Super Dimensional Guild

Chapter 65: Recovery of Witch of Envy

Chapter 65: Recovery of Witch of Envy

Su Han suddenly remembered something, frowned, and turned his gaze to the only person on the current chat guild member list who didn't appear.

"What with this guy... Even Aizen Sosuke has appeared! This person has not lowered his guard against this guild, or is there something wrong with this person real world? So not paying attention to the chat guild in his mind until now?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "@Pure White Spirit User."

Su Xiaoxiao: "@Pure White Spirit User."

Su Xiaoxiao: "@Pure White Spirit User"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "!!!"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "???"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "What wrong with the guild master?"

Come Become My Son: "Guild leader, summons new members three times in an instant! It's the first time I've seen a guild master like this."

Kasumi Utako: "@Pure White Spirit User, isn't that the member who hasn't spoken since joining? Even Aizen has spoken."

Squad 5 Captain: "Though I can probably understand what you mean, isn't that a bit too much? I didn't speak earlier just wanted to see the specific composition and nature of the guild, I have no ill intentions. "

Su Xiaoxiao: "I suddenly thought of an important matter! Could this invited guild member be in a difficult environment in reality, and maybe even in a life and death crisis unlike this, it is very difficult to explain why it is still not speaking."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "!!!"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "!!!"

Everyone was shocked, at first everyone didn't think about it, because everyone who entered the guild did not experience any abnormal situation.

But this does not mean that abnormal situations will not occur.

What Su Han said was very reasonable.

Squad 5 Captain: "Actually, what the guild master said makes sense."

Squad 5 Captain: "Is this guy called Pure White Spirit User dead? If this person really died, what would happen to his status in the guild? Will his name still appear in the guild after death? "

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "..."

Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeologyi: "If I think about it this way, it's really terrible."

Symbol of Peace: "This is really terrible, @Pure White Spirit User"

It must be said that unless there are many people in the guild, the character itself can't be seen as a tragedy, the last guild mission activity has also greatly improved the internal relations of the guild members.

Su Han narrowed his eyes slightly, and he thought.

What if the Pure White Spirit User was really in an abnormal situation in his world? So was he going to use Crossing Over Talisman to enter that world.

After thinking about it, Su Han shook his head.

Even if the Pure White Spirit User was imprisoned, he should be able to contact him through the guild chat room. If the existence of the Pure White Spirit User really died as Aizen thought.

So even if he went to that world, it wouldn't make any sense.


Another World...

This is a world burned by fire.

Dimly visible figure of a girl with extraordinary beauty.

Emilia legs were wrapped around her knees, her lips were pressed together, and her heart was pounding.


"Un!" The little kitten floated in the air, stared at the world burning in flames outside the window, and sighed softly.

"This world has lost hope"

Eight days ago, the world had changed, and the legendary Witch of Envy had recovered, no one knew exactly why the Witch of Envy had recovered.

The only guess is that in the world before eight days, there is a kind of existence called Reincarnator in the world.

A famous divination scholar on the mainland said that the recovery of the Witch of Envy and the existence of the Reincarnator were inseparable.

But even knowing this is pointless.

Because the Witch of Envy has recovered. What you are looking for is a solution to the problem, not the source of the problem.

And now, it was the Witch of Envy turn to devour the kingdom of Lugnica.

"But don't worry, Lia-chan! I will always be with you." Puck patted his chest with his little feet, and his words were serious, "Even if the world is coming to an end."

"Puck Are you saying that I really have something to do with the Witch of Envy?" Emilia buried her head in her knees and said softly.

Puck shook his head: "There shouldn't be! If there is such a relationship, then it should be impossible for you and the Witch of Envy to exist in the same world"

Puck narrowed his eyes slightly and stared into the distance.

There was still a doubt in his heart, namely how the existence of the Reincarnator revived the Witch of Envy?

No reason at all. If you want to revive the Witch of Envy, then the Witch of Envy can be revived, then the world is already a mess.

The Witch Cult would not rampage in the world for hundreds of years.

"Yeah I feel that way too."

Emilia voice was sobbing. "What if it has to do with me, but it has nothing to do with me? Hopeless."

Puck knew why Emilia would obviously be so desperate.

Thoughts raced through his mind.

The ancients have fallen! Previously for a very long time, the ones who sealed the Witch of Envy were Sword Saints, sages, as well as dragons from the Lugnica kingdom. But the newest Sword Saint... also the strongest Sword Saint in the history of the Lugnica Kingdom disappeared ten days ago before the awakening of the Witch of Envy and her whereabouts are unknown.

"The sage hasn't appeared yet, some people say... Even the sage has given up, others say the sage is dead."

'As for the dragon kingdom Lugnica...'

The dragons of the Lugnica kingdom had not appeared in the first place.

The divine holy dragon, after sealing the Witch of Envy hundreds of years ago, went to the world after the waterfall and left a promise that when the world was in crisis, she would return again.

However, now that the world is in a crisis of destruction, the dragon has not returned.

Puck was also very tired, even if she wanted to protect Emilia, but in this desperate world. How did she protect her? How to take care of it?

"I want to sleep!"

Emilia closed her eyes gently.

She didn't close his eyes for six or seven days, although half of the elven blood was flowing in his body, so his bodily functions were much stronger than that of an ordinary person.

But not falling asleep for a long time is also a huge burden on the body.

Puck nodded slightly, then flew towards the door with a brush.

There Rem and Ram outside the door.

One of them brought a cup of coffee and the other brought some food.

"Don't bother Lia-chan for now. She sleeping now." Puck urged gently.

Ram fell silent, and finally nodded.

In the end, Ram turned around and saw the world covered by the endless sea of fire, his eyes flickered slightly, and his voice came out of his mouth.

"...Church of Witches...and Witch of Envy...Absolutely unforgivable..."

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