Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 552

552 Leap of salvation

“Look at her blush! She is really his plaything!”

“Grab that elf plaything! She will be ours now!”

*Step* “Don’t approach me! Stay away from me, you disgusting humans!”

“And what if we don’t? Are you going to beat us with your one healthy arm? Hehe.”

“I will die before I am humiliated.” *Step, Step* “Sofy was right... I should have placed more fate on Vincent.”

“Look at that elf plaything run while calling her master to save her.”

“Running away is useless, haha. We already made sure no one will step on this floor for another half an hour.”

“Haha, look at her entering the bathroom now. This thrill is more exciting than I imagined.”

“Hey, don’t you think we should hurry? There is a window she can escape from.”


“We are on the fourth floor. Death will be awaiting her if she does so.”

“Hey, I wanted to have fun with that elf plaything. Even if she is someone else’s, I will have her today for the suffering she caused me.”

“Hehe. I forgot how horrible you can get to have fun.”

*Creak, Step, Step*

“Hey, big tits, nice to see you enjoy yourself in the man’s bathroom.”

“Go out, you disgusting humans! This is the only door you disgusting humans didn’t block.”

“Look how terrified she is. It looks like she figured out there is no escape. Unless...”

“Entertain us, and we will consider forgiving Vincent Lionheart based on your performance.”


“Good. You have finally stopped rejecting our offer. No need to tremble. It’s not like we will break that other arm or a leg by accident, hehe.”

*Creak, Step, Step*

*Sigh* “Are you four still playing cat and mouse? I checked around, and the coast is clear.”

“We were waiting for you. This fun should be enjoyed by the five of us. Don’t we?”

Jun Ye Rim shivered from terror. She took a step back, and her bottom touched the wall. When she turned her head, she could see the sun and a couple of small clouds beside it.

“There is no need to look outside. The window has a slight problem, and it can’t be opened, hehe.”

“Come here, Mirey. I will start the fun while my friends join later.”

Hearing her name called in reverse caused Jun Ye Rim to think of the sun as Vincent. The couple of clouds beside the sun were thought of as Ester, Lupa, Kazumi, Iris, Lilith, and little Plow.

A flashback appeared in her thoughts as if her mind was already prepared to die before becoming defiled. Hearing the name, Mirey caused Jun Ye Rim to recall Vincent saying how he liked her name and how he didn’t mind if she became his Mirey one day.

Jun Ye Rim knew no one could help her at this moment. When she thought about Vincent or his wives and how she didn’t tell them where she was going made her heart ache from self-blame.

Jun Ye Rim began to think, ‘It was a bad idea to fix everything by myself.’ ‘I should have known only a few humans can be trusted.’ ‘I should have at least left a note.’

Another memory flashed in her mind. She recalled the times Vincent treated her so kindly that she couldn’t understand if it was a trick or his genuine kindness.

‘If I am reborn by entering the reincarnation pool, I hope I can become Vincent’s familiar and be treated like Plow.’ She thought while grabbing the handle of the window to check if the window really couldn’t be opened. Regrettably, the window’s handle moved, but the window didn’t open.

Jun Ye Rim banged on the glass, but she could only land two good hits before her hand was stopped. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to break the glass.

“We tried to be helpful, yet you still had the audacity to try anyway. Don’t you know we were going to treat you well if you weren’t going to resist?”

“Argh! Let go of my hand! It hurts!”

One of the aggressors grabbed Jun Ye Rim’s uniform from the back of her neck. *Tear* He ripped the back of her uniform and chuckled, “A white bra strap. A plaything thinks she is a virgin, hehehe.”

Another grabbed Jun Ye Rim’s skirt *Tear* ripped a large part off. He chuckled and lustfully gazed at her legs while licking his lips.

Jun Ye Rim knew this was the end. She swung her fractured arm with all her strength at the one holding her hand. The attack took him by surprise, causing him to release her hand.

“You filthy plaything want more limbs damaged!”

Jun Ye Rim followed Sofy’s teachings and raised her knee at the nearest aggressor. Her knee landed on the family jewels and incapacitated in instantly.

Now no one could stop Jun Ye Rim from what she planned next.

“Only one person can call me Mirey!” Jun Ye Rim shouted before using all her strength to jump at the window.

“No! Grab her!”

“The plaything is jumping!”

Previously, the glass received hits by a small stone hidden in Jun Ye Rim’s hand. The window wasn’t in good condition because it was hit many times in the past week by different students in hopes of opening it.

The last two hits allowed the weight of Jun Ye Rim to break the glass. The glass shattered, the frame bent, and her body was not touching any ground.

Jun Ye Rim felt strange as she fell to her death. She felt time slow down. She could take a good look at her final days alive as Jun Ye Rim.

Blemish appeared in front of her. It made Jun Ye Rim happy to see Blemish one last time.

Blemish was sent to seek help. However, only at her impending death did she realize Blemish couldn’t travel too far from the host. Not to mention Blemish’s inability to talk.

‘I don’t know how long I have been falling, but it is nice to have someone see me before I die.’ Thought Jun Ye Rim with a warm smile. She was happy she wasn’t going to die alone.

In the cool temperature of November, a speeding warmth was approaching. Second after second, it sped without any care leaving a trail in its wake.

A sound only one could hear caused the approaching warmth to follow. The sound was like a beacon and a destination that cannot be missed by a fraction of a second.

Jun Ye Rim didn’t know when she was going to touch the ground. She embraced Blemish and closed her eyes.

A pleasant warmth touched her skin, and the ground shook. Small pieces of rock and dust brush on her skin. Jun Ye Rim became terrified she didn’t enter the pool of reincarnation. She went to the afterlife of the sinful instead.

[Why are you the one crying? Do you know how I am feeling right now? My sexy curvy body is unstable from all the Soul Invites I sent and canceled immediately.]

“Huh?” Jun Ye Rim opened her eyes. She saw herself being carried by Vincent. They were in the middle of a classroom. All around them was dust, yet a pleasant warm breeze pushed the dust away from them.

The reason why Jun Ye Rim felt as if she was falling a bottomless fall was because of Kazumi.

Kazumi hastened Jun Ye Rim and Vincent’s perception of time. This was the reason it felt as if the world slowed to a halt multiple times.

While Jun Ye Rim felt like falling endlessly, Vincent forced his legs to run faster. Every time the time slowed for both of them, the faster Vincent moved.

Some students only saw a blur and a trail of green steam following behind Vincent. Causing them to believe someone had mistakenly cast a green fire ball.

When the pair of shining emerald eyes met with the pair of deep black eyes, Jun Ye Rim could not hold her tears anymore. She hugged Vincent with her good arm and cried on his chest.

As soon as the ripped uniform entered Vincent’s view, the rage inside of him could not be withstood.

The students started to gather around a hole in the wall. They saw a long line of melted snow. Some started to wonder if a mage really used a fire ball with a green color by mistake. A couple of others went to bring the teachers.

*Step. Step. Step.* In the vague view caused by the dust, a pair of eyes blazing with rage could be seen by those peeking. Shortly, they could see a student carrying a female student with her uniform torn.

“Isn’t that Vincent Lionheart? Or should we call him Baron now?”

“I saw a female student try to kill herself. Does that mean he managed to save her?”

“Those ears! She must be his elf team member!”

The students commented without offering help. They didn’t ask if Vincent or Jun Ye Rim were fine. They simply spectated out of curiosity. They wanted to find out what the man who became a Baron was doing.

Vincent lowered Jun Ye Rim to stand on her feet. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold Jun Ye Rim without scalding her skin. The meager control of reducing the heat from his body had reached its limits.

However, Jun Ye Rim was so emotional and physically exhausted that her legs gave out. Vincent caught her before falling to the ground.

Vincent turned his head and looked at the chairs. He focused his intent and sent a long feeler wave to feel the nearest chair from the classroom. A chair dematerialized into green particles, which were later summoned in front of him.

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