Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan

Chapter 116: Buzz Maker

Chapter 116: Buzz Maker

"Saving your friend?"

"Um, I have talked about her to you, right?"

"Yeah, I remember."

This friend was, without a doubt, the one that Julis was closest with and the one that caused her to have a plant addiction.

Rank one in Le Wolfe and one in the Unified Rankings, Ereshkigal, Orphelia Landlufen.

In their childhood, the relationship between Orphelia and Julis was so close. They were like a pair of sisters, inseparable.

When Julis was still a tomboy girl, who could only play with soil or ball, Orphelia often stayed in the glass house, planting various plants to make the depressing atmosphere of the orphanage more colorful.

Orphelia taught Julis many things about plants, but everything changed on a certain day. She suddenly disappeared, and Julis, who tried desperately searching for her, realized that everything was too late since her dear friend was bought and used as a research object.

Tamazuki wasn't sure of the details, but the only thing that he knew was that the financial situation of the orphanage wasn't good at that time, so in the end, Orphelia sold herself as a research object in the name of a special scholarship.

It was also an accident that turned Julis into a plant addict. She was only a child, and she didn't know what to do. The only thing she could do was desperately train, thinking of going to the Asterisk to achieve her wish. Naturally, such pressure was hard for someone her age, so she could only ease her stress by tending the plants, making her a plant addict.

Now, the moment she could save Orphelia was there, so how could she let it go?

Yet, Tamazuki had to say he was interested in Orphelia. For one thing, Julis told him that Orphelia was just an ordinary girl. Orphelia wasn't a Genestellar or Strega, yet how could she become the strongest student in Asterisk? She could even win the Lindwurm, which was known as the hardest-to-win type of Festa.


The answer was simple.

Magnum Opus.

The reason why Orphelia could become so strong was because of this person.

When he exchanged data with Ernesta and Camilla, the research which attracted his attention the most was, without a doubt, the one from Tenario. Magnum Opus, or Hilda Jane Rowlands, was the ex-leader of this faction, yet because of something, she was exiled.

Naturally, this something would cause a scandal, so everything was kept a secret.

Yet, without a doubt, this was related to Orphelia.

Frankly, he had never met Orphelia, but he was curious and thought about meeting her.

It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that she might trigger his system.


"It's okay. I am sure that you can save her."

"Thank you."

"I am also curious about this friend of yours."


Julis fell in silence and suddenly wondered whether it was really alright for Tamazuki to meet Orphelia. She knew what kind of beast her man was, and even though she had accepted the reality, how could she let her friend enter the pit? Yet, when she thought about Orphelia that day, she felt that it might be okay to let them meet each other; at least, she hoped that Orphelia wouldn't have such a fatalist view of life once again.

"That's enough about me. Are you sure that you want to give your wish to Claudia?"

When Julis thought about it, she had to say this guy was an amazing lover.

A single wish from the IEFs was something that everyone desperately tried to get. Everyone came to the Asterisk because they were given to ask such a wish, yet Tamazuki easily gave that wish to Claudia, making her dumbfounded and helpless.


Tamazuki nodded. "By the way, let's finish with the interview soon. I want to watch the other matches."


Even if they wanted to run away, it was impossible since they knew the moment they walked out from the stage, the reporters would follow them like a dog. Even if many of those reporters were just normal humans, as long as they could get a scope, they would do anything. No matter where they were, they would be chased. Moreover, as they were the fighters of Festa, without a doubt, they were obliged to answer the interview since they needed to make this tournament more festive.

As expected, when they walked out, they were surrounded instantly.

If it was someone else, they would panic, but for Tamazuki and Julis, such a thing was impossible.

Julis was a princess, and Tamazuki was Tamazuki.

Julis aside, everyone was curious about what Tamazuki was going to ask.

"Inugami-san, how confident are you to win this Festa?"

"100%. There is no answer other than that. I am going to win this Festa, and no one else can win it other than me. You and the rest, all of you suckers, are going to become my supporting roles."

"...." Julis.

"...." Everyone.

Those words alone were enough to make a buzz on the Asterisk and the world.

Without a doubt, he was arrogant, yet this arrogance was something that everyone was looking forward to.

Julis was helpless, but she didn't say anything since she also shared his feelings to win this Festa.

Still, he hadn't finished since he had something to announce.

"Everyone, there is something that I want to talk about with all of you."

All the reporters became quiet and leaned forward eagerly, waiting for the news that they were going to receive from this buzz maker.

"I know that everyone who becomes the champion of the Festa will be granted one chance to ask a single wish to the IEFs, but here I want to tell you that I won't ask for such a wish."


They opened their eyes wide and dumbfounded.

"But it doesn't mean that I won't use this chance. Instead, I want to give this chance to someone." He looked at the corner and saw someone who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Sometimes, he wondered whether Claudia was the legendary Phantom Sixth Man of the Generation Miracle.

"Claudia, come here."

Claudia smiled and gracefully walked in his direction.

"I will give her the chance to ask that wish."

Tamazuki said with ease, as he was just treating a girl to dinner on the first date.


Someone couldn't help but ask since this was a big chance for someone!

The chance to ask for a wish, and it could do anything.

That single wish was enough to change one's life, yet he gave it so easily to his woman?

Somehow, they couldn't tell whether he was amazing or an idiot.

"Um... Enfield-san, what is your wish?"

They couldn't help but ask since they wondered why Tamazuki would give his chance to Claudia.

It was customary in Astierk for the press not to look too deeply into contestants' rewards for winning the Festain other words, their wishes would be kept as a secret by IEFs. After all, unless the relevant party had divulged it, such questions risked upsetting the foundations themselves.


"Heh-heh, let's see..." Claudia said with a small laugh." This does seem like a good opportunity." She paused there, her shoulders trembling as if holding herself from letting the tension build for a moment. "I wonder whether you have all heard of Professor Ladislav Barotisk?" She finally asked.

"Professor Bartosik? Wasn't he involved with Orga Lux's research...?"

A wave of confusion spread among the reporters.

Tamazuki didn't say anything, but Julis got restless.

"But hasn't Professor Bartoisk been missing for several years now...?" The reporter asked.

"No, he is presently in custody due to his involvement with the Jade Twilight Incident," Claduai answered without hesitation, clearly anticipating the question. "My wish is to meet with him and have a little talk."

An uneasiness quite unlike that which had assailed them a moment ago took root among the reporters.

There wasn't a person there who didn't know that mentioning the Jade Twilight Incident was taboo in Asterisk. No one could have forgotten about the incident, of course, but the people had to be especially careful when touching on the topic.

"Um, what do you mean, exactly...?"

"There is a secret that only the professor knows the answer to. I want him to share it with me," Claudia answered before giving a slight bow to the rattled reporters.

"Tamazuki, come on."

Claudia held his hand tightly and left.

Tamazuki sighed as he held her trembling hand tightly.

"Thank you."

"Don't be. You just need to repay me well since I won't forgive you if you don't."

"I will." Claudia smiled sweetly and leaned on his strong and reliable arm.

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