Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 88: Impressing my bride!

Chapter 88: Impressing my bride!

It's been some hours since the trio descended to the second floor of the dungeon after Seth one-sidedly massacred the remaining goblins around the mana tomb on the first floor. The scene was to behold when Seth overwhelmingly used his skills only to smash all the heads without shedding any kind of mercy on his opponents.

The next floor was nothing different for Seth either as he was able to annihilate his foes without getting any notable injury in return at all. Lara and Caroline did help from time to time, but from their perception, it wasn't much required, given Seth's speed of progression.


One of the orcs who was yelling at top of his lung before it intended to attack his prey, suddenly halted in mid as it felt unable to continue roaring for some reason.


The following thud explained the reason as with a clean sweep, Seth cleaved the monster without caring about the chivalry these monsters carry. They all roared first before the battle which annoyed Seth so he majorly concluded every conflict before his ear drums could go numb.

Glancing to the right, he found two other orcs cowering away since the monster Seth beheaded was stronger than those two. It goes without saying, that despite being inhuman they feel fear of those whom they couldn't defeat.

Seth smirked, as he turned his body in the direction of the remaining two before he channeled his soul energy and focused on the two orcs, making the two pause in their movements.

Seth gritted his teeth and forced his soul energy on his psychokinesis as he heard the two monsters shouting in pain and agony. But that didn't stop Seth from pulling their hearts out of their chest.


What remained in the air were two heavily beating hearts that were coated with greenish blood as the two creatures dropped to the ground with vitality long exhausted out of them.

Seth has not had enough composure or efficiency in his skills to pull out their mana stone without touching the corpse but these blood-pumping organs are easy to detect. He might have forced extra soul energy than required and it also took a slight toll on his body, but it was worth giving it a try.

Fighting constantly for the past few days, he has been growing more than ever since he has reborn in the body. Currently, he might be the strength of a four-tier full-fledged warrior, but Seth couldn't be sure.

'Well, not like I have to rush things...'

Sighing Seth wiped his glasses which had a few droplets of blood before he turned on his heels and approached the two women awaiting some steps behind.

Seeing their expressions, Seth nearly chucked. Lara had a face of awe and pride curved her lips as she smiled cutely while waving her hand for Seth to see her, despite they were just some meters away. As for Caroline, then she had an expression that told what length of bewilderment she had reached that she could no longer keep up her facade of indifference.

But can someone laugh at her reaction after she saw such a spectacle of a boy, not older than her, progressing at such a monstrous pace and showcasing skills that far surpass the altogether abilities of all the raiders who came here with them?

Not to talk about that constant terrifying smile on his face which never faded despite him being ganged up by half a dozen of orcs at once some hours ago. Despite with her Soul Energy Caroline was not sure whether she could have finished off the monsters without facing any grave injuries.

She indeed has seen rare talents in the past, her brother Arata was such an example, but this...Caroline have no words to describe what she was witnessing.

"Good work out there, master. Have some water."

The brunette maid chimed like she was greeting her husband who returned from a long day at work. Caroline was not sure what weird play they were having but Caroline has long sensed how the older woman was protective toward the man she regards her master as.

"Are you guys hurt, anywhere?"

As the man said he took a gulp of water while he glanced at the two from up to down. For some reason, Caroline thought her bare body was being inspected by that gaze, which brought a hand over her bosom instinctively.

The small frown between her thin raven brows and the wary look she directed at him, made Seth sigh as he shook his head and looked away from the girl. Such a cautious child.

"Young's already been more than half a day since you have been engaged in combat. How remorseful I feel, it doesn't change the fact that I am more or less baggage for you. But please even if you want-"

"Shut that."

Lara, who was about to request her master to take some rest, instantly closed her lips as she heard her young master's stern tone as his narrow gaze made her head lean down in guilt. She already has been causing him so much trouble and now she began to annoy him as well. Total disgrace for someone who vowed to be always useful to her young master.

Seth, who realized how roughly he replied to his maid, sighed and walked forward before bringing his hand over her head as he conveyed his immediate thoughts.

"You are not baggage Lara, but just powerless in this environment. You have protected me all those times so let me take the lead for now, okay?"

Hearing his warming words, and the touch that Lara could only allow herself to share with her master made her heart fuzzy, as she wiped the accumulated tears. She was about to reply in understanding to his words when suddenly her young master landed a blow for which she was not ready at all!

"And since I got the opportunity, let me impress my future bride a bit."


Like a steam engine, clouds erupted above Lara's head as her face adapted to the amber shade in an instant making her unable to lift her head as she dipped her face in her unfair young master.

"Haha~ don't tell you are embarrassed just by this..."

As the two of them enjoyed their peaceful lovey-dovey time at a side, Caroline for the seventh time realized what it means to be a third wheel.

' can someone make that face after going through all that...'


"How is she doing?"

Walking through the lobby of her mansion, Fiona Alfred mother of Laila asked her daughter's maid about Laila's condition, since some days Fiona and her husband were away attending a ceremony. When returned, the lady of the mansion was informed that her daughter has not just only been staying in her room but also refuses to eat anything most of the time.

Fiona had no idea what was in the box which Duchess Valarie asked Fiona to pass to Laila, but it was clear that it was related to Seth and it has cornered Laila to her current condition.

Fiona might not be entirely sure what was going through Laila's mind ever since she returned from the Academy but the older woman certainly could not leave things like this.

"You wait here."

Ordering the maid, Fiona breathed heavily and with a frown creasing her brows, she entered Laila's room.

"We need to talk, Lai-eh?"


A/N:- A little glimpse before we move with the plot. I am trying to keep things in moderation while showing Seth's progress. Do let me know if things become rushed.

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