Super Spender

Chapter 203 - 203: 198

Chapter 203 - 203: 198

Translator: 549690339

Chapter 198 Dura

“We just went down to take a look at the scenery, and now we’re back up.” Once Kay Lee had fully suited up, Finn Lewis shouted to the officers above.

“Get back up here! Who allowed you guys to go down? Didn’t you know it’s not allowed?” An officer above shouted.

Finn Lewis gave a quick response and swiftly took out the last two thermal flasks from the warming box, then he stuffed all the rubbish back into the box. After a thought, Finn draped his dirty coat over the trash in the box, and then put the flasks back into the box. With the box in his hand and holding Kay’s hand, they began to ascend.

Going down was easy, but climbing back up was tough. However, luckily Finn was in great physical shape, with excellent agility and balance. He quickly carried the large warming box, pulling Kay Lee up to the railing, placed the box through, hopped over himself, and then helped Kay over.

“Come over here! I’m not kidding you young people, didn’t you know it’s forbidden to go down there? Who gave you permission?” A middle-aged officer in uniform scolded as he approached.

“Fine, five hundred per person.” The officer walked up to Finn and Kay and demanded.

“Okay, we’ll pay the fine… Just, allow us to catch our breath first.” Finn rolled his eyes, thought for a moment, then opened his warming box and took out the two thermal flasks, leaving the big box next to the nearest trash can before returning.

Looking around, they were not far from the road. Finn thought for a moment and then muttered something into Kay’s ear.

“Should we really do that?” Kay asked in a low voice, a hint of anticipation on her face.

“What’s not right about it?” Finn replied quietly, then he shouted: “Run! Olivia, come get me!” He immediately turned and ran towards the road with Kay. The middle-aged law enforcement officer was taken aback for a moment before shouting: “Don’t run! Can you really escape? Dispatch! Hold these two young people!”

It surprised Finn that the officer had such complete equipment and even had a walkie-talkie. But Finn didn’t care since Olivia was nearby. Pulling Kay with him, he ran for the road. By the time they arrived, Olivia was already conveniently parked there.

The doors on both the driver’s and passenger’s seats had automatically opened. Kay, without hesitation, climbed into the passenger’s seat, and naturally, Finn rushed into the driver’s seat.

Before getting into the driver’s seat, Finn teased the rushing middle-aged officer, then hastily dove into the car. ‘Slam!’ The moment he jumped into the driver’s seat, the door immediately closed.

“Go, go, go!” Finn shouted and Olivia silently started the car, smoothly merging into the flow of traffic, only to quickly disappear amidst the bustling streets.

“Wow! Your car is amazing!” Kay watched the steering wheel moving on its own in awe. She had ridden in this car before and even had its logo as a keepsake, but she never imagined the car would be so advanced.

“Isn’t it, hehe.” Finn chuckled with satisfaction, immediately beginning to show off all of the car’s features to Kay.

As Finn went on, Kay’s mouth opened in amazement, “Is this for real?” she exclaimed, her face filled with disbelief. Although she had just witnessed the tip of the iceberg – no car in the world had such advanced self-driving technology. Even Lanquoma’s showcased model is only capable of self-parking and required the cooperation of car park surveillance cameras, infrared radar detectors for usage.

But this car? Not only did it come to pick them up, but it also directly entered the dense flow of cars without any issues till now.

“Of course it’s real! I wouldn’t lie to you.” Finn replied with a grin.

“Okay, but why haven’t I heard of such a car?” Kay asked curiously. She genuinely hadn’t heard about it, she couldn’t possibly forget about such an amazing car.

“Of course you haven’t heard of it, because it’s produced by a private car manufacturer that caters specifically to private needs and doesn’t publicly sell.” Finn responded with a smile.

“Wait, so you own it? You’re not telling me that this car is part of your holdings, are you?” Kay asked in surprise, comprehending half-way through her statement. Buying a car manufacturing factory to produce cars that aren’t available for sale and cater only for one’s personal needs… Who else can do that except a remarkably wealthy person?

“Barely, yeah.” Finn shrugged.

“Well…alright, you’re amazing. To produce such a car, the technology must be incredibly advanced.”, Kay nodded in admiration.

“By the way, where do you live?” Finn Lewis asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kay Lee gave him her address, and without saying a word from Finn, Olivia Thatcher had already silently changed the route. Ten minutes later, Olivia parked the car in front of a hotel. Finn looked at it, and then smiled and said, “Alright, we’re here. You can go on up. Next time I ask you out, don’t stand me up, yeah?”

“How would you know I’m ignoring you if you aren’t asking me out? Anyway, I have to go. Thanks a lot for today, Mr. Doraemon Albert.” Kay giggled and then waved at Finn.

“Ah, before you go, take this with you.” Something seemed to come to Finn’s mind, and he passed her one of the two thermos bottles he had brought with him.

“What’s this?” Kay asked, her curiosity piqued. Finn just smiled and didn’t answer, so Kay opened the thermos bottle in her hand. When she saw what was inside, she was taken aback. She couldn’t identify the expression on her face but her eyes began to moisten. Looking up at Finn, sitting there, and smiling at her, Kay didn’t know how to describe her feelings.

After a while, she finally managed to say in a somewhat off-tone voice, “How did you know?”

“I’ve seen all the interviews and shows you’ve been on. I remember years ago, you mentioned in one of them that you had stomach issues when you were a kid and had to drink porridge after meals to soothe it. It has become a habit for many years since.” Finn said with a smile. Kay was stunned there.

“I have a hotel room all to myself. Would you like to come up for a bit?” After a

long while, it was as if Kay had mustered all her courage to ask Finn this question.

Finn was taken aback as well. Looking at Kay whose cheeks were already flushed red, Finn didn’t know how to describe his feelings. Only… He really wanted to say yes; but he was unsure of what to do once they got there. Bursting into tears, Finn wondered what he had gotten himself into! He never thought something like this would happen today! He never thought Kay would ask that.

Maybe she was just innocently inviting Finn up for a cuddle, but he shrugged off these cluttered thoughts and said seriously, “I didn’t coincidentally bump into you today. I came to see you because I knew you were alone after the press conference, so I got all this stuff. You might be moved now, but don’t do anything you’d regret. Women are emotional creatures, take your time to think about it.”

Having said that, Finn reached out and ruffled Kay’s soft hair, smiling, “Go now, good night.’

Kay stared blankly at Finn. However, she soon came to her senses, hummed a soft reply, and then, holding the thermos bottle close, got out of the car. She waved at Finn, then turned and walked towards the hotel.

Finn didn’t drive away until Olivia told him that Kay had returned to her room and was looking down from the window. Only then did Finn start the car.

Watching Finn’s car disappear into the night, Kay turned back to look at the thermos taken. She murmured to herself, “Perhaps we women are emotional creatures. We might act impulsively when moved. But Mr. Doraemon Albert, it’s because no one has ever known all my favorite foods and remembered these minor details so accurately.”

“Zero, did I complete the mission?” Finn asked impatiently as soon as he drove away.

“You’ll be notified when you complete your mission.” Zero replied coldly.

“Damn it, she even invited me upstairs.” Finn blurted out.

“A hook-up?” Zero’s two-word reply floored Finn.

Hook… hook- forget it! Finn almost spewed out blood. Damn it, his abilities are still blocked by Zero. Hook up my foot!

However, today’s surprise alerted Finn that he should strike while the iron is hot. Since it’s come to this, he can’t let things cool down. Finn asked swiftly, “Olivia, what’s Kay’s schedule like next?” As she calls me Doraemon Albert, let’s keep playing the part.

“On August 2nd, the day after tomorrow, she’s attending a product launch and a booking conference for a new product by Dura.” Olivia quickly provided Kay’s schedule.

“Dura? Isn’t that from Ford? Why is she going to their product launch?” Finn asked curiously.

“Dura and Flying Horse AMG have become strategic partners. The engines inside are from Flying Horse AMG. Therefore, Flying Horse also attends Dura’s new product launch, and both sides have invited their respective spokespersons.” Olivia explained to Finn.

“Oh.” Finn nodded in understanding..

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