Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan

Chapter 253: Lacer's Noble Phantasm

Chapter 253: Lacer's Noble Phantasm

Lancer changed his stance to hold with both hands his finally exposed lethal weapon.

Saber also lowered her sword, measuring the distance between her and Lancer with greater caution.

Exposing one's Noble Phantasm can have two different kinds of effects.

One type of demonstration of the large power of one's deadliest moves as they announce its true name. Take Saber's ultimate secret move. She has "Excaliburthe Sword of Promised Victory: currently protected behind a bounded field of invisibility, but if she throws away the camouflage and shouts its true name, her sacred sword would shoot a stream of light that can mow down a thousand soldiers. As if it truly is an anti-force Noble Phantasm that can turn the ground into scorched earth, it cannot be used just like that but as a last step.

Along with that, there can also be how the weapon already carries the nature of a Noble Phantasm. In Saber's case, her "Invisible AirBarrier of the Wind King" is an example. That alone doesn't have the capability to annihilate the enemy; it is more a Noble Phantasm suitable in battle as a "sharp tool." It isn't particularly used for strength, but to put it differently, it is easier to use and a trump card that can bring victory if used well.

And so, Lancer's red spear

Probably the latter. So said Saber's intubation. Lancer would keep exchanging continuous blows with Saber. She didn't suspect the next strike to be decisive for the fight.


The two closed the distance by sliding their feet silently but with the tension doubling.

Lancer made the first move.

Compared to the acrobatic freedom of this spear up to now, this was a much simpler stand in a straight line. A stabbing thrust that was guessing the length of Saber's blade hidden under Invisible Air, or rather, renouncing to watch out for it.

In a natural reaction, Saber repelled Lancer's spear with the arm that held the sword, ignoring the pain. Really, that was neither too serious nor sharp, just a common strike, but...

The disaster came like a squall.

Between the entangled spear and sword, an abrupt, unexpected gale rolled in and blew around.


Letting out a shocked voice, Saber took three steps away from Lancer's spear. Lancer calmly resumed his stance without chasing her.

Yet, those Masters were unable to understand the situation.

The gust of wind just now lasted only an instant, but it wasn't particularly gushing out Prana. The origin of that win was an enigma, but that definitely wasn't a threat from Lancer.

Nevertheless, Saber was the only one who was shocked; Lancer was smiling boldly at her astonishment.

"I exposed your precious sword."


Silently, Saber didn't comprehend Lancer's victorious mutter. They both understood the reason behind this mysterious phenomenon.

The wind that came from Saber's sword... More specifically, that was Invisible Air's doing.

The bounded field of condensed pressure that could refract light had leaked out in just an instant. The instant it had clashed with Lancer's spear, the Prana controlling the wind around the sword had become loose.

At that moment, Lancer had caught a glimpse of the shape of the "true sword" inside the torn, bounded field. Lancer's murmur from before was proof that it was definitely his spear that had exposed the Invisible Air.

"I got the length of your blade. You won't get me with that invisible interval again."

Whether it was an exaggeration or not, Lancer started flinging thrust.

Just as he had said, the spear strikes suddenly gained in vigor; the attacks were more severe and not vain anymore. Having certified the distance Saber's blade could go, he made no mistake in his aiming. Letting just one thrust pass meant a fatal wound; understanding that much, Saber kept moving her body and parried every single spear strike with her blade.

Flickering, there showed the afterimage of the shape of her golden sword.


There was still pressure coming out of Invisible Air, but it was a continuous, random gale violently blowing Saber's blond hair in waves. There was no doubt left. Lancer's red spear was draining Invisible Air. Each time it came with the tip of the spear, the golden blade was showing like a stroboscope.

'But... with that spear...'

There was still a way; Saber encouraged herself. Using a spear with both hands was a style that Saber could deal with.

Amid an interrupted series of strikes, Saber tried to find just one attack with weak aiming. With just that, she could twist her body instead of praying and relying on the hardness of her armor. A well-placed counter in a near-death situation could be a perfect opportunity.

In a swift move, Saber struck at Lancer's shoulder. She ignored the tip of the red spear grazing her flank. It should be superficial on her armor, and meanwhile, she would be splitting her enemy from the shoulder

Saber foresaw the pain, her intubation saving her from a lost cause.

With her sword dropping in mid-air, Saber turned over and threw herself to the side. It was hard to say if it had been a close call. Lancer's howling spear definitely seemed to have spilled blood.

There's no need to say whose blood it is.

Rolling on the ground, Saber escaped from Lancer pursuing her and stood up immediately to keep track of her opponent. Her eyes betrayed her pain.


Seeing that something had happened, Irisviel started sending out Prana to heal Saber's flank.

"Thank you, Irisviel. I'm fine. The healing is working."

Despite saying so, Saber was still holding her side as if there were still traces of pain left.

"it does seem like victory will not be gained that easily..."

Muttering, Lancer didn't seem to be discouraged and instead spoke with an amused voice.

Visibly, this man greatly enjoyed competing against a formidable enemy.

Grinding her teeth, Saber calmly assembled the puzzle in her mind, and a series of hardly believable circumstances pierced themselves together.


"Master, didn't you say that Lancer was weak?"

"He is when compared to all the Servants."

Watching Lancer wounded Saber, Scheherazade became scared and couldn't help but ask Tamazuki.

However, Tamazuki was still as calm as ever.

"Lancer, or Diarmuid's Noble Phantasm, is just his two lances. That's it. Meanwhile, you could see how Saber, who should be dead now, could suddenly twist her body and escape from death. Compared to Lancer's Noble Phantasm, Saber's battle intuition is far more difficult to face. Moreover, Saber hasn't shown her Noble Phantasm at all."

"When you say that..."

"Though, it couldn't be denied that Lancer is far stronger than you."

"..." Scheherazade.

"However, if you use your Noble Phantasm, then Lancer can do nothing."

Scheherazade nodded since even if she feared facing the Servants and a coward who was afraid of death, she still had confidence in her Noble Phantasm. Moreover, in the Holy Grail, instead of facing the Servant, it was better to face the Masters as they were easier to kill.

She might seem a cute, beautiful, submissive mature married woman, but nevertheless, to bring victory to her Master, she would do anything.

"But two Noble Phantasms?"

"That's right. Lancer's two spears are his Noble Phantasm, and as you can see, his red spear has the ability to cut off Prana."


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