Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 101: For the sake of future

Chapter 101: For the sake of future

The Era of Downfall.

In the novel, 'The Rise of Thunder Emperor', Arata had various moments in his life which prove to be helpful in his journey to become a legendary warrior who holds the strength to stand tall in the face of dangers.

He was a unique entity that was destined to rise through his peers and surpass the greatest human in existence or past to face the final threat.

After his awakening, Arata had the support of his friends and family which pushed Arata to greater heights, and the powers of the first Thunder Emperor assisted the boy to always keep improving as long as he pushed himself past his limits.

Arata lost friends and some really close people to him, like his sister along the path which worked as the fuel he required to pump himself and prepare for the upcoming catastrophe.

And that catastrophe begins just after the graduation of the protagonist from the academy. Just as Arata began to settle down with his life and plan his perfect future along with his best friends, suddenly the world began to change.

It was the third phase where the world was slowly shifting to. The first phase brought Soul Energy, and the second phase brought drastic mutations and gave birth to legendary heroes who were noted down in the golden history.

Now the third evolution had already begun which undoubtedly was going to bring countless deaths and sacrifices. Increment in Temples and most of them being high crowned would force humanity to take some strict steps to protect their livelihood.

In such a situation, Arata who holds the strength to become a demi-god entity and was powered up by a legend who mostly everyone remembers as a myth, the young boy had no other thought than to forge himself for the sake of his people.

He had the potential and strength to save others and so he did. There were many instances when the Thunder emperor who ran through Arata's veins, helped the boy which enabled Arata in rescuing countless lives while getting stronger with time.

If not for Arata, many powerful figures including the Headmaster of the academy who is one of the strongest pillars of this side would have died off. He not only kept his beloved safe but extended a helping hand to every person who came into his vision.

He was the savior that the world didn't deserve but desired through all their worship. He was the true hero which every single person in existence accepted and adored.

And thus, it settles why Arata needed to live even though Seth wanted to kill him right at the moment, considering the danger he possessed to him.

'Not to talk about that weird old uncle inside him... '

The Thunder Emperor has chosen Arata as his successor so it was given that he would protect Arata, now that he has broken the seal and awakened his powers.

And if by hook or crook, Seth kills Arata, those lives Arata might save in the future, would become Seth's responsibility which he was not ready to carry.

But yes, if Arata draws the first blood then Seth had no sympathy for him either to let him go. He would take away the life which pose threat to him. That's the most human reaction of Seth to have.

'Ah...I guess I am overthinking this... '

Sighing, Seth threw away his worries. For some reason, he was feeling rather twisted ever since he received memories of Saito and heard those words of truth from Ethan. Seth needed to know the actuality of those whom he called his own in his past life, but still, it didn't change the fact that Seth was shaken up down the core.

Gazing at the peaceful sleeping face of Haruka whom he brought to his mansion, Seth felt some relief that he was able to save the woman at least. Something good about this day.

Leaning his head back on the wall, Seth took a minute of silence when two knocks on the door broke the tranquility and a familiar face entered inside.

"Do you need anything, young master?"

It was Lara who, unlike the other maids who were terrified of the current Seth, dared to breach the boundaries and approach the man who looked specifically tense today, for some reason.

True, the woman in his arm seemed important to Seth, since the way he carried her inside said so, but she didn't seem in any kind of danger at all, to make Seth such worked up.

"No, it's okay. Just change the professor's clothes and let her rest in the room. No one other than you are allowed to enter inside, so inform the others, alright?"

Lara nodded with her head leaning forward, as she saw Seth's shoes clattering on the floor as he walked passed her with steady steps.

Mustering up her courage, the brunette maid raised her voice slightly as she turned toward her master.

"Is everything alright... Young master? I might not be worthy to share your sentiments but I do a great job listening to others."

Seth halted in his steps with his head hanging low, as he heard the concern filling Lara's voice. It goes without saying that the woman cares for Seth a lot and must be worried for him.

But this was something Seth needed to get out himself.

"It's okay, Lara. I am fine. Thanks for worrying about me."


Attending the meeting with the headmaster with the current mindset was not something Seth would have ever preferred but he had to come, considering the person involved in it.

It would take around two days at least for Haruka to recover so he sent a letter to her family, using the school's name that Haruka was injured in a battle with a stray beast and would return home in three days.

Even though they come to check on Haruka, Seth had already arranged things so her parents don't get much worried and could see their daughter conveniently.

'They are here as well... '

Gawking at the head professors Seth raised his brows but then again, it was about the tournament so it was obvious for them to be there. There was a vacant seat that probably belonged to Ethan as well, but Seth doesn't care about it.

He had enough evidence to prove Ethan guilty so he was not worried and focused on the meeting at hand.

Unlike any other small expedition or activity, this tournament meant a lot for the academy and the Empire so the headmaster and the upper council of the capital put a lot of effort into this.

Sitting on the left side, Seth along with others turned their head toward the crown seat where stood the white-bearded wizard in his late sixties or such, as he parted his lips to commence the meeting.

"Now that everyone has gathered let's begin the discussion of the upcoming tournament."


A/N: - Drop a comment if you are liking the story~

Is the plot going well, or should I fasten up a bit?

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