, giving intimate clothing as a gift, which was already a bit of a minefield in his previous life, was even more unimaginable in this world.

But he found it difficult to let go of the idea.

So he decided to leave the choice to his junior sister.

In his message, he tried to sound like an elder brother and emphasized that he had only made that item on a whim. If his junior sister was interested, she could give it a try. He also briefly explained the special effects of the black stockings, hoping to reduce her reluctance.

Finally, to make the message seem more serious, Luo Wusheng even revised it several times.

(That Junior sister of mine shouldn't be able to see through my intentions, right?)

After all, Luo Wusheng's previous image of being a man who is indifferent to women's charm was still intact, and Bai Xiaoyao was still unconscious at the time, so she didn't witness the loss of composure from a certain Holy Saint of the Demon Sect.

But this way, he didn't know if he would have the chance to see his junior sister wearing those stockings.

(The best scenario would be if that little girl came again tonight, wearing the black stockings, and we had another midnight bed check Hah, as if that would ever happen.)

Shaking his head, Luo Wusheng quickened his pace and soon arrived at the Demon Artifact Pavilion.

The four officers were still at the Trial Martial Arena today, but instead of competing, they were carrying a batch of average-effect bullets and firearms to provide an opportunity for the cultivators who wanted to try them out.

Ten lucky spectators were chosen each day.

Meanwhile, on the fourth floor, all five of the Artifact Refiners were still enthusiastic.

"Senior Brother! These bullets are amazing!"

"What did you say?!"

"Huh?! Senior Brother, why are you moving your mouth without speaking?!"

Luo Wusheng looked at the several people on the fourth floor shouting at the top of their lungs, his mouth twitching.

No need to say, these people probably just finished testing the new bullets.

(What is this? Deafening bullets?)

The Holy Saint of the Demon Sect speculated inwardly.

The first refiner, Song Zhong, who was continuously scratching his ear, was the first to notice the arrival of his Holy Saint. His eyes lit up, and he immediately stood up and led the other four to approach Luo Wusheng.

"Greetings, Holy Saint!"

Their volume was extremely loud.

Luo Wusheng instinctively took a step back.

"What are you guys" he subconsciously asked.

"What did you say, Holy Saint?!" Song Zhong scratched his ear, seemingly realizing something, and quickly said, "Holy Saint, we just tried a batch of special bullets we made! It seems like they cause deafness for now! Please don't blame us, Holy Saint!"

Luo Wusheng took another step back.

(Well besides deafness, it probably also strains the vocal cords.)

But how would they communicate like this?

He quickly thought of a solution.

Why not directly transmit his voice to their minds?

He put his plan into action.

However, the expressions of the artifact refiners still remained peculiar, and someone suddenly widened their eyes.

"Oh no! Senior Brother, I can't read anymore!"

"Holy Saint, what does that string of beeps you transmitted mean?!"

"This could this be the legendary ancient runes!"

Wow, not only can it mute their voices, but it also shields text in so many ways.

Luo Wusheng clicked his tongue in amazement.

It seemed that the side effects of this were indeed not as simple as he had thought, completely cutting off the possibility of communication.

Truly worthy of the power of heaven and earth.

At this point, Luo Wusheng couldn't think of any other solution, so he simply patted his storage pouch.

A cage containing an ugly little mouse fell to the ground.

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