Taming my Monster Girl Harem from Scratch

Chapter 315 Yu Na's Domain

Chapter 315 Yu Na's Domain

Yu Na was angry.

Anyone who had eyes and could see would definitely notice her cold and silent rage. The cause of it was none other than the widespread destruction caused by demons and demon tamers alike.

Seeing her fly in the sky with an imposing posture as she looked down on Gemini was enough to freeze one's heart to death.

I wasn't delaying either, as I knew that soon enough, the surrounding area of Gemini would be designated as a battle zone. Using my full speed, I moved Hekate and the civilians out of the way. It didn't take five seconds to complete my task.


Just as I finished evacuating everyone, Yu Na snapped her finger. As soon as she did, Gemini regained his freedom, as if the pressure that was holding him in a place like a statue disappeared instantly.

"You Demon Tamers wreaked havoc in my city... Don't think you'd die a painless death after all that."

"Y-Y-Y-Yu Na!"

Despite his not being in the right mind, it seems like he could still recognize important figures. His face turned from a smile to a frown almost immediately.

"You, d-d-dangerous enemy! KILL!"

With incoherent words, from the center of the mass of tentacles, more and more of them started popping up, growing like bean sprouts. 

The tentacles regenerated and multiplied before moving all at once to attack Yu Na and her twin monsters that were still standing in place. Seeing the incoming mass of tentacles, Yu Na grimaced in disgust.

"What a barbaric attack."

Without even batting an eye at the incoming appendages, Yu Na simply took a step forward. Yes, she was walking on air, as if it were flat ground! Each step she took sent a ripple of visible energy.

The ripples, as they converged, created an almost impenetrable barrier that denied the tentacles from coming to the same altitude as Yu Na was standing.

One after another, the tentacles smashed against the ripples, but the barrier didn't budge an inch. After about twenty steps, Yu Na stopped. Her cold gaze was still locked onto the figure of Gemini, who was hidden behind a thick wall of tentacles.

Although it seemed as if Yu Na wasn't doing anything, the energy waves from her twenty steps started rebounding against an invisible cube that trapped Gemini. The cube was literally right up to my nose, making me feel a chill run down my spine. Just a step forward, and I'd be dragged into her attack too.

"Let's see... First, kneel."

Yu Na lightly snapped her fingers.

The sound waves from it started aggravating the previous ripples and creating a chaotic view that was almost dizzying to look at. Together with it, Gemini's tentacles started to move a lot more sluggishly compared to before.

It was as if he was suddenly dipped under a deep swamp, completely limiting his movements.


The poor zodiac could only release a groan as he fell out of the wall of tentacles, dropping on all fours before Yu Na.

"Hmph! A fitting display for a worm like you are."

Yu Na added, her gaze filled with disdain.

Gemini was gritting his teeth, his entire body shaking. It wasn't evident if he was angry, embarrassed, or scared, but the shaking of his body became more and more violent as time passed.


Seeing that he wasn't falling flat against the floor, Yu Na was about to snap her finger once more. At that moment, suddenly, a thicker tentacle burst out of the ground, heading straight for Yu Na, who was still in the air.

"Persistent b*stard!"

However, with a simple snap, the sound waves of her fingers caused more ripples, which completely stopped the incoming attack on its track before it could even reach half the distance to her.

Even though I've been watching it the entire time, I was completely unable to guess what Yu Na was using. She was using sound as a medium, but her skill and energy were too complicated for me to completely analyze. It was as if she was creating a new element for herself!

Gemini was completely unable to fight back, and from the pressure of the sound alone, I could already hear the bones in his body creaking and cracking. At this rate, he would simply die from getting crushed by nothing but "sound."

"Mnnnngh! Re-R-Release!"

Forcing himself, Gemini muttered a single word. As if in accordance with it, the tentacles around him started to morph.

Previously, they looked like long tubes made of random meat parts, but now the entire tentacle has turned a shadowy color. The new tentacles looked extremely familiar and immediately made me realize what this guy was doing.

"This bug... He's Noir's fan!"

I felt it before, but now that his tentacles turned into something like a shadow, I was finally convinced. He was copying Noir's fighting style!

The shadow tentacles, as if having been released from the heavy restraint of the air, moved with agility as they approached Yu Na above. Seeing the incoming attack, her brows rose.

"You still have tricks up your sleeve? Too bad. You're a step too late."

A single step forward, but the sound that it released was a lot deeper and louder than before. The energy waves coming from it were not rebounding either, creating a perfect sphere that enclosed only Yu Na, her two monsters, and Gemini.

"[Domain: Complete Information Control]!"

She raised her right arm straight forward before bringing it down. It was as if she were a commander, sending her soldiers the signal to attack.

As soon as her hand was waved down, a golden pulse of light spread. It was so bright that I was forced to close my eyes for an instant. When I opened my eyes again, the scene before me made me feel both excited and afraid.

"This... a domain!"

I have seen various domains before and even went to God Domains, but this sort of domain was a first. It didn't change the world that was within it, but rather took complete control of it.

Yu Na could technically create anything inside it as long as she could input all the information about the object, or she could even delete anything that was inside her domain.

In short, now that Gemini is locked inside her domain, there's nothing left for him to do but wait for his death.

"I won't be giving you a swift death, as you do not deserve such mercy."

Yu Na's words were serious and definitely said with malice. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, huh? I guess it's a fitting phrase for her right now.

Gemini, like when he was enclosed in the cube barrier before, was completely unable to move. However, this time, it wasn't because the sound waves were bearing down on his body, but rather because he was fixed in place, along with the surrounding molecules.

To move once more, he would first need energy that could overpower Yu Na's control or to deploy his own domain. However, Demon Tamers are unable to cast their domain, as the methods they use to gain power are far from the right way.

Long story short, Gemini was f*cked.

As if controlling Gemini's body, Yu Na raised her hand up. As she did, his body too started to float right until his head was at the same level as her soles, just a couple of meters in front of her. 

"You guys enjoyed tormenting my people, right? Why don't you have a taste of your own medicine?"

With a playful but cold tone, Yu Na moved her hand and spread her fingers wide. As if to follow it, Gemini's four limbs were forcefully pulled wide, just like the Vitruvian Man's pose.

With her right hand held in place, she then moved her left hand as if controlling invisible knobs in the air. As she did, Gemini's entire right arm started to turn counterclockwise from his shoulder down.


Foam started appearing on the corner of his mouth from the intense pain he felt as his arm was rotated beyond its natural limits.

With a pop, his shoulder dislocated.

With a crack, his elbow broke.

And with a snap, all the bones in his arm broke into pieces.

After Yu Na stopped controlling the arm, it immediately dropped down like jelly. With that extent of injury, his pain receptors should've shut off already. However, using her domain, Yu Na didn't allow it. Rather, she even tuned the paint to feel 10 times more painful than it really was.

Gemini was already almost unconscious from the pain alone, but he still had three more intact limbs. His hell was just starting.

In the end, after Yu Na was done, Gemini was already unresponsive. It was as if his soul had already left his body, leaving nothing but an empty husk. Finding it boring, Yu Na then turned around and walked away. As she did, her domain slowly "deleted" Gemini's body from existence, leaving nothing behind.

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