Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 635

635 Emerald hellebore

“What are the two of you complaining about? An egg and watch went missing?” *Tsk* “The two of you monsters should be thankful I saved your lives.” Vlad complained.

Vlad let go of Vincent and Kazumi. He turned his head and saw Wolfie rushing towards them. Not too far from Wolfie was Freerie extending the stinger to be shot.

Freerie was preparing to shoot, yet it was different this time. The different pattern on each wing was unlit. As if each previous stinger used the pattern’s illumination and power to shoot one after the other. This also meant Freerie was getting used to fighting with its new body.

*Tsk* “Stop staring at the four stingers as if you lost someone. Those two sculpture monsters are about to land a hit on the two of you.” Vlad warned, yet Vincent and Kazumi were heartbroken.

“Why did they have to die?” Vincent questioned before tears welled in his eyes.

[Can’t we live a happy life? Why does everyone want to destroy our lives?]

“I am a bad person. I should not exist.”

“They will all pay for abandoning me! I will kill them all!”

“I don’t want to have friends... they will all die because of me...”


“I will kill them all!”

Egos said in two diffrent tones. One was full of sorrow and guilt, while the other was aggressive and maniacal.

*Tsk* “I do not have time to hear about your sadness and depression, you monsters. However, Vincent is mine to kill permanently. I will not let you take over his body and waste more of my time to kill you. ” Vlad said while also mentioning Vincent’s name as if he had accepted an identity other than a monster.

Vincent stood up, and Kazumi hovered over her body. Kazumi sat on Vincent’s shoulder and requested Bright to give her blessing to Vincent.

The halo on Kazumi’s head flashed, and the request wasn’t accepted. Bright wanted to keep aiding Kazumi. It didn’t want to abandon Kazami and suffer another loss.

“Kazumi. Let’s stop this now.” Vincent said before sprinting towards Wolfie.

Vlad’s body became a blur. He appeared in front of Egos and swung his arm. The skin of the back of the hand landed on the light of Egos’s head.

*Pop* The head exploded with the help of Bright’s rays of light wrapped around his arms and legs. *Pop* A hole in the chest exploded after a powerful punch was made with the other hand.

*Pop, pop, pop* Vlad threw a barrage of combos with different patterns. Vlad believed that even if Egos was quickly recovering his body, each hit’s pain should torture it.

If Egos’s body of light was representing his soul, then suffering unimaginable pain should kill Egos, Vlad believed.

Vincent and Kazumi reached Wolfie. Vincent raised his left hand to close Wolfie’s mouth shut. “Don’t bare your fangs at me. Lupa will teach you a lesson after this situation ends, you bad wolf.”

Vincent was about to use his right hand to punch Wolfie when Kazumi went in front of Wolfie’s nose.

[Return to how you were before.] *Slap* [I love you.] *Slap* [Why do you hate me!] *Slap* [I thought of you as my child.] *Slap* [Do you not see me as your mother?] *Slap* [Sniff. Not even as your friend?] *Slap*

While Kazumi was emotionally slapping Wolfie’s nose and Wolfie strangely not moving while being slapped by a tiny hand, Freerie shot its stinger towards Kazumi.

Three of the four stingers lodged in the dark ground accurately shot toward the flying stinger. The four stingers collided and exploded, causing a large cloud of green dust to cover their view.

Kazumi stopped slapping Wolfie after realizing how close to death she was and who could have saved her this time.

During that time, Vincent stopped pushing Wolfie’s mouth close. With the mouth free, Wolfie opened its mouth to bite Kazumi.

Vincent and Kazumi realized a moment too late. Wolfie shoved its mouth towards Kazumi. *Lick* Instead of a bite, Kazumi received an attack from a large tongue, causing her body to roll while the tongue moved upward to lick her.

*Woof* Wolfie loudly barked. Its tail wagged, showing it was happy. The large body glowed and on top of its head was a large bright halo. On its shoulders were a total of six rays of light. Additionally, the body shone brighter, like Wolfie was full of life.

Vincent and Kazumi couldn’t believe what they were witnessing right now. Bright managed to bless Wolfie.

Thanks to Bright’s soothing warmth affecting Wolfie during the recovery process, Kazumi’s words were used as a trigger to force Wolfie out of Egos’s control. Now Wolfie was on their side, and it was powered up to fight.

The cloud of green dust dispersed, and another stinger was traveling to their location. *Grrr* Wolfie growled, and it stood in front of Vincent and Kazumi to defend them.

*Rumble* Emerald crystal tentacles emerged from the ground in between the stinger and Vincent, Kazumi, and Wolfie’s location.

From the tentacles, more tentacles emerged as if they were roots. A net was quickly formed, and the stinger was caught.

*Bzzt, bzzt*

Vincent and Kazumi heard a familiar buzzing sound. They moved their gazes in the direction of the vibrating sound. Their eyes soon saw one dim and dull stinger lodged in the ground with a handful of tiny tentacles exiting from the stinger.

*Crack* The top part of the stinger cracked. A tentacle emerged a couple of inches before stopping. It became wider before peeling into multiple pieces.

What looked like a tentacle now looked like a flower blooming. From the middle, multiple shining threads curled upwards. They gently waved, similar to feelers.

It was a beautiful-looking living sculpture of an emerald plant, but that was not all. Another mysteriously mesmerizing thing happened.

More and more roots emerged from the ground. They lifted the stinger and caused it to crack. One after the other, large chunks of the stinger created from the power of the earth broke.

Multiple roots emerged from the largest chunk. They penetrated the smaller chunks and pulled them chunks toward the middle. The previous dim and dull stinger now looked like a quickly made puppet.

The last piece is attached to the head of the puppet. It was the headpiece. On top was the mysterious emerald flower, while at the center of the head was a Soul Watch.

*Rumble* Multiple roots emerged from the ground. They helped the puppet stand for a moment before the puppet lost balance and was about to fall.

*BZZT!* (>~<) *Thud* The leg moved and bent as if the tough heavy emerald became somewhat elastic. Watz managed to synergize with earth element stinger roots of plant.

The foot landed on the ground, and the body became stable. Watz placed the other leg forward and managed to stand straight without the help of the tentacle-like roots.

In the place where the soul egg and Watz were thought to have died was a small emerald golem with a watch attached to the head showing (UwU) and a flower moving the feelers as if celebrating.

“That flower! That must be Iris’s soul pet.” Vincent happily exclaimed.

[I will get to name Iris’s soul pet this time! I have done enough to receive the naming award! Humph.] Kazumi complained.

“I don’t mind.”

[Hmm... hmm... HMM... ]

[It looks like a flower that once appeared on the wildlife channel. They called it Green Hellebores.]

“Helle? It doesn’t sound like a bad name.”

[Hehe.] Kazumi giggled smugly [I am the best at naming. Helle and Watz and working together to move the puppet as if it is a golem.]

Vincent grinned. He pointed his finger at Freerie and said, “Kazumi, Wolfie, Bright, Watz, and Helle. Let’s rescue your sibling from mind control.”

[Leave the slapping to me!]

*Woof* Wolfie barked.

~Shine~ Bright shone brighter while buffing Watz and Helle’s shared golem body.

*Bzzt* (*w*)

*Whip* Helle lashed the root tail on the ground.

Freerie shot another stinger, but Wolfie rapidly went in front of the trajectory of the projectile and bit the stinger. The ground rumbled underneath Freerie before multiple tendrils emerged from the ground. From the sides of each tendril, more tiny tendrils emerged like a plant’s roots seeking nutrients.

Freerie was soon encased in an emerald ball of roots. The ball became smaller by the second. Multiple loud thumps could be heard from the wings, unable to flap freely because of the emerald cage.

Freerie’s strength consisted of shooting the stinger with four different elements. It didn’t take long for five stingers to be shot.

Four stingers were infused with different elements, while one stinger was without an element. The first stinger passed halfway before stopping.

From the second onwards, each stinger progressed about five percent less every time. The emerald cage constantly grew as if it was sapient, and knew it needed more thickness to stop the stingers from passing.

Vincent, Kazumi, and Wolfie arrived in front of the large emerald cage while Watz and Helle approached at a snail’s pace.

“It looked looks like a cocoon.” Said Vincent.

Vincent was astonished and fascinated. A moment later, a radiant halo materialized on top of the emerald cage. Six rays of light appeared on the back of the cage. They moved briskly and wrapped around the cage.

*Rumble* A tendril with the tip forming a small ball emerged in front of Vincent. The tendril loosened, and the display with Watz showing (OwO) appeared.

In front of Watz, a hologram display appeared. On it was time, they could remain inside the Soul Domain.

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