Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 75: Perennial Blaze

Chapter 75: Perennial Blaze

Haji didn't reply and just kept smiling. Then, time started to pass: 1 second, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 20 minutes, an hour. Emilia's face darkened more and more as time went on. She was only fluent in poison, not in hand-to-hand combat. When she understood her specialty was useless against Haji, she quickly surrendered.

"I admit my loss, please spare me."

"What will I get?"

Haji questioned her while Emilia looked at him and lowered her head.

"My body... I am still a virgin. No man would be able to resist my poisonous body, but... you could."

She blushed.

"A tempting offer, stand up."

Haji said as he came closer to her. He gently held her chin as her body gave off a lustful aura as if she had been dying to finally meet someone like him. She closed her eyes and Haji kissed her. He sucked her lower lip and then rolled his tongue inside her mouth.

Emilia was lost in a strange pleasure when suddenly she started to choke, her eyes turned red and her veins bulged as she looked at Haji.

Haji Tea had absorbed the dwelling gem of Duran Subedar, Poison Dragon King. After activating his spear, Haji was immune to nearly all toxic substances. He tried many poisons in Carnage Prison but nothing affected him, that's why he was confident in boldly challenging the Venom Queen.

He spoke to her as he stared.

"Did you really think I would leave you alive after what you have done to my city? I just wanted to give you some hope before taking it away, so you can experience the despair the people here felt under your organization's attack. Thanks for the kiss."

Emilia died in agony and her contracted beasts were released from the contract. Haji called out Shine Goose to kill them all as they were too poisonous to be left alone.

"Thank goodness, no one saw me kissing her otherwise Ayesha would skin me alive."


[2nd General of Death Gate, Emilia Portlet has been killed by Haji Tea.]

<A different battlefield>

Daan Godlyn and Waheed Lund were in the middle of a tough battle. The former's soldiers were fighting the supporters of the 4th General while Rampage Gorilla was facing the four beasts.

Waheed dashed in and attacked Daan Godlyn, fiercely swinging his fist at him, The Lion King leaned backwards to dodge it, however, Waheed, using the momentum gained from his swing, spun around and delivered a spinning kick. As a result, Daan was flung away for several meters before digging his claws on the ground and stopping it.

Then, he growled and stood back up but before he could stabilize himself, the Bone Crusher reached him and attacked him with a kick again. Daan smashed against a plaza, destroying it and continued to fly until he collided with a house, wrecking it as well. His assailant jumped on a tall ziggurat near him and looked down at his opponent. Daan roared lightly and before standing up again.


Waheed dove down from the building and landed on the body of Daan who cried out loudly, his body was throbbing in pain. A few of his ribs were broken as he took deep breaths while Waheed was still standing on top of him. The ripped human launched a barrage of punches on Daan, battering his entire torso and head. All thanks to the deadly blows of the 4th General of Death Gate.

Daan would have normally died from the first few attacks, but his armour protected him. Alas, it wouldn't hold out long. The difference between their realms was simply too big, Bone Crusher's realm was higher by 2 stages. It was already unfathomable that Daan had survived the Bone Crusher's barrage so far.

On the other hand, Rampage Gorilla was dominating all four beasts of Waheed. The gorilla was at the Star Captain realm while the three beasts of Waheed were a vulture, crocodile and a bear. Rampage Gorilla felt Daan's pain throughout his entire fight. Thus, he impatiently tried to kill the beasts as quickly as possible.

He looked at the vulture and quickly jumped, however, his prey was constantly keeping an eye on him. As such, it flew even higher to avoid him. Nevertheless, while the gorilla was still in mid-air, he expanded his arms and soon, sparks of lightning started to manifest as he used his skill.

"Clout of Lightning!"

Thunderclaps could be heard in the sky, stopping the vulture from moving further away. Lightning was coursing through Rampage Gorilla as he clapped his hands with ferocity and a bolt of lightning came down from the sky and struck his opponent, resulting in some fried chicken. As the burnt bird fell, the gorilla grabbed it mid-fall and used his incredible strength to rip it in half.


Blood sprayed the sky and soon, a heavy thud was heard as the gorilla landed back on the ground. Waheed Lund suddenly flinched as he felt the death of one of his pets, instantly looking in the direction of his beasts.

Daan, noticing this once in a lifetime opportunity, instantly took action while his opponent was briefly distracted. In a mere second, his right fist was engulfed in the blue flames he had gained from eating the core of the giant. Waheed saw that and tried to dodge.


Unfortunately for him, however, he failed to dodge and was instead flung away. Yet, the attack wasn't that powerful as Waheed was able to fix his posture quickly and stabilize his footing. After which, the 4th General humphed and cracked his neck.

"These low-level punches won't affect me, you have to... hmm, what is that?"

Waheed felt a burning sensation, his left cheek was torched with blue flames.


He cried out in agony whereas Daan simply stood, admiring his work. Until ground began to slightly vibrate around him, pebbles and other debris floated towards him before attaching themselves to his hands, doubling the size of his fists. Soon after, his fists were ignited with blue flames.

"I named this 'Strike of the Perennial Blaze'. Have another taste!"

Daan yelled before dashing forward, his fists were scorching. He moved his wings, flew towards the sky and dived downwards at blazing speed. Waheed was still desperately trying to extinguish the fire burning half of his face.

When Daan was about to reach him, the latter stepped backwards and grabbed the large arms of Daan Godlyn. Tilting them, he destroyed Daan's momentum. Then, Waheed used his power to slam Daan down to the ground but the Lion King widened his stance, implanted his feet into the ground and resisted. By that time, the fire had finally extinguished from the face of Waheed, his entire left side was burnt and his left eye had taken a lot of damage as well. Surprisingly, he still laughed.

"Hahaha, my dream has finally come true. I have always wanted to exchange blows with someone with all of my might, only using our bodies and skills. I have fulfilled my wish today!"

Waheed shot out a front kick at the injured chest of Daan who coughed out blood because of it. The flames were still alive on his hands but he no longer had strength in them.


Waheed fired off deadly kicks at Daan's torso, destroying all the bones of his chest and ribs. Daan now believed that his Bone Crusher moniker was well deserved. Finally, the Lion King fell on his knees, blood dripping from his mouth. Not wasting any time, Waheed quickly took his opponent into an armbar hold and exerted force before...


An unpleasant sound was heard as the bones in Dann's arms broke completely. As a result, Daan roared in pain, eyes filled with anger. His sudden surging rage gave him a little boost. When he roared, his entire broken arm turned into solid ice and this continued onto Waheed as well as half of his body was frozen as well. Then, Daan raised his other arm. When Waheed saw this, he closed his eyes quickly as he gritted his teeth and said to himself.

"Shit, he got me."


Daan used his Strike of the Perennial Blaze straight on Waheed's face, repeatedly punching it as he cried out. The scorching hot punches had swollen the unprotected face of Waleed up until, he eventually broke free from the ice and held onto the other arm of Daan.

History repeated itself as the other arm of Daan was broken as well. Daan prepared his tail to try and pierce his enemy but the 4th General kicked him, sending him far away. Dann rolled over the ground in pain with his eyes closed, his leftover strength was not enough for him to fight for any longer, his bones were broken.

After some time, Waheed got back up to his feet as he endured the pain inflicted upon him throughout this whole fight. His face had changed into melted mutilated skin. His left eye was useless, leaving only the right eye with some vision despite it suffering some burning as well.

Waheed huffed in pain and anger as he was about going to take the life of Daan when he felt a presence. He flinched and turned his head to looked backwards and his eyes widened when he saw the giant Rampage Gorilla standing near him. He tried to sense his beasts and soon realized they had all already died by the hands of this big green gorilla.

He soon realized the bad predicament he was in. He was at the 2nd Moon of a Star Captain while the beast in front of him was at the 3rd Moon of a Star Captain. Waheed thought to run, but a giant hand suddenly blocked his line of vision and slapped him, smashing through multiple buildings before finally settling under some rubble.

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