Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 108: Let's go on a trip?

Chapter 108: Let's go on a trip?

Arata was specifically trying to anger Seth, knowing his current emotional instability given how many truths he had to face recently. Arata knew if anytime he could manipulate the bastard to act as Arata wants him to then this was the chance. And seeing Seth's raging aura, Arata seemingly was succeeding in his goal.

The reason he wanted to fight Seth was not that Arata wanted to harm him or kill him. Well, it was enticing but for the old Keita who sought vengeance from Ryuuta. His new self had no such thoughts and just wanted to evaluate the current strength of the bespectacled bastard in front.

Arata knew he couldn't win against the other party. Being pushed back in the conflict of aura they released, was a testament to that. Arata had no clue how, but Seth was a lot stronger than he was supposed to be. Of course, knowing the plot he must have been preparing unlike Arata himself.

Then, despite knowing for a fact that he would lose, how Arata was not worried about getting killed by his bold approach?

Simple. Seth wouldn't and couldn't kill him.

First, the plot would not let him since in the near future, the world would desire a hero and Arata was that hero. Seth could be strong and such, but his action was limited to his selfish desires for survival to the end. However, Arata had no such self-limit, nor any bound to where he could spread his extent of powers. He was limitless, thanks to the awakening he had recently.

And let's just take that Seth puts a blindfold on the upcoming catastrophe and tries to kill Arata regardless of the outcome. That would trigger the second option which was the reason for his confidence.

The Thunder Emperor. Now that, the legendary hero had awakened inside of him, Arata knew he wouldn't let him get killed by anyone or anything. Keita had read in last life and now Arata would exploit that information.

But unexpectedly, against his expectation, Seth suddenly dropped his intent and dispelled Arata's as well with a flick of his wrist, bringing the tranquility back to the surroundings.

Arata was beyond perplexed even though his unchanging expression said otherwise. He never felt any intrusion inside his mind-space, signifying that Seth knowing Arata's intention could not be the case upon how the green-haired guy reacted just now.

"Now if you are done playing your mind games, in which you are awful, can you move to the topic? I have some guests waiting for me."

Arata's eyes widened hearing 'mind games' since it seems without even entering his brain, Seth was able to conclude what Arata was trying to do.

Indeed Arata was not good with this. But since he certainly approached Seth to have some words related to the future, Arata soon calmed down, before his gaze took an icy turn.

"Whatever happens from hereon, you and I won't come across each other's path. I will do what I can in order to get strong so that when I meet 'her' in the future, she would regard me as worthy enough to be by her side. So you better remember to not come in that moment when 'she' would accept me and we would finally become one."


It has been a long time since Seth had the urge to make an authentic cringed expression like he was having now upon hearing Arata's words regarding the mysterious 'she'. Like Seth didn't know he was talking about Miyuki.

Not to talk about the determination he was showcasing to be accepted by Miyuki. Like it was Arata's ultimate goal to be with a girl. All the changes he was surfacing and the might he would unlock through his awakening would be just to get a girl.

Yeah, Seth never could understand how this idiot thinks.

Sure, Seth also had the importance of love in his life and he very much treasures some specific people. But to devote all his life and hardship to the woman who doesn't even love Arata? Heck, Arata probably doesn't even know where Miyuki is right now.

It was not just Arata but all his previous life friends including Mayu seemed a special case. And amongst them, only Seth found himself somewhat normal.

'Well, not like I was totally fine and never do anything crazy in the past... '

Getting up from his seat, Seth didn't reply to the boy before he walked back to the mansion.

Arata stared at the retreating back of the man of this place as he received the unspoken response just as he expected.


Inside the mansion, along with the old couple, tonight Haruka was also present at the dining table, as Seth joined the group before the dinner was served.

She seemed healthier than before and a lot cheery as well. It might be because she was able to meet her parents after a long while or maybe the treatment had done wonders for her.

Haruka along with her mother was mainly chatting at the table, with Mr. Aldera and Seth voicing their thoughts every now and then.

Seth was relieved to see that Haruka was able to come out of the trauma she experienced due to the memories he gave her. And considering the fact, she was able to open herself in front of him, was a sign that their relationship was developing as well?

He wasn't sure but he was happy with the pace things were moving.

Fiona, as Seth expected, didn't join them for dinner and requested to be served in the room. Considering how awkward it must be for her to be around Seth and now Haruka as well, it was understandable why she was cooped up in the room.

After the dinner came to end and everyone was ready to leave the table, suddenly Seth asked Haruka something completely out of nowhere.

"Professor, for the rest of the week, would it be possible for you to keep your schedule free?"

Haruka perplexedly tilted her head with a small frown before asking in an uncertain tone.

"What is it, Seth?"

Seth contemplated for a bit but in the end, he decided, it was worth a shot as he replied in his usual tone.

"I wanted to take you on a trip."


A/N: - Drop a comment if you are liking the story~

Kinda felt like filler....

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