Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan

Chapter 180: Sacrifices have been in a place

Chapter 180: Sacrifices have been in a place

Leveling the ground in their wake, the orc arm advanced into the wetlands.

Trample them! Trample them! Trample them! Trample them!

While lifting their voices, with a glow in their eyes, the orc army marched with killing intent and greed to eat everything.

There was not a single normal thought in their minds.

Everything their eyes fell upon was food.

They forever hungered, and only the desire to eat pushed them forward.


Again, a comrade had fallen.

By then, they were overjoyed. More food! They thought. Normally, he was their comrade.

Now, he was but a lump of flesh to eat.

He was still breathing, but to them, it meant the meat was fresh.

Those fortunate to be walking close immediately began disassembling the corpse.

The liver was reserved for the squad leader, but the rest went to the one who grabbed it first.

A disgusting sound reverberated through the land.

They are always hungry.

And their strength rises the hungrier they are.

That is the effect of the Unique Skill [Starving Ones].

As long as they eat their fallen comrades, as long as their hunger remains unfulfilled, their strength will continue to rise.

They are the 200,000 orc army.

Under the control of the Orc Lord, an army that marches through the hell of starvation.

Never to see salvation.

Just marching forward to satisfy their hunger. Never being able to satisfy it...

And endless hell.

Before them lay an army of the Lizardmen.

The opponents they had never thought to beat were just rank D monsters, but Lizardman had never been their first. Before the Lizardman, they had also massacred the entire tribe of ogres, who were rank B monsters.

Facing those monsters whose rank was higher than theirs, normally, they could only feel fear towards them, and directing killing intent at them would have been unthinkable.


Trample them! Trample them! Trample them! Trample them!

Their feet would not stop.

Rather, they ran towards the food.

Towards the rampaging lizardmen, their relentless strength!

How many comrades were torn to pierce, and how many were cut down...

However! It doesn't matter to the orcs, who see the fallen as merely more food.

They were overjoyed.

Perhaps they could satisfy their hunger if a bit.

A single lizardman had fallen.

Immediately, the orcs crowded the corpse and began dismembering it.

Drinking blood and devouring flesh. Oh... but that did not satisfy their hunger.

But, the bodies of the orcs had changedthey absorbed the lizardmen's strength.

Seeing their friends gulped down by lowly orcs, the lizardmen let out a scream of agony.

Lamenting the weakness of their overwhelming power...

Gradually, those filled with power appeared from within the orcs.

Devour our comrades and make their powers ours!

Devour our enemies, and make their powers ours!

And again, they eat.

Without any fear of death. Somedays, their power will grow and surpass that of their king.

Their king.

The ultimate orc, the Ord Lord!

Their match continues.

And now, again, they are about to eat their prey.


"Use the terrain! Use our advantages! Use our speed! Crush them!"

Gabil stood in the high place, shouting with all of his might to give courage to his followers. This battle, he vowed to win, yet the reality was harder than he had thought.




Gabil jumped into the one that needed help and swung his spear bravely, even if he was surrounded by orcs.

"Bring the wounded away! The ones that can fight to use your all! We have to win this battle!"


Those who could fight followed the leadership of Gabil, but Gabil, who fought in front of everyone as a vanguard, realized the horror of the orcs.

Before this battle, they had the advantage as they were fighting on wetlands and lakes. They used their speeds, ability to swim, and the terrain as their advantages, but even so, the numbers of orcs were too much, so one of them was killed and eaten. Yet, after one of them was killed, the orcs gained the ability to fight on this terrain!

They lost their advantages, and soon they were about to be killed and eaten!

Suddenly, Gabil realized why his father fought in the caves. Suddenly, he realized why he realized his father had never let those who were wounded be in battle!

Yet, everything was too late.

Those goblins were eaten without mercy, yet Gabil didn't care about them as he only cared about the lizardmen. By now, if they can't stop this group of orcs, then they will target their homes.

In that home, everyone was living there.

From a woman, a child, and an elderly.

All of them!

The thought of them being killed and eaten because of his mistake caused Gabil to shiver in horror.

Yet, how could he give up?

"Even if we are killed, don't back down! We have to stop them! Don't let them destroy our home!"


Yes, even so, as the lizardmen, they still had their pride, and they wouldn't run with their tails.

Yet, those who were at the headquarters also quickly realized what had happened.

The only thing they could do was to evacuate, especially those children and females. Even if the males were killed, as long as the children and the women left, they still had hope.

No matter what, they would protect this hope!

Still, the king had expected this matter, so he quickly sent his daughter, who was also the chief of guard. He needed to tell his allies about what had happened here. He needed to ask them to come to help them. He didn't care about himself, but he wanted those women and children to be okay, alright from the orcs that targeted them.

In this prison, he prayed for his daughter's success.


She wasn't sure how long she had been running, but she knew she needed to come to their ally as soon as possible. Yet, it was hard. She was being chased by a group of orcs, and she was also exhausted to her limit.

Soon, she fell.

Ah, is this the end?

Yet, when she thought about the crisis of everyone, she gritted her teeth and crawled. Even if her legs were useless, she would keep running, but in the end, she was caught up.

"Hehe, you can't run away anymore."

"Enough of talk. Let's just eat."

"Yeah, I am hungry."

For the orcs, all the living beings were their food. As they were always hungry, they would eat anything.

Is this the end? But I haven't even completed my task!

She, who thought that everything was about to end, suddenly saw the heads of those orcs flying, cut down by something. From the expression of those orcs, she could tell that they didn't even realize that they had died.

She saw the figure of someone... no, a beast with long white hair that was like the full moon, a beast-like gaze, and a devilishly handsome face, holding a sharp, black-colored blade that reminded her of an abyss itself.

Her body shivered, and her heart was beating so fast.

He didn't even look at her but looked at the figure of the beautiful woman with green hair by his side.

"Are they over there?"

"Yes, hundreds of thousands of orcs are in that place."

"Tamazuki, are you sure that you are going there alone?"

A slime, who sat on the top of the head of the giant wolf-like monster, seemed to be the one who asked that question.

Then, soon, she realized that she was surrounded by many powerful individuals.

"Yes, I will go first since I need them for an experiment." He took a deep breath. "See you there." Leaving those words, suddenly, his figure melted into the air and vanished.


Being stared at by all of them, she could only say, "Help us!"

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