Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 112: Gain Something by Giving Up Something

Chapter 112: Gain Something by Giving Up Something

Furthermore, the annual land leasing fee of nearly 6 million yuan is only for the part paid to the government. The compensation for the remaining thousands of acres of farmland and the related compensation for occupying villagers' old houses will have to be calculated separately, and these expenses will also come out of Wu Hao's own pocket.

However, the specific compensation has already been negotiated between Wu Hao and the leaders from the city. In fact, whether the compensation is a bit more or less doesn't matter much to Wu Hao. Even if the compensation he offers far exceeds the normal national standards, he sees it as a little welfare for the villagers.

Some might say that Wu Hao is being too charitable, but in the end, what he's doing is not difficult for him. Since it's within his capabilities to help the elders and fellow villagers in his hometown, what's wrong with that?

Would it be better if he acted like a petty person who doesn't understand the importance of repaying kindness? After all, in this world, those who truly possess immense wealth all have hearts that are open to all, and they understand the importance of gratitude. Take China's Jack Ma or the world's richest man, Bill Gates, for example.

There's an old saying, "You have to give up something to gain something." Those who truly understand the meaning of this phrase are truly wise and have achieved wealth and social status that ordinary people find hard to attain.

Of course, many people reading this might think it's just fabricated, and there's not much reason for me to argue. The truth is, those who truly understand the meaning of "You have to give up something to gain something" are a minority. In reality, most of the so-called wealthy people we see don't fall into that category. Although they may be considered very wealthy, they ultimately cannot reach the level of true wealth.

For example, when someone is engaged in a certain business with others, they might willingly take a loss in the early stages of a project, sacrificing potential profits for the sake of building a good reputation. On the contrary, if someone starts with a mindset focused solely on maximizing profits, or engages in dishonest practices, the long-term prospects for their business are easily predictable.

Take the renowned Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing as an example. Throughout his career, regardless of the business ventures he undertook, he always placed a strong emphasis on trust and reputation. Even if it meant initial losses and forsaking some gains, the subsequent returns were enormous. Perhaps this embodies the essence of "giving up" for the sake of later "gains," as evident from the order of the words, with "giving up" preceding "gains."

Therefore, a person's ability to achieve greatness is closely tied to their vision, open-mindedness, and foresight. In reality, the majority of successful individuals are those with a broad and accommodating mindset; there are scarcely any instances of individuals with narrow, selfish mentalities becoming top-tier celebrities or super-rich tycoons.

After reaching a preliminary investment plan with the leaders from the city and the town, Wu Hao first had a simple meal with these officials. Following that, they collectively visited Three Creeks Village for a brief inspection. All in all, Wu Hao spent the entire day busy with these matters.

Finally, after bidding farewell to the city leaders, Wu Hao felt relieved. To be honest, he found it quite uncomfortable dealing with government officials. Their official rhetoric was something he genuinely struggled to adapt to.

"It seems I need to find a professional manager as soon as possible; otherwise, I'll have to handle these matters personally in the future." After today's events, Wu Hao was already considering the urgent need to hire a professional manager to oversee the various investment plans of the "Eastern Galaxy Investment Company" in China. Whether it was the industrial zone he invested in before or this new resort, there would be numerous ongoing tasks, and his old friend Hong Lei likely didn't have the capability to manage everything.

Since his overseas investment company, the "Eastern Galaxy Investment Company," has already invested in two projects in China, it is essential to establish a domestic branch to handle various matters. This way, Wu Hao, as the behind-the-scenes owner, can free himself from the tedious work.

On that evening, after having dinner with his parents, Wu Hao returned to his room. He opened the communicator and computer to search for a professional headhunting company to help him find a qualified manager and other responsible positions. Simultaneously, Wu Hao found a decent office building for the branch through online sources.

"It seems I'll have to be busy for a few days before I can break free from these tedious tasks!" After finalizing the office space and hiring a headhunting company, Wu Hao shifted his focus to the design work for the aircraft.

As for the design plans for the resort and the related construction proposals, Wu Hao had already completed everything yesterday. Now, all that remained was the formal signing of the contract, discussions with the villagers about compensation, and then waiting for a suitable day to start the construction.

This process, naturally, couldn't be completed in just a few days or even half a month. After all, in reality, any project, from planning to actual construction, requires a significant amount of preparation time.

Wu Hao was already working at a rapid pace by shortening the preparation time to one month. However, the subsequent construction period might still take a year or more to complete.

After all, this was not a small project. In the resort planned by Wu Hao, apart from retaining the original buildings on his property, additional constructions would be extended around his existing villa. The area would feature various buildings, lofts, and associated landscaping facilities.

This designated area would serve as Wu Hao's private domain. After the completion of the resort, this zone would undoubtedly remain closed to the public.

Apart from this designated area, the remaining thousands of acres of land will be used to construct a high-end club-style hotel and its related facilities. Simultaneously, the surrounding landscaping plan will be comprehensive. In Wu Hao's design scheme, the most prominent feature is to use the Three Creeks as the basis and excavate an artificial lake covering hundreds of acres.

Therefore, with all these various projects, from construction to final completion, even with Wu Hao's full financial support, it's not something that can be achieved overnight.

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