Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 639

639 Checking on those who accepted the truth

Iris and Sakura didn’t know what Jun Ye Rim heard Kazumi say, but they knew Kazumi’s personality enough to know she was teasing Jun Ye Rim.

Iris looked at Maria and Russo. “They look fine now. A good rest is all they need. Ahem.” Iris blushed and continued, “C-can we leave?”

“Let’s depart to the living room. The children are resting on the sofas.” Sakura said. She looked at Jun Ye Rim and moved her head to be followed.

Jun Ye Rim saw Sakura leave. *Sigh* “Fine. I will follow since everyone is so insistent. It is not like I don’t have anything to do. Hey, listen to me!”

Sakura kept walking without looking back, and Kazumi took this opportunity to tease Jun Ye Rim. Sakura and Iris held their laugh after hearing Jun Ye Rim trying to explain why she was following.

The three women soon arrived in the living room. Leah, Clara, Beth, Olive, Lian, and Alice were sleeping on the sofa.

Tula was tried as well, but her adult body was more resilient than a child’s body. Tula stayed near the kids while petting Tusk to ease her anxiety.

Maid Xu and Lilith’s parent’s old maid managed the situation in the living room. Zefine and Grace tried to help, but both acted as if they didn’t sleep for a day or two.

On one of the carpets of the room sat Mera. Not too far from the mermaid sat Holger on two chairs. On the other hand, Rafa, the deer woman, was acting as their representative while communicating with Maid Xu to assist her.


Grandma Luisa, Yula, Marika, Eliara, Fliara, Lenn, and Renn. They weren’t present in the living room. Additionally, Princess Anna, Bilka, and Teresa also weren’t in the living room.

Iris tapped on Sakura’s shoulder to be lowered to her feet. She was embarrassed to be looked at while being princess carried.

After speaking with Maid Xu, they learn that the missing people had split into three groups.

Lenn, Renn, Eliara, and Fliara went to guard the gate.

Grandma Luisa, Yula, and Marika went to the kitchen to make lunch and prepare fresh refreshments.

Princess Anna, Bilka, and Teresa went to a small unused yet clean guest room on the other side of the living room. The two parties could talk without being overheard.

Iris went to check on the children and Tula. They were fine, yet Iris told Maid Xu she would go to prepare a healthy drink.

Sakura looked at Zefine and Grace. “We are the same people you knew. We never acted.”

“The us you know is our real self. As Vincent had to told me, being a bad person isn’t a race specialty. It is up to the individual to be bad or good. ” Sakura smiled brightly and continued, “We chose to be good people and live a peaceful life. You can trust us never to hurt you.”

Zefine touched the stump of her missing arm.

“I was saved. I was given a good place to stay. I was given a chance to search for my brother’s whereabouts.”

Zefine stopped looking unmotivated and indecisive. Zefine returned a smile and said with a different air around her.

“The person who is said to be evil treated me well, while the people I grew up with took advantage of us when our parents died. Honestly, I am a little disappointed I wasn’t told. But I understand the reason why.”

Maid Xu, the old maid, and Grace had a guess what was in Zefine’s mind right now.

Maid Xu had the accept the current situation because Lilith had accepted Vincent, the otherworlder who is said to bring death and destruction.

The old maid was told hints of Vincent being too special to reveal his secret to the public. The old maid learned today how the Lionheart family was saved and how the Lionheart family became indebted to Vincent.

On the other hand, Grace was also saved. She was also given a place to live in. After Grace learned of Zefine’s situation, Grace became appreciative of the generosity given to her family.

“We all have accepted the reality we live in. A reality that can end at any time. Thus every second is precious.” Said Maid Xu.

Iris, Sakura, and Jun Ye Rim saw Zefine, Grace, and the old maid nod in agreement.

After saying, “See you later.” The three of them left for the kitchen. There they met with Grandma Luisa, Yula, and Marika.

After Iris and Sakura asked Marika how she felt about them, they became relieved to hear how she and her husband, who went to guard the door of the guest room where Anna currently was, had accepted them.

[The people here have accepted us.]

One after the other, Kazumi felt reassured to know the residents of the mansion, who previously didn’t know about Vincent’s real identity, did not act hostile.

[I feel this miracle could not be possible without being around good people. I feared they would hate us, but the outcome was more positive than I expected.]

-Think what you want. I do not want to be involved in your troubles. I have enough of my own.-

[Hehe. Doesn’t that mean you have trouble accepting to treat the mansion as your new home?]

-Huh? I... I didn’t put it like that... did I?- Jun Ye Rim told Kazumi while her cheeks faintly blushed.

*Cling, cling, thud* Iris placed a couple of herbs well stored inside small glass jars on one of the tables from her herb cabinet.

“It will take some time to finish the drinks.” Iris looked at Sakura and Jun Ye Rim. “Could the two of you visit Lilith and check up on Vincent?”

[Iris sure is a kind soul. She is busy helping everyone, and she also does not want to take our time by watching her.]

-Kind? It is not like I care or anything.-

[Hehe. Furthermore, now you can spend some more time with Vincent in his bedroom.]

-Spend more time? It is not like I am that kind of person.-

“I will go.” *Sigh* “Kazumi is forcing me to visit Vincent. Let’s go before she continues to bother me.” Jun Ye Rim said while looking at Sakura.

“Sure.” Sakura winked at Iris. “Take it easy, sister. Remember, you are also a patient. Drink the beverage you are going to make because your complexity isn’t that great.”

“Leave Iris to us. She is in good hands.” Yula said with a warm smile.

Later, Sakura and Jun Ye Rim visited the bedroom. They saw Ester and Lupa sleeping like babies while a layer of yellowish healing light covered their bodies.

On the other side of the bed was Sofy, also sleeping like a baby. There were no visible injuries on her body. She was already healed.

One person was missing from the bed. Mimi was nowhere to be seen. While moving from one place to another, Iris told them Mimi was included to be resting on the bed.

“Sakura. Jun Ye Rim. Good to see you. How is everyone doing?” Asked Lilith.

Sakura explained the situation. Afterward, she asked where Mimi was.

“Mimi left a few minutes after Iris left. Mimi wanted to find her father and, as she said, have a prolonged conversation.”

“Little angel. Are you talking about the vampire woman?” Leonis asked his daughter.

“Yes, father. She went to get her father’s approval.” Lilith said vaguely.

‘I hope her father will not accept marrying this daughter stealer. I do not want my little angel to be abandoned when a new woman enters the family like all the high-ranked nobles with multiple wives do.’ Leonis though.

The frown on his face was expression showed parts of his thoughts. It showed he didn’t like to hear about another woman’s approval. However, Leonis didn’t know that approval meant life or death to his daughter’s husband and possibly to his daughter as well.

Lucas finished healing. He moved his head and saw Leonis eagerly waiting to talk to him.

“I will heal Vincent now. If you are that impatient, you can talk to your daughter more.” Lucas said. His ears worked too well for his old age.

“What do you want to ask Duke Lucas, father?”

“Noting much. I want to know how strong Vincent is.”

“Humph! Does that mean he is assessing how long Vincent can last before he dies?” Questioned Jun Ye Rim after she forgot to send the message to Kazumi telepathically.

Lilith stared at her father. “Father... are you going to bet on the other side? I hope it is not true... is it?”

“Bet? And where can I get the money to do so? Your mother is taking care of everything.” Leonis realized he was making a fool out of himself. To have his wife manage everything made Leonis feel ashamed as a noble and as a man.

“Ahem. That is a tricky question. I do not know who can win, and I hope the side that can make you happy wins.” Leonis said, hoping Lilith would stop asking on whose side he was.

Leonis was obviously on the side with the most chance of winning. He could borrow money and give what remains of the winning profit to his daughter if Vincent loses.

“Father! I didn’t think you saw me as a daughter that had no eye for men!” Lilith crossed her arms. She frowned and continued, “Vincent will win. He will show the world the Lionheart name is one to remember.”

“Hahaha.” Lucas laughed. “Now, that is a daughter every father wants to have. Truthful lion Leonis. You sure are lucky to have a beautiful and determined daughter.”

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