Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 599

599 The fated delivery

Vincent jumped, and his feet nimbly stepped on the grass. He glanced at the female lizardman and dashed toward the mansion’s entrance.

The twins saw Vincent land as if he landed from a slight skip. A moment later, they saw his body become a blur while dashing forward. Shortly, what remained was the dissipating trail of green steam.

The twins became astonished. Vincent could easily scale the wall. Not to mention causing his body to look blurry from running.

The twins grinned with excitement, and the desire to become stronger grew even further. The two looked at each other, and their eyes met. Both could see a pair of eyes burning with the desire for growth.

“I want to become as strong as teacher Vincent. Maybe then I can beat teacher Lupa. ” Lenn said excitedly with both his fists raised and clenched tightly together.

“I agree! Brother, let’s grow stronger together. ” Renn stated while copying his brother’s action.

“But brother... didn’t that lizard look in pain?” Lenn questioned after the hype to grow stronger waned.

“Yeah, I noticed too.” Renn nodded. “I hope our mother and the others can help with the medicine reserved for the sponsored soldiers.”

Vincent entered the mansion. He looked around, but no one was in sight.


“Cover your ears because I am going to shout,” Vincent warned with a low, raspy voice. However, she didn’t listen to him and remained biting his arm.

Vincent didn’t have time to waste. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to shout loudly, “I am Vincent, and we have an emergency in our hands. I am holding a pregnant woman about to give birth. Bring whatever necessary times you can and meet in the living room.”

[Vincent. I will go and see where the others are. I will tell you to shout again if most didn’t hear you.]

-Okay. I will leave it to you.-

Kazumi left Vincent’s body, and the two went their separate ways. Vincent went to the living room while Kazumi went to check how many people had heard his call.

Vincent entered the living room. He went to an empty area and summoned a mattress he kept as a spare. After summoning multiple sizes of fabrics on the mattress, Vincent tried to lower the female lizardman onto the mattress gently, but she didn’t move her mouth one bit.

“Can I place you on the mattress, or do you want to stay on my arms?” Vincent questioned.

The mouth moved, and Vincent was finally free. He lowered her on the mattress gently and looked at his arm. The wound was a few inches deep and needed to be healed.

Vincent summoned a piece of fabric and wrapped it around his arm to stop so of the bleeding. The reduced mutated blood wasn’t life-threatening, but after Overheat ends, red human blood would flow instead, causing Vincent to bleed to death if not taken care of promptly.

Kazumi returned and saw Vincent patching his arm.

[Sigh. Why are you constantly bleeding? Should we make a blood bank for you when we find a way to store your mutated blood before it evaporates?]

Vincent moved his head and saw Kazumi approaching him with a frown. “Let’s not continue that subject for now.” He said while tightening the fabric wrapped around his arm like a bandage.

[Maid Xu, Yula, Sofy, Zefine, and Grace are coming. Eliara and Fliara have woken up from their sleep and are coming too. The other adults are taking care of the children.]

“Good news at last. ” Vincent said before he stopped using Overheat.

Vincent went to carefully sit on the mattress and asked, “Help is on the way. Can you hold on for a few more seconds?”

“Yes...” She responded after a moan from the pain being too much for her weak body to handle.


The ground shook for a moment before Sakura holding a bucket of water, and Maid Xu holding two towels, appeared.

“We are here.” Both said before looking at Vincent with an injured arm and a pregnant woman on a mattress.

“Vincent, what happened?” Maid Xu asked promptly.

“I felt great potential from a group of illegal slaves and went to buy them. The others are on the way, but I had to bring this pregnant woman as soon as possible after her water broke a few minutes ago.” Vincent looked at Sakura and continued, “I arrived in the nick of time.”

Sakura understood what Vincent meant. Overheat didn’t have too much time left before it deactivated, meaning Vincent had to hurry as much as he could before running without the stat boost.

*Step, step, step* One after the other, the maids and the half-sisters arrived, each holding an item they believed could help.

Everyone couldn’t believe what was happening at this moment, yet the female lizardman’s situation appeared to be urgent. Instead of asking questions, they looked at each other, nodded, and headed to the mattress.

“I will stand near the door.” Vincent walked backward to give them some privacy.

“It is all fine now. We will help you deliver.” Yula said as the most experienced out of all the women in the living room.

“Please... save my third... child for another... miscarriage...” The female lizardman begged those around her.

“Your third child?” Sofy looked at everyone and continued, “We must save this child at all costs!”

“Does it mean something?” Vincent curiously asked.

“The more a woman from the lizardfolk gives birth, the worse their body’s condition becomes. Usually, the third child is the last they birth because the fourth child could end both their lives child during birth.” Explained Sofy after she had seen this happen a few times.

[Why didn’t the book we read not contain this information? Does it mean most info I stored is basic or outdated?]


The lizardman felt intense pain. She coughed red blood while moaning in pain. The places where the blood fell started steaming, similar to Vincent’s mutated blood.

Sofy looked at Vincent’s injured arm and requested, “Vincent. Once a weak lizard woman is birthing a child, their body would require the freshest and strongest blood they can find.”

“She can have my blood then.” Promptly offered Sakura. She didn’t want Vincent to continue suffering from blood loss.

Sofy shook her head. “The lizardfolk slaves I met told me how a baby of the lizardfolk takes the most nutrients from the mother to develop their hard scales. If the blood isn’t of the same blood donator, the scales will twist and prove fatal to the child.” She explained.

[Sigh. It looks like more people require your blood. No wonder Mimi called you a blood bank. We didn’t realize how you were a blood bank for some time now.]

“...” Vincent didn’t know how to respond to this. He sighed and when to the mattress. He sat beside the female lizardman’s head, rolled up his sleeve, and extended his uninjured arm.

*Chomp* It only took a moment before his arm was bitten, similar to throwing a fishing line and getting a bite a second later.

“Ugh... looks like I will need more healing than I thought...” Vincent said while contorting his face from the pain. He could feel more force being applied to the bite this time.

[I hope the DNA is somewhat similar since the blood is different. Not to mention, the mutated blood didn’t injure the baby.]

Kazumi worriedly said while watching without the ability to offer assistance. Not only did she not have any information regarding childbirth, but she didn’t have a body to offer physical assistance.

Kazumi felt terrible that she could only watch and record the process for the next time childbirth happened while she was around.

*Bam!* The entrance door slammed open, and a pair of footsteps could be heard approaching in a hurry.

“Vincent! What happened!” Exclaimed Mimi before watching Vincent being bitten by a pregnant female lizardman about to give birth.

Everyone looked at Mimi for a moment before continuing to help with the childbirth.

Mimi ran over to Vincent and said, “I caught a strong scent of your blood in the city, and I became confused since you should be in the academy. I became worried my father could come early and pick up the scent when he arrived out of the blue.”

“Vincent is giving her his blood because this is her third time trying to birth a child.” Sakura summarised.

“Argh!” Vincent grunted after he felt more pressure being applied to his wound.

“AAAHHH!!!” The female lizardman screamed before the baby was delivered.

“The child is out, but... she is barely breathing, and her pulse is very slow, and she is very hot. I think not only she has bad fever, but there is a big problem with her condition.” Yula said while holding the baby female lizardman.

Vincent’s arm was released. He could see the female lizardman look at her child while traces of tears well in her exhausted eyes.

[Vincent! The baby has less mana fluctuating around her now. Does it mean...]

Vincent grit his teeth to ignore the pain of the bite and focused his gaze on the baby. A status window appeared, and it made him and Kazumi frown.


[Name] Enter Baby Name

[Race] Mutated Lizardman

[Age] 0

[Condition] Critical Condition, Poisoned (Critical Mutation Overdose Poisoning)

[Traits] Mutated Hardened Scales, Destined Fate

[Stats] Strength 0 || Agility 0 || Perception 0 || Mana 0


[Third Eye activate.]

[Mutation Overdose Poisoning description]

[Mutation Overdose Poisoning causes the blood of the afflicted to heat and boil. The organs will have difficulty functioning the worse the stage of the condition.]

[The less comparability, the higher the risk of death by mutation at later stages.]


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