Super Spender

Chapter 143 - 143: 139: In Hand

Chapter 143 - 143: 139: In Hand

Translator: 549690339

“Hehe.” The exaggerated action by Finn Lewis made Kay Lee giggle. She had already experienced his way of speaking, which could straightforwardly tackle topics that would generally be awkward between men and women, without the blink of an eye. Once he spoke them so directly, people found it not only was he not annoying, but also a bit cute.

“Maybe the Goddess can give me your phone number.” Finn Lewis even used the term Goddess. Actually, he had already gotten Kay Lee’s contact information, but it was provided by the Al ‘lots’, so he couldn’t just call her up and say, “I’m your fan,” or “I’m your admirer right?”

“1371377.” Kay Lee directly stated her cell phone number, and Finn Lewis smirked a bit. This was the Goddess’s private cell phone number, not the public one that her assistant held onto most of the time. There was a clear difference between the two, and it seemed as if he hadn’t wasted his time by establishing a friendship with the Goddess today.

“Olivia Thatcher, call her.” Finn Lewis ordered directly. His words took Kay Lee by surprise as she didn’t know who Olivia Thatcher was, but she soon understood, when her cell phone rang. Picking up her own phone and looking at the number displayed, she shook her phone curiously and asked, “This is your number?”

my cell phone number.”

Kay Lee nodded and saved his number right in front of him. Then Finn Lewis learned another trait about Kay Lee, who was very practical and did not put on airs.

“So, who is Olivia Thatcher?” Finn Lewis’s chat with her just now seemed a bit strange, sparking Kay Lee’s curiosity.

“Hehe, Olivia Thatcher, say hello.” Finn Lewis smiled.

“Hello, Ms. Kay Lee.” Olivia Thatcher’s soft voice sounded, startling Kay Lee. She couldn’t help but glance around a car that was not very spacious to begin with. There were no other people, which left her hair standing on end. Finn Lewis, however, quickly explained, “Olivia Thatcher is the Al system in my car.

It’s a rather advanced system that not even Microsoft can come up with.”

“I see.” At this time, Kay Lee noticed an animated beauty on the smooth display screen that normally featured the car’s CD player. “But where did you buy this car? I seem to have never seen this brand before.’

“This is my custom car. I particularly like rare butterflies, so this car was designed by me. I named it the Goddess of Light.” Finn Lewis shamelessly claimed the car’s design as his, but since ‘lots’ would not come forward to protest, and since Finn Lewis had spent action points to exchange for it from ‘lots,’ he technically owned the design. It was not wrong to say that he designed it.

“The design is very beautiful.” Kay Lee couldn’t help but praise. The journey was short and even amidst traffic, they arrived quickly at her casting location. She put her mask back on before saying to Finn Lewis, “Thank you for sending me back. Also, thank you for the song and the cakes that night.”

“You’re welcome. We are friends now, aren’t we? Offering a meal and singing a song for a friend isn’t too much, is it?” Finn Lewis answered with a smile.

“Ok then. I’ll leave first, let’s get dinner sometime.” Kay Lee smiled beneath her mask and waved goodbye to Finn Lewis.

Finn Lewis nodded his head, and once Kay Lee had exited the car and closed the door, he suddenly recalled something and quickly said,”Olivia Thatcher, release the car badge on the front.”

Having said that, Finn Lewis rushed out of the car and quickly reached the front hood of the car. He yanked off the badge that he had exchanged with his action points. The badge wasn’t glued on but rather, attached using a special installation method. Though Olivia Thatcher was able to remove it, it would be difficult to reattach perfectly without a brand new one.

After pulling off the car badge, Finn Lewis jogged a few steps forward and broke out in a call,”Hey.” He didn’t dare to yell out Kay Lee’s name considering the number of people around; if he had, it would have attracted unnecessary attention.

Hearing Finn Lewis’s voice, Kay Lee halted her steps, turned around and asked with a puzzled look on her face, “What’s up? Did you forget something?”

“It’s nothing major, it’s just that since it’s our first encounter, I couldn’t possibly not have a gift for you. Nothing else came to mind except for this. “Finn Lewis quickly extended his right hand. In his hand was a lifelike Goddess of Light butterfly. ‘Lots’ technique was really top notch; even at close quarters, it looked almost true to life. The craftsmanship was simply brilliant, such a token was probably unattainable with the current technological capabilities on Earth.

“What’s this?” Kay Lee was astonished by the Goddess of Light butterfly badge in Finn Lewis’s hand. She knew where he had taken it down from, because she had seen it herself before getting into the car. She wondered why he would yank off the car badge from such a beautiful car so recklessly. Without the butterfly badge, she felt that the car would look rather unattractive, wouldn’t

Besides, that car was obviously very expensive. Even if it was only missing a car badge, it would be a great hassle to replace. Seeing Finn Lewis remove the car badge without hesitation, Kay Lee didn’t know how to verbalize her feelings.

“Please don’t reject it. This is not something valuable that other people would typically offer.

“Ok…Alright then, I’ll accept it.” Kay Lee didn’t know how to refuse. Even if it was plucked off from the car, the badge still looked alive in Finn Lewis’s hand. In fact, Kay Lee had always cherished this car badge, or rather, this work of art. As she reached out to take the badge from Finn Lewis’s hand, he waved at her and bid her goodbye once again.

Once he was back in the car, he watched Kay Lee enter the casting field before triumphantly pumping his fist. Yes! At least for now, he felt he had made a significant progress by acquiring her phone number. Plus, he also got his number into her hands and gave her a gift. With this, he could appear comfortably in front of her in the future without having to act stealthily.

“Sir, do you want to exchange for a new car badge?” Once he was back in the car, Olivia Thatcher asked.

“No need, keep the front just as it is now, just remove the traces up there.” Finn Lewis shook his head. It was just a car badge, he had initially come up with this brand and car badge just for a long-term assignment. Now that great progress has been made, he felt that a car badge didn’t matter at all.

He then instructed Olivia Thatcher to start self-driving as he called Davis and said as soon as the phone was connected, “Are you two still at the restaurant?”

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