Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan

Chapter 193: Dojo Challenger

Chapter 193: Dojo Challenger

High above, beyond a mountain peak, hidden among the clouds, a single building existed.

The building might be old and had been standing there for several generations, yet even if many generations had passed, this building continued to exist and stood firm.

To reach this building, one needed to walk through 100 stairs near the waterfall on the mountain.

Then, when they arrived at the entrance, they would be attracted to the plaque that was written on the entrance of the building.

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist Dojo.

If someone wasn't familiar with martial arts, they would be confused by the name of this dojo, but when they heard the name of the owner of this dojo, they would instantly understand the significance of this dojo.


This was the name of the leader of this dojo.

This was also the name of a famous hero in this world.

A master martial artist who was known for his prowess.

His age might be advanced, yet no one doubted his power as he had fought various monsters, showing his reputation wasn't for nothing.

Yes, this was his dojo.

While most people knew him as a hero, those who knew him beforehand would think of him as one of the strongest martial artists in the world.

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist was the name of his martial art style and the art he taught in his dojo.

The ultimate art of redirecting forces.

Before it, your fists are like tree leaves in a raging river.

Those were the best words to describe this martial art.

After being defeated by his older brother Bomb in the past, Bang abandoned his old fighting style, and many years later, he invented Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, the ultimate defensive art, while studying with his brother.

This was the origin of this art.

This style involves understanding and re-creating the flows of torrential and undulating forces within one's body, putting this into the user's fists. When used by a skilled fighter, this martial art is very effective and powerful, especially against humanoid opponents, and as long as the opponents are of a certain size, that martial art can still affect them.

"Leading enemies around the nose by moving like a calm stream, only to finish them off with a punch strong enough to smash great rocks like a raging river."

"the perfect blend of offense and defense."

They were words often said by people when they saw this art.

Because of this, many people came to become Bang's students to learn this martial art.

Bang also accepted them and taught them all of his knowledge as he was a good teacher.

With such a good and powerful teacher, all the students were excited, and they had pride in being Bang's students.

They were powerful!

This is what they thought, especially when they defeated many challengers who had challenged their dojo.

Moreover, no matter what the era was, there had always been a number of people who wished to become strong. Along with the existence of monsters, being strong would give a stable job to anyone, so Bang had a lot of students.

However, everything changed a few months ago.

One of his students, the best one, had gone berserk and beat up all the students when Bang left.

This student didn't give mercy to anyone and beat all of the people in the dojo, changing the popular dojo into a deserted one.

Bang lost all of his students except for one.


It was the name of Bang's last student.

Charanko might not be talented, but when everyone quit, he just happened to register and became the only student in the dojo. Yet, because of this, it gave him an image that he was the chosen one and became the only inheritor of this martial art.

As a young man, of course, he was excited and felt pride for being chosen.

'I will work hard!'

'I won't let Bang-sensei's trust go to waste!'

'Let the name of the Inheritor of Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, Charanko spread the world!'

This was the thought of this young man.

Bang also had never said anything and just let the young man fall into his delusion, giving Charanko more illusion that he was talented.

Moreover, Charanko was alone, so he didn't need to compare himself with anyone.

At this moment, in this dojo, everything was ordinary.

After that accident, the dojo was quiet, and only two people were living in this spacious building.

As usual, after they cleaned up the dojo in the morning, they trained as usual.

Bang was free as he didn't have his hero's job, so he gave a pointer to Charanko, like how a good teacher was.

Charanko, who thought that he was a protagonist of a martial art novel, also worked hard. His face was full of sweat, and he felt like he could crumble anytime, but even so, he still stood tremblingly, putting all of his efforts into his daily training.

Watching Charanko in the middle of training, Bang couldn't help but reminisce about his past. Without a doubt, he didn't think about his last student, Charanko. Instead, he was thinking about the student who had brought a disaster to his dojo.

Unlike his current situation, in his youth, Bang was wild. He fought all he wished, and he did all he wanted to do. No rules could bind him. No, he was the rule!

That was the way of life!

So, when he thought about "that student," he couldn't help but remember his youth, especially when "that student" was also extremely talented.

For a teacher like him, having a talented student was something to be happy about.

Teaching someone incompetent and someone talented was different.

It might seem unfair, but the truth was like this.

As someone who was prideful, naturally, he wanted his art to be inherited by the next generation.

That student was someone that he thought of as his inheritor and probably his son, too, as he didn't have children.

Yet, everything was late and became nothing.

As he sipped his warm tea, he fell into a trace.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Meanwhile, Charanko continued to practice as usual, oblivious to his teacher's mood.

Still, without a doubt, this was a peaceful day for the two of them.

However, if someone read this introduction, they would realize that this was the calm before the storm.

Then, as expected...


Suddenly, a loud voice echoed throughout the peak of the mountain.

Bang and Charanko were surprised, but they quickly calmed down.

"Charanko, go and greet the guest."


Charanko nodded and quickly walked toward the entrance. He was filled with hatred as this person had interrupted his training time. Yet, he was accustomed to this as this often happened.

Dojo challenge.

As a famous martial artist, Bang often received challenges from many martial artists. Moreover, the fall of his dojo because of his previous student made all the people think that this was the fall of this old fossil.

Many came to challenge him, and it was time for them to shine.

They all came to challenge Bang, but the result was obvious... annihilation.

Bang defeated all of them easily.

Yet, toward this new challenger, could he do it?


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