Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!

Chapter Ch32.2 - Alive Technology

Chapter Ch32.2 - Alive Technology

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

The 400 person classroom was packed full of people.

When a young man dressed in a plaid shirt came up to the stage, the classroom was still full of noise, but it abruptly turned quiet as soon as he opened his mouth.

“I’m a researcher at Alive, central control signal department. I’m very glad to be standing here.”

Countless gazes gathered in the same place, and Wu Jin also opened his eyes wide.

However, the researcher didn’t mention the layout of the competition grounds. Instead, he wrote several words on the blackboard in beautiful handwriting: Life, society, psychology.

“Everyone is an individual in society. We are afraid of loneliness, and if we have no friends around us, we will disappear in loneliness. We are afraid of crowding, and if our living spaces are too narrow, we will disappear in the crowd. We will experience nirvana, and new life will be born in stable environments. We also tend to remain unchanged in the face of turmoil...”

An hour later, the bell rang.

The entire classroom was silent––

It was obvious that more than one person hadn’t understood.

By the time the researcher had smiled and waved goodbye to everyone, even Zoe was in a trance. “That was a researcher? He’s not some... pyramid scheme marketer or some kind of scammer...”

Wu Jin’s gaze was still fixed on his notebook.

Zoe looked over and discovered that Wu Jin’s notebook was filled with many matchstick figures that all stood there together in a daze.

It was quite cute.

Wu Jin suddenly opened his mouth and said, “Brother Zoe, what he said... could it be a hint?”

Zoe stilled for a moment, “Hint? Hints about the rules of the match?”

Wu Jin thought about it, then finally closed his notebook.

There were too few known clues. If nothing unexpected happened––it would be the same as last time, where the details for the rules of the match needed to be found during the match.

100 contestants would leave the Crosson Show after the second elimination match ended.

The program group would rank contestants according to the length of time they survived as well as their kill points. Those with E and F grades would be eliminated directly, and those who were originally between D-S would be demoted instead of eliminated.

For the players in the lower levels, if they wanted to break out of the danger zone, the fight would be more intense than it had been in the last match.

––Elimination always started from E and F.

The lower ranked players were in danger, the middle levels only managed to remain with difficulty, and the cutthroat competitiveness of the players at the highest level for the sake of the 10 debut positions had already become a characteristic of the Crosson Show for decades.

Rank was a privilege, and weakness was the original sin.

The closer they got to the end of the show, the more thrilling it was.

Two weeks later.

At six o’clock in the morning, the door to the dynamic target single-person shooting training room opened, and a sweaty F-level trainee walked out and suddenly froze when he looked down the corridor.

He hadn’t expected that anyone else would get up so early.

The single-person shooting rooms had always been a hot resource on the Crosson Show and were always full from 8AM to 10PM.

In order to increase the effect of the program and create discussion topics, there were very strict levels on the show––

Trainees with higher rankings than the current user of the training room could swipe their cards at any time to clear out and replace the users in the room.

Waiting outside the door was an A-level trainee.

The person who was there had their figure stretched out by the rising sun. They held a book in one hand, and it looked as though they’d been standing there for a long time.

There was nobody who would fail to recognize the face of this season’s Crosson Show.

“Is it Wu... Contestant Wu Jin? Sorry to keep you waiting.” He hurriedly spoke up.

Wu Jin’s identity card hung on his sleeve. It was obvious that he could use his rank advantage to drive him away at any time, but he’d remained outside the door until now.

Wu Jin gestured to the information in his hand, “No, I was just reading outside.”

< 3015~3017 Classic Survival Show Any – Command and Support Position >

There was too much information missing in Wu Jin’s knowledge base, and tactical shooting was only one of them––compared to him, the trainee in front of him was more in need of the single-person shooting room just now.

The young man smiled, “Thank you for just now. Some of my younger sisters like watching you play.”

Wu Jin’s amber eyes widened, “Really? Please thank them for me.”

The young man laughed then turned back to help Wu Jin open the door to the training room. As he left, a few other trainees came out of the North Tower in the distance, while the South Tower remained quiet.

That reminded him––

When had Wu Jin arrived? Exactly how early had it been when he got up?

The sun rose up gradually in the sky.

The Crosson Show canteen, in an unprecedented turn, provided dim sum for everyone, and the egg custard buns, soup dumplings, and shrimp dumplings all gave off a tantalizing fragrance.

These exquisite nature of these delicacies paled before the show contestants’ ability to devour food.

Caesar stood in line with a rice bowl in hand, and every time he came to a basket of dim sum, he would fill it up. By the time he arrived at the next basket, he had already finished the previous batch.

Even so, the always-stingy Crosson Show didn’t seem to show their stinginess for this breakfast.

Wu Jin swallowed his last soup dumpling, his cheeks puffed out as he watched Zoe poke at a roll with a chopstick.

Zoe sighed lightly, “Being able to eat so well means we’ll have a tough battle ahead.”

Wu Jin heard these words and immediately scraped through his memories.

Before the previous elimination match that was enough to roast people dry... The program group seemed to have only served them cold buttered toast.

He looked in horror at the hearty dim sum in front of him.

At the table to their left, two contestants were eating while staring at a hologram of an interstellar zerg. To their right was a team discussing assault strategies.

The outline of the competition grounds in the far north was outlined by the sun, visible through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the canteen.

All the scaffolding had been removed.

One hour later, players would take part in the final assessment for their position, select teammates, and enter the field one team at a time according to the starting sequence.

Wen Lin took the lead after breakfast and smiled at Wu Jin, “You can do it, Little Witch.”

White Moonlight’s former support player had unexpectedly selected heavy assembly for the assessment, allowing Wu Jin to fill in the support gap.

Caesar returned with a plate of dumplings and called out, “Little Witch, are you ready?”

In the support position assessment, the theoretical examination accounted for 60% of the score. First aid, communication, toxic substance prevention, and other practical operation requirements accounted for another 30%, and the remaining 10% was the shooting evaluation mentioned two weeks ago.

Wu Jin tidied up the densely packed knowledge in his brain and nodded.

The contestants filed out of the canteen and entered the assessment venue when it was their turn.

The holographic screen projected on the dome gave real time updates on the results.

Wei Yan was ranked first, with Wu Jin beating out Thin Fire by a narrow margin of votes and taking second.

The three were soon taken backstage to prepare.

Wei Yan said nothing.

Thin Fire began to speak, but then hesitated.

After Wei Yan was pulled away by Blood Pigeon, Thin Fire finally leaned over, “Little Witch, what did your friend want last time?”

Wu Jin’s eyes opened wide in vigilance.

This wasn’t out of Thin Fire’s expectations, “Little Witch, don’t be nervous. Hey, we’re both straight men. If we form a CP, we can both rest assured! Don’t let him know that I came to find you again... What do you think about us forming a team for this match? We won’t throw any curveballs and just make it like a pure friendship...”

The director gestured to Wu Jin.

Wu Jin slipped away, and when he passed by the contestant’s seats, the stage manager stuffed a note at him, “It’s from your fans.”

The small support banner was only the size of his palm, on which there was a chibi drawing of Wu Jin hugging a rabbit and shooting with a gun.

––”Little Witch, you’re the best!”

Wu Jin’s eyes brightened.

“It’s really cute, right?” The stage manager laughed, “The banners submitted to the contestants by fans are selected at random and given to the contestants. Keep it, you can bring it with you to the match.”

Wu Jin nodded happily and put away the note. He waved at the other trainees before going in for the assessment––

He suddenly fell into a daze.

“Ev-every contestant will have one?”

Stage manager: “Yes, in theory. The less responses there are from fans, the higher the likelihood that their submission will be drawn. Some players only have one support banner, which means that there’s a 100% chance of being drawn. For someone with a lot of fans like you, Little Witch, it’s very rare for them to be selected... Is there a problem?”

Wu Jin looked absent-minded, “N, no...”

Back in the contestants’ seating area.

Red was shocked when the stage manager handed Wei Shi a strip of paper.

“God... Brother Wei didn’t appear on camera for the entire show, his photo was blurred, and his data was blank, but someone still gave him their support? And they even spent 100 credits to guard his promotion? Hahaha they’re protecting Brother Wei, hahaha what a strange one...”

Wei Shi swept him a glance and lazily unfolded the note. He looked at the rabbit drawn out in simple strokes and raised his eyebrows, his expression appearing a little pleased.

Red immediately fell silent. His eyes almost bugged out of his head in shock, but he couldn’t see what had been written and could only scratch his ears and cheeks in embarrassment.

Juurensha: Awwww WS gets to see the banner!

xiin: ahhhh Little Witch do you know what you did~~!!!

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